Divine System of the Strongest Card Supplier in the End Times

Chapter 3188: Nether Academy's first hard breath

"There is no suspenseful battle..."

"There is no need to start the gambling market."

"It's a relatively clear situation."

Fang Fan glanced towards the distance, then shrugged and said.

This really tells the truth.

Black and White Academy vs. Nether Academy, everyone knows to vote for Black and White Academy to win!

The dark academy waiting to work against the scarred Yuanshi academy, everyone knows to vote for the dark academy to win.

In fact, this is indeed the case.

There are no other problems.

The overall situation looks relatively stable.

Fang Fan exhaled a suffocating breath, thinking to himself, the brilliance in his eyes couldn't help but gather in all directions.

Looking at it, I don't have any feelings.

The direction of the battle above the ring is also similar to the prediction...

Everything is the most indifferent appearance.

But this time, the Nether Academy seems to be a little bit stronger...

In the first battle, the Nether Academy played in the first-grade team captain of the five-star Sanctuary Realm, Pusen...

This time, he gave up without going on the court, but directly put on a battle, and it seemed that he wanted to start a wave of attacks at this time!

Needless to say other things for the time being, the posture is already vivid and vivid!

"The battle begins!"

As the referee's voice sounded, the battle instantly became hot.


"Hahaha! This is the first time I have seen students from the Nether Academy fighting so bravely!"

"It won't work for a while. When you need to be resolute, you have to follow the resoluteness!"

"666! Strong! Extremely powerful!"

"This scene, the more you watch it, the more exciting it becomes!"

"Go up and beat! Take off! Take off!"

"A stab... a stab is here..."

"Here... here again..."

The screams could not help but increased, and his eyes gradually became extremely pure!

Needless to say the rest, it looks like this at the moment anyway!

For these idle viewers, seeing the Nether Academy feel a bit of yang energy, they all started to get excited.

I have to say, it is indeed a pain to be idle...

It is impossible for ordinary people to do these things.

This time the Black and White Academy is also a cultivator of the five-star elementary sanctuary...

Although the five-star early-stage sanctuary cultivator of the Black and White Academy has the same cultivation level as the Pusen of the Nether Academy, they are still far from each other in terms of combat power!

In other words, these two people are not the same at all!

I always feel that the existence of the five-star early stage sanctuary of the Black and White Academy is a bit virtual...

Although the cultivation level has improved, the tactics and combat skills seem to be very stiff.

Among the cultivators of the same level, it is definitely a relatively spicy existence.

The sprinting posture followed the full gathering, everyone's eyes swept over, and the thoughts also boiled!

Feeling so real and realistic!

"Fuck it!"

"The cultivator of the Black and White Academy was knocked down!"

"Tsk...tsk tsk, chance...a chance here!"

"Take off! Take off in one wave!"

"Extremely powerful!"

"Interesting, so interesting!"

"Quickly... just oppress the past!"


"The dark horse legend of the Black and White Academy is about to end..."


"It seems something is wrong..."

"I'm Cao..."


"Black and White Academy, it's an old routine..."

"Blood Demon Change..."

"Black and White College, are there any normal people?"

"Anyway, labor and capital are vomiting..."

"If you can't beat it, use the forbidden technique [Blood Demon Change]..." the strongest card supplier of the god-level system in the last days Latest chapter address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/115266.htmlThe god-level system is the strongest in the last days Full text reading address of card suppliers: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read/115266/God-level system The txt download address of the strongest card supplier of the last days: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/down/115266.htmlGod-level system, the strongest card supplier in the last days, mobile phone reading: https://m.wuxiaspot.com/read/115266/In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Collection\" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 3188 The First Hard Air of the Nether Academy), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "The Strongest Card Supplier of God-level System in the Last Days", please ask your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Way) Recommend this book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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