Divine System of the Strongest Card Supplier in the End Times

Chapter 3172: Lying flat is too comfortable

I have to say that Nether Academy is really too ambitious...

Directly avoid the front and hold on to oneself...

This is how it looks when playing against the Dark Academy or the Light Academy.

From start to finish, there was not even a decent offense.

Anyway, just playing is just two words: admit defeat!

From the perspective of comprehensive interests, I have to say that this is indeed the wisest.

But if you think about it from other angles, it actually feels a bit greedy and fearful of death.

This is equivalent to not even having the courage to attack, isn't the whole person crippled directly with it?

For the rest, there is no need to say more.

Everything will come to an end!

The Fighter Club that Bai Piao struggled to win the battle hard to win just caught the cold.

That is, standing on the ring for a few minutes, and then it is completely over.

The surrounding spit sounds have long become weak...

The Nether Academy is too unpleasant...

On the top of the attic, the Dean of the Nether Academy looked calm...

"Whether it's the Dark Academy or the Light Academy, I can't beat the Nether Academy anyway. If I can't beat it, why do you fight to the end for those fame?"

"This will not only damage the elite of my Nether Academy, but also consume time and consume our own energy. It is not good for the next battle..."

"Since it is a hundred harms and no benefit, it is better to admit defeat and lie flat!"

The Dean of the Nether Academy showed it at a glance, but received a lot of response.

From a comprehensive perspective, this is really the case.

This does not mean that there is a problem with others. The matter is just such a thing, the situation is such a situation, and you can follow along with a hammer.

Bai Piao walked off the ring with a grudge on his face, and his whole body was depressed...

"The big move I held back was not released."

"Can they admit defeat a little bit slower?"

"Let me bombard it!"

"I went up to release the vent show, not up to stand guard."

Bai Piao had a lot of complaints, and he was still talking in full at this moment.


"After that, there are opportunities..."

"Don't think about that now, the battle between Yuanshi Academy and Black and White Academy is about to start..."

"As for who of these two companies can win three games in five rounds, it's a good idea."

Fang Fan narrowed his eyes to himself, then said indifferently.

"This...doesn't this need to be said? The academy is to the academy, isn't this an obvious death?"

"Even if the Yuanshi Academy is stubborn, it won't be a black-and-white college!"

"Although this black and white academy is a bit tricky, the gap with Yuanshi Academy is still obvious..."

"For example, Duanmu, the captain of the first-year team of the Black and White Academy, is definitely only a five-star early stage sanctuary, but Yuankai from Yuanshi Academy is a five-star high-end sanctuary..."

"Furthermore, in Yuanshi Academy, there are still many five-star early stage five-star middle stage sanctuary realms, but what about the black and white college? The five-star early stage sanctuary realm is already the strongest existence, and there are not many of them. ..."

"Even if the students of the Black and White Academy can perform any forbidden gorefiend changes, it's useless."

"The gap is a bit big!"

Bai Piao waved his big hand, and then vowed to analyze it from the side.

From a comprehensive point of view, there is really nothing wrong with this analysis.

Normal people will most likely see it this way.

Fang Fan groaned, tapping slowly with his hands on the armrests, his eyes could not help but flicker with a different kind of spirit......The latest chapter address of the strongest card supplier in the last days of the god-level system: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/115266.htmlReading address of the full text of the strongest card supplier in the last days of the god-level system: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read/115266/The txt download address of the strongest card supplier in the last days of the god-level system: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/down/115266.htmlGod-level system apocalyptic card supplier mobile phone reading: https://m.wuxiaspot.com/read/115266/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this reading (Chapter 3172 is too comfortable to lie down) and open the bookshelf next time You can see it! If you like "The Strongest Card Supplier of God-level System in the Last Days", please ask your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Way) Recommend this book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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