Xu Qin, the deputy governor of Yuanshi Academy, followed in an obscure manner, but this was actually a threat...

If you change to someone else, you might really feel panic and uneasy, and you might just be counseled at that time.

But for Tai Shujie, such a threat is without strength.

With Fang Fan and Bai Piao two ace disciples coming, what else is there to be afraid of?

When the time comes, just hit it up!

Needless to say the rest for the time being, this kind of thing manifests itself in such a proud posture!

Arrogant, but with a sense of infinite crushing!

"no problem…"

"Come on!"

"My apprentices have long been hungry and thirsty!"

"They all want to see how powerful these students from Yuanshi Academy are..."

"Hey...especially my apprentice named Fang Fan, that's even more so. He told me before, let our Guangming Academy directly send him to do it alone. He is completely capable of taking the Yuanshi Academy. All the students up to the fourth grade..."

"Really, this guy is too arrogant!"

"I reprimanded him at the time. Even if you have this ability, can you do it like this? Our Guangming Academy and Yuanshi Academy have to have a friendly and cooperative relationship. We have to give them a little face, right?"

"At that time, if it is really against Yuanshi Academy, it will be enough for Deputy Palace Master Xu Qin to take a five-game winning streak and ten-game winning streak. Don’t always think about taking a Yum-Lianjue..."

"That's not good..."

Tai Shu Jie gradually started Versailles, and immediately pulled Fang Fan out directly. This was exactly what he wanted Fang Fan to use as a shield!

Needless to say for the rest, this feeling is particularly real.

A wave of feeling, at this moment, there is a strong desire to sigh...

From the beginning to the end, that's what happened.

Real and clear!

And Fang Fan, at this moment, has become a tool man for Tai Uncle Jie to go to Versailles...

Tai Uncle Jie gave a hint, obviously wanting Fang Fan to follow along...

Fang Fan's scalp numb by the show...

Good guy...how can you be a good guy!

At this moment, Fang Fan can only express these emotions...

This kind of thing should go to Bai Piao, this guy is already very excited, this guy is bragging about it, and he never takes drafts.

Most suitable for the scene of Versailles!

As for Fang Fan, it is really embarrassing right now...

Embarrassed to pick your feet!

Isn't it a bad mentality to burst?

For Fang Fan, he can only tell the truth.

"Ha ha…"

"Is this the proud disciple of Uncle Tai?"

"Second star middle stage cultivation base?"

"Is this still a freshman?"

"Is the Guangming Academy now destitute to this point? All freshmen in the first year need to use the two-star sanctuary realm to make up for it?"

"This is the Guangming Academy?"

"Perhaps... it's not the Guangming Academy's problem, but the uncle Tai has really made no achievements in these years?"

"So I brought out a disciple from the Two-Star Sanctuary Realm, wanting to try luck at the exchange match?"

"In case of a leaking encounter and defeating an out-of-strength opponent, maybe it will still be famous to the heavens!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha…"

Xu Qin, the deputy governor of Yuanshi Academy, clutched his stomach and laughed so cheerfully and excitedly.

At this moment, I can finally come up with something to make a full mockery!

For Xu Qin, the deputy head of Yuanshi Academy, this was the best counterattack. The latest chapter address of the strongest card supplier in the last days of the god-level system: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/115266 .htmlThe full text of the strongest card supplier in the last days of the god-level system: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read /115266/God-level system, the strongest card supplier in the last days. txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/ down/115266.htmlGod-level system, the strongest card supplier in the last days, mobile phone reading: https://m.wuxiaspot.com /read/115266/In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 3088 I missed it once) Read the record and you will see it next time you open the bookshelf! if you like "God-level System Doomsday Strongest Card Supplier", please ask your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Recommend this book, thank you for your support! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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