When I saw it for the first time, the Pope Gongyezhuo was directly shocked...

But after a glance, all this is true.

This did not dream either.

For Fang Fan, he also has some impressions. After all, he can represent the third-class Guangming Alliance Temple in Qingtian Sanctuary and become a student of Guangming Academy, which is also a face...

In addition, under the leadership of Fang Fan, a total of more than 100 people from the third-class Guangming Alliance Temple of the Sky-High Sanctuary joined the Guangming Academy, and they were all students from the inner palace!

How strong is it!

Fang Fan even won the first place in the freshman assessment with a tough attitude.

Each of these piles is a symbol of ability!

At this point, Pope Gong Yezhuo couldn't help but nodded deeply. When he heard this for the first time, the whole person was shocked. The thoughts gathered here, and he followed inexplicably with a comprehensive emotion.

Qingtian Sanctuary was once famous because of Fang Fan!

Seeing Fang Fan's return at this moment, of course he should welcome him with a smile.

More importantly, Murong Yu is here, and he has to give some face to what he says.

"Archbishop Murong in red!"

"Fang Fan acts as Cardinal!"

"Sage of Dongguo..."

"Why are you three here together..."

"How many, come to me, something?"

As Pope Gongyezhuo spoke, the smile on his face grew more and more.

Fang Fan smiled silently, then threw a token over...

It marked some messages of Zhuge Dun, the third-class luminous alliance temple saint in Qingtian Sanctuary.

"This is the waist card of Saint Zhuge..."

"What about others?"

Pope Gongyezhuo was taken aback for a moment, looking a little clouded.

"He is dead……"

"I was lit a sky lantern and it was cold."

Fang Fan smiled frankly, his eyes seemed extremely pure, and then his eyes focused on the face of the Pope Gongyezhuo, wanting to observe the changes in his complexion.

Fang Fan also wanted to know if the group of people in black besieged the Snow Crystal Plane, whether the Pope Gongyezhuo was involved in it.

"Light the sky lantern?"

"What's the matter?"

"Fang Fan acts as Cardinal, I need you to give me an explanation!"

Pope Gong Yezhuo frowned subconsciously, and while speaking, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but twitch, his facial expressions changed especially real, and his expressions were also undergoing some changes at this moment.


"Ha ha……"

"What explanation do you want?"

"What you said, I really don't understand how to understand..."

"He and the practitioners of the dark camp attacked my Snow Crystal Plane, causing heavy losses to my Snow Crystal Plane. Does the Pope know about this?"

"Could this be instigated by the Pope?"

Fang Fan squinted his eyes, then said coldly.

Fang Fan's awe-inspiring posture followed, and instantly overwhelmed the aura of the Pope Gongyezhuo.

At this moment, the expression on his face changed extremely purely, and his lips couldn't help but wriggle a few times.

There are still many things in my mind at the moment.

He must figure out the purpose of Fang Fan suddenly saying this.

"This...I don't know about this..."

"I never let the sage Zhuge do these things..."

"This matter has nothing to do with the Pope..."

"If not, Fang Fan's acting cardinal can go to that person and confront me!"

Pope Gongyezhuo held his head high, with extraordinary self-confidence.

The group of people in black was so tough, he naturally didn't think Fang Fan could catch the group of people.

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