
"You also want to give this Fumo Secret Bamboo to Shangguanchan?"

"Haha! Chan'er is also something you can covet?"

"Don't think I don't know your thoughts!"

"Knowing that Chan'er likes Fu Mo Secret Bamboo, I just want to do what he likes?"

"But with your financial resources, do you really think you can compare with me?"

"Do you know this is a lot worse?"

"Really... This is just asking for humiliation!"

Hei couldn't croak, croak, this was a lot of nonsense.

As for the key factors, I haven’t said any of them so far...

Even now, Fang Fan feels his scalp numb...

Can't you just stop it a little bit?

Do you have to keep talking about these nonsense?

Significant? interesting?

Don’t you still slap your face in the end?

Where is this?

Fang Fan shrugged, thinking to himself, and then glanced at his mouth...

"Beautiful Xier auctioneer, please perform your duties..."

"Don't waste time, just pronounce the sentence!"

Fang Fan's gaze was directly focused on the auction stage, and then he said frankly.

It’s useless to say more about the matter so far, it’s true that it’s slowly followed and steady...

Saying that the others don't, it's just fooling around!

"Ah... yes... good..."

The auctioneer Xi'er, who was secretly poking and watching the fun of eating melons, blinked, and her complexion suddenly turned red...

I lost God just now!

In this line, being absent is a taboo!


It was really careless just now...

I almost didn't pay attention to these...

"The current highest price of the low-level saint-level sacred magic bamboo is two thousand high-grade star cores!"

"Is there a higher price?"

"Two thousand high-grade star cores once..."

"Two thousand high-grade star cores twice..."

The auctioneer Xier immediately opened the final auction procedure...

Hei, the master of the Dark Academy, couldn't clenched his fists tightly at this moment, his eyes were gradually congested...

provocative! Naked provocation!

If you were persuaded at this time, wouldn't everyone look down upon it?

So many eyes are staring around...

There is still some entanglement in my heart...

It must be false to say that I don't care, and there is always a sense of hesitation deep in my heart.

After all, they are all face-conscious people!


"The mere ants, dare to compete with Ben Shao!"

"Three thousand high-grade star cores!"

"Ben bid three thousand less!"

He couldn't make a loud voice followed, and a thousand high-grade star cores were added directly!

Suddenly, the audience fell into a panic of horror!

Good guy...how can you be a good guy!

These dudes are really proud! This high-grade star core is like a pebble, can it be thrown casually?

It doesn’t feel right...

The surrounding sound of inhaling cold breath swept across, and the changes in the facial expressions of everyone were particularly real.

At this moment, the mentality seems a bit broken.

"Is this... really doing it?"

"Awesome! There is a lot of fun to watch!"

"Who is this Shangguanchan? Actually make these two guys so desperate?"

"Hey... That's the captain of the first-year representative team of the Dark Academy... She is a very charming woman... Hey... You will know when you see it. The style is infinite, and it is better than the auctioneer Xi'er on the stage!"

"Hey... Since ancient times, heroes have been saddened by Beauty Pass. The cost of picking up girls is a bit high..."

"This Fumo Secret Bamboo is also worth 1,000 top-grade star cores, and the highest price is about 1,500 star cores. Now I bid 3,000, which is basically a 100% premium..."The latest chapter address of the strongest card supplier in the last days of the god-level system: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/115266.htmlThe full text reading address of the strongest card supplier in the last days of the god-level system: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read/115266/The txt download address of the strongest card supplier in the last days of the god-level system: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/down/115266.htmlGod-level system, the strongest card supplier in the last days, mobile phone reading: https://m.wuxiaspot.com/read/115266/In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record this reading (Chapter 3229 is on fire), and open the bookshelf next time You can see it! if you like "The God-level System Doomsday Strongest Card Supplier", please ask your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Recommend this book, thank you for your support! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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