Watching the battle is about to start...

At the very least, the scene at the moment is particularly frightening, and if you are careless, you may be swept across the whole area.

The current situation is deteriorating in an all-round way!

At this moment, Chen Tianwei, the dean of the Black and White College, also looked a little panicked.

It seems to be playing off...

Originally, he thought it was just a small matter, just a student, how can Guangming Academy really treat him? At most, it's just a few ruthless words.

But now, the Deputy Palace Master of the Demigod Realm of the Guangming Academy, plus the undead Uncle Yan Luo, are all looking like they are about to demand his life...

Chen Tianwei took a deep breath and couldn't help turning his eyes.

Although he has already been promoted to the Quasi-Semi-God Realm at this moment, he is only a Quasi-Semi-God Realm...

Xue Wan, the deputy chief of the Guangming Academy, was a weak semi-divine realm, and he was still much stronger than his semi-divine realm.

If there is a fight, he will undoubtedly die.

"I...I didn't want to kill students from Guangming Academy..."

"I just wanted to rescue the students of my Black and White Academy!"

"Yes! I...I just lost control for a while..."

"That's it... That's it..."

"Fang Fan, a student of Guangming Academy, is still alive?"

"Yes! That's it! You can't shirk all responsibilities on me, right?"

"I am also the head of a hospital anyhow! In any case, you can't abuse me like this!"

Chen Tianwei, the dean of the Black and White College, rolled his eyes, and immediately began to excuse himself...

Soon after that, Xu Qin, the vice-president of Yuanshi Academy, also started to talk with the mud...

He is the person in charge of the audience, and things are too noisy, which is also a blow to the majesty of Yuanshi Academy...

"Deputy Palace Master Xue Wanren, as well as my uncle, you see that Dean Chen Tianwei has already said so, shouldn't we also open the net?"

"After all, it's not intentional..."

"Well... there must be some misunderstandings in it."

"As long as... as long as these misunderstandings are resolved, it will not be entangled in this matter all the time..."

"Ah... Peace is the most expensive..."

Xu Qin, the deputy head of Yuanshi Academy, hurriedly followed with a smile, wanting to slowly suppress this matter.

Uncle Jie sneered and didn't take it seriously...

At this moment, in his opinion, those who dare to kill his apprentice should pay the price of blood!

As for Xue Wanren, that is also very angry...

Although I haven't confessed it, I already knew in my heart that Fang Fan was his son-in-law. This Chen Tianwei dared to kill his son-in-law, is this bearable?

However, after all, this Chen Tianwei did not cause any substantial damage to the opponent, and this is also on the territory of Yuanshi Academy. If he does it in front of so many demigods, it doesn't seem to be that way...

At that time, there may be some troubles.

However, the attitude should be shown.

"Just forget it, it's absolutely impossible!"

"Got to pay a price..."

"Fang Fan! You are the one who was attacked and killed this time. Just say whatever compensation you want!"

"Humph! Here, the deputy palace lord is in charge of you!"

Xue Wanren waved his big hand and immediately kicked the ball directly in front of Fang Fan. Now Fang Fan was left to make a choice.

This thing turned around, and now it seems to follow it back again.

At this moment, Fang Fan was watching the play wonderfully. After hearing what Xue Wanren said, he seemed a little at a loss...God-level The latest chapter address of the strongest card supplier in the end of the system: the full text of the strongest card supplier in the last days of the god-level system: txt download address of the strongest card supplier in the last days of the god-level system: system, the strongest card supplier in the last days, mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this (Chapter 3336 Key Points Compensation) reading record, and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "The God-level System Apocalyptic Strongest Card Supplier", please ask your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Way) Recommend this book, thank you for your support! ! (

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