Now Fang Fan has become a kind of iconic existence...

Basically, he would focus his gaze on Fang Fan in an all-round way.

Especially when Fang Fan moves, all the cultivators in the auction house will follow the wind!

For them, this is an opportunity, an excellent opportunity.

If you can control the current opportunities well, you can immediately take off in full swing!

This feeling is naturally not something that can be expressed in a few words.

I felt a sense of loss in my heart.

For everyone, I can’t wait to fly over to do some research at this moment...

Gradually, the sound of breathing couldn't help but become extremely rapid!

"This Intermediate Sovereign-level Growth System Inner Armor is absolutely extraordinary!"

"Those who can be photographed by Fang Fan's gods must have their own uniqueness!"

"Could it be that the inner armor of the growth system of this Intermediate Sovereign-level is... what kind of stronger existence is it?"

"Heh... you say that, it seems... as if this is the case!"

"Thinking about this, it gradually becomes real!"

"Anyway, that's what happened anyway..."

"The growth limit of the inner armor of this growth element may not be the ultimate holy superlative level, maybe...maybe the demigod level, or it may be a stronger existence!"

"Gudong... If the growth limit is a demigod level, then at least ten thousand high-grade star cores..."

"It's more than that! If it's stronger in the Demigod level, what should I do?"

"In this way, this is really not clear..."

"I want to participate in the auction!"

"I want to increase the price too!"

"I have a thousand and one hundred high-grade star cores!"

"Hehe! I'm out of one thousand and five!"


Because of Fang Fan's existence, this middle-ranked saint-class growth system inner armor gradually gained popularity.

Many people believe in Fang Fan’s vision, and they agree to increase prices...

In fact, to put it bluntly, there are these messy and complicated feelings in my heart.

Thinking about this, the whole person gradually became airy.

His eyes widened, and the sound of breathing suddenly became extremely rapid...

Needless to say other things for the time being, what is shown at this moment is just such a posture...

Thinking about this, everything is erupting in an all-round way!

"Ben has five thousand high-grade star cores!"

Suddenly, a majestic voice came from the third floor...

The Black Academy Palace Master Bloodline Hei couldn't lick his lips, and then clenched his fists with both hands, his eyes gradually becoming extremely firm.

The previous Fumo Shenzhu worth at least one million high-grade star cores was missed, and this growth system inner armor must not be missed anymore!

The so-called Growth Department Inner Class is actually the easiest thing to do...

Because it can only roughly estimate the limit of future growth, but because the current level is relatively low, it is difficult to predict what it will become in the future.

In other words, those high-level appraisers of the Tianlan Chamber of Commerce can only roughly estimate the future growth limit of this growth system.

When something is in an unpredictable state, there will be a certain degree of error in many cases...

In this way, there are countless possibilities...

"I bet this growth department is extraordinary..."

"Although Fang Fan is a bit jerk, his eyesight is still very good, otherwise...otherwise, I wouldn't be able to directly see that the magic bamboo is the magic bamboo... and then make a fortune by playing blood..."

"He hasn't shot again for so long, and the shot must be a thunder method at this moment..." The god-level system is the best in the last days The latest chapter address of the strong card supplier: Full text reading address of the strongest card supplier in the end of the world: txt download address of the strongest card supplier in the last days of the god-level system: system, the strongest card supplier in the last days, mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 3260 I believe his eyesight), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "The Strongest Card Supplier of God-level System in the Last Days", please ask your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Way) Recommend this book, thank you for your support! ! (

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