Fang Fan exhaled a murky breath, thinking to himself, the brilliance in his eyes couldn't help but increase.

The thoughts are gathered here, and the facial expression changes are particularly real...

In addition, the Devouring Holy Armor is officially promoted to the low-ranking holy class...

A piece of armor of the low-level Holy Venerable Realm is really nothing, but there is a sense of blood connection between the Devouring Holy Armor and Fang Fan.

Wearing this low-level Sovereign-level Devouring Holy Armor, he can fully exert its power, even if Fang Fan is only a two-star high-level sanctuary realm, and there is still an extremely long distance from the Sovereign realm.

"There are also these ten saint-level random cards and one demigod-level random card..."

"It's interesting..."

Fang Fan muttered to himself, and the light in his eyes gradually increased.

"The card opening moment..."

"Especially wonderful..."

"If you win a good card, it may be a qualitative takeoff!"

Fang Fan nodded silently, thinking to himself, his thoughts were also following in full swing.

This feeling is especially true...

It also seems to be particularly expectant.

"Open all!"

Fang Fan secretly drank...

It's already in a state of impatient urgency.

"Ding! Saint-level food card!"

"Ding! Saint-level food card!"

"Ding! Saint-level food card!"

"Ding! Saint-level food spree card!"

"Ding! Holy Gourmet Card!"



Fang Fan: "..."

Is this on the bar with eating?

How big can this probability be?

After a little bit of feeling, my brain buzzed.

Fang Fan exhaled a foul breath, and the corners of his mouth twitched subconsciously, and the black line on his forehead grew more and more, and he was speechless at this moment.

This is so special, what else can I say?

Can't you just stop it a little bit?

This brain really hurts...

At this moment, Fang Fan still had two Saint-level random cards and a Demigod-level random card left in his hand.

Now Fang Fan has been working out the sequelae. After thinking about it a little bit, his brain is buzzing.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh this can still be followed by a hammer

Staying...just staying fully!

Fang Fan is really afraid that he will come directly to a "Demi-God Food Card"...

If this is the case, it will really be a no-brainer across the board!

"Continue to open! Open all!"

"It's all here..."

"Welcome to the real trial..."

Fang Fan waved his hand and said weakly.

"Ding! The low-level holy rank legion promotion card!"

"Ding! Saint-class battle pet experience card!"

"Ding! Demigod puppet card!"

"Low-level Saint-level Legion Promotion Card: After using it, a low-level Saint-level Legion can be promoted to the Intermediate Saint-level level!"

"Holy Venerable Battle Pet Experience Card: After using it, you can release a lot of experience, and the battle pet is the favorite..."

"Demi-God Puppet Card: After using it, you can summon a Quasi-Demi-God Puppet to fight for you!"


Fang Fan's luck seemed to be spent on the last three cards...

Anyway, it feels like this at the moment.

After a little bit of feeling, the mind is in full swing.

The brains are also buzzing...

These cards are surprisingly good...

Okay a little too much.

It's like tailor-made for Fang Fan.

"All good guys..."

"The promotion card for the low-level holy ranks legion is not needed for the time being, but the substantive significance is better than millions of star cores!" The latest chapter address of the strongest card supplier in the last days of the god-level system: text reading address of the strongest card supplier in the last days of the god-level system: txt download address of the strongest card supplier in the last days of the god-level system: system, the strongest card supplier in the last days. Mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 3275 Excellent Reward), and open the bookshelf next time You can see it! If you like "The Strongest Card Supplier of God-level System in the Last Days", please ask your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Way) Recommend this book, thank you for your support! ! (

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