Bai Piao yelled at the side with his throat, yelling, and the excitement on his face gathered in all directions. At this moment, the whole person was drifting along with him.

Needless to say, the rest is too real.

Glancing at the past, I feel a group of showy inexplicably!

Bai Piao may not be good enough to do other things, but in this respect, he is definitely the best! Don't be too strong!

There was really no attraction there at the beginning, but after hearing Bai Piao's howl, everyone's eyes gathered in an instant. At this moment, the eyes were widened, and it seemed more or less daunting...

It looks so special, it doesn't seem like that!

"Broken Dawn Academy vs. Black and White Academy, fair price betting? All one loses two? It's a lie...Isn't this a blood loss? I'm afraid this guy is a fool?"

"Ha ha…"

"It really looks like that..."

"Good fellow, that's probably it?"

"A glance at the past, it is immediately real!"

"Speaking of which, this handicap can be voted! The ghosts know that Ge Jie, a first-year student of Breaking Dawn Academy, who is now on stage, will win. Is this still necessary?

"Walk around, just go up and bet!"

"It's a rare encounter in a thousand years to have such a silly lack. Tsk...tsk...Take off!"

"Don't get too excited...really everyone is a fool? He can't see such obvious loopholes? I think there is something tricky in it!"

"Hehe! At that time, gather your star core in your hand, and then go away, who are you looking for?"

"There are a lot of things like this happening in the casino, so be careful..."

"This... don't be afraid of this, you see... look at it... good fellow, that's a sign played by Guangming Academy! This is a bet offered by Guangming Academy!"

"Opportunity! Opportunity is here!"

"Even if this person ran away, but the sign of the Guangming Academy is there, ha ha...Is this scary?"


"There is no one to be afraid of! Haha! Isn't it bad to go up and beat?"

"In the end, even if something goes wrong, there will be Guangming Academy backed up, so don't be afraid!"

"Stick to stay, stay in full!"

Waves of screams followed, and they seemed to be true...

While these people were still discussing, some of the more clever people rushed past.

They think they can take advantage of it, and they think they can't miss this golden opportunity!

At this moment, each of their eyes widened, and their bodies trembled rapidly, all the thoughts gathered in their hearts, and the whole person had become airy.

This time the thoughts gathered here, and the mentality exploded in an all-round way!

"Give me...give me three high-grade star cores..."

"I bet on a top grade star core!"

"I voted for 10 million low-grade star cores!"

"50 million low-grade star cores!"

"Fifty thousand middle-grade star core!"

The noise is endless, and the things on the scene are very real.

I glanced at the past and felt deeply.

At this moment, Bai Piao can be regarded as receiving the star core and receiving softness...

For him, how could such a good opportunity be easily let go!

At this moment, it is naturally admired!

He believed that Fang Fan must have seen something, so he asked him to make this cheap bet.

Of course, it's not that I haven't made any whispers in my heart...

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