Divine System of the Strongest Card Supplier in the End Times

Chapter 3241: One hundred thousand sky-high price

But now the withered old man has no response...

At this moment, this black can't become floating invisibly.

He believes that the withered old man is afraid to change because of fear...

As a result, his heart suddenly felt a little more awkward...

There is even an urge to draw another big mouth.

Fortunately, finally followed and stabilized...

At this moment, the magic bamboo has been auctioned to a sky-high price...

How crazy is 60,000 high-grade star cores?

What makes Black the most worrying at the moment is that Fang Fan is no longer bidding...

If... if that were the case, he would really be stuck...

Thinking about this, the body will not naturally follow the full tremor...

Can't hold back... This is really can't hold back...

The mentality has already followed a total collapse!

Hei couldn't look expectantly at VIP Room No. 7 on the third floor...

"One hundred thousand!"

Fang Fan spoke again!

At this moment, directly push the secret bamboo to the cusp of the storm!

Sixty thousand increase to one hundred thousand...

Is this a rhythm that is going to be completely against the sky?


This is really crazy!

Even if you have countless star nuclei in your hand, you can't follow this pretense, right? "


"Fortunately... Fortunately, it is not the last one to take over..."

Hei couldn't lick his lips, then took a few quick breaths, and then comforted himself in his heart...

This is so dangerous!

Almost... Almost really cold!

Fortunately, there was a wave of stabs in the end...

One hundred thousand high-grade star cores bid for a low-level saint-level sacred secret bamboo... This seems a bit crazy from that perspective!

Feel it a little at this moment, the mentality has been completely collapsed.

At this time, I can still talk about it.

"One hundred thousand high-grade star cores!"

"The highest bidding price for this Secret Bamboo is now one hundred thousand top-grade star cores!"

"Is there a higher price?"

The auctioneer Xi'er screamed a few times. At this moment, he didn't care about the image of the so-called goddess. At this moment, he was more excited than anyone else.

Anyway, this posture at this time seemed too real.

Thoughts gathered here, and the mentality exploded in an all-round way!

At this moment, the surrounding area suddenly became silent.

All seem to be waiting for this moment...

Everyone is silent!

Everything seems to have followed still.

In the entire auction venue, only the beautiful auctioneer Xi'er's voice was flowing around...

"It's the first time for one hundred thousand high-grade star cores!"

"This is the second time for one hundred thousand high-grade star cores!"

"This is the third time for one hundred thousand high-grade star cores!"

"Congratulations to the guest in VIP Box No. 7 on the third floor for successfully photographing a low-level Saint-Sovereign-level Fumo secret bamboo!"

The auctioneer Xi'er shouted the last sentence as much as he could.

The quiet atmosphere of the audience was broken.

Instead, the audience is boiling!

It is no exaggeration to say that they have witnessed history!

The low-level sage-level Fumo Secret Bamboo has been auctioned for the price of 100,000 high-grade star cores. Isn't this a miracle and what is the history?

This moment will be remembered by everyone!

All kinds of feelings gathered in my heart, and this mentality completely collapsed!

All kinds of words can no longer be said, and I can only follow the silence silently...

"After all, Fang Fan is better!"

"Awesome Klass... so strong... so strong that it bursts!"

"I'm going...is this...is it just a contest between gods and heroes?"

"Perhaps...probably...it should be!"

"No matter what, this time labor and capital have remembered the name Fang Fan!"

"Hehehe...If you hold your thigh in the future, there will be one more choice!"

"Call...it is true!"The latest chapter address of the strongest card supplier in the last days of the god-level system: https://www. wuxiaspot.com/book/115266.htmlThe full text of the strongest card supplier in the last days of the god-level system read address: https:// www.wuxiaspot.com/read/115266/God-level system, the strongest card supplier in the last days. txt download address: https:/ /www.wuxiaspot.com/down/115266.htmlGod-level system, the strongest card supplier in the last days. Mobile reading: https: //m.wuxiaspot.com/read/115266/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click the "favorite" record below The reading record of this time (Chapter 3241 One Hundred Thousand High Price), you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! if you like "God-level System Doomsday Strongest Card Supplier", please ask your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Recommend this book, thank you for your support! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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