"My husband is so amazing!"

"That's an artifact!"

"I don't know what the artifact looks like!"


"Husband has even got the artifact, do you want to keep going?"

"Will it come out of it now."

Xiao Liuli blinked, with a look of expectation on her face, then she couldn't help but glance at the entrance, but it was a pity that she didn't see anyone.

"This...not a good thing..."

Liu Jiayi sighed, then couldn't help but shook her head slightly.

"Not a good thing?"

"Isn't it okay to get the artifact?"

"Liu Jiayi! Do you want your husband to get nothing!"

"Bad woman!"

Xiao Liuli held his mouth, then hummed.

"What nonsense are you talking about!"

Liu Jiayi rolled her eyes and followed with her lips angrily.

"Naturally I hope that my husband will be able to win, and I wish my husband could snare all the treasures of the world into his hands..."

"But Chu people are innocent and guilty..."

"The treasures that the husband obtained before are enough to make these people tempted, not to mention that the husband still has a magical tool in his hands..."

"Even if the husbands around these people don't care, but...but we can't stay in this disaster god's underground palace, and it's impossible to stay in the true **** cave mansion."

"Sooner or later, I am going out..."


"This is a genuine artifact, don't the demi-god powerhouse guards outside really covet it?"

"By then... what if they will focus their attention on their husband?"

"Can Deputy Palace Master Xue Wanren withstand all the pressure?"

"How should I deal with myself..."

Liu Jiayi sighed while talking.

At this moment, there are more and more thoughts in my mind, and I can't help but sigh again and again.

Many things have very clear ideas.

"Jiayi is right..."

"We always have to plan ahead..."

"If you don't care at all, it is very likely to bring disaster to your husband!"

"Although my father will do his best to protect his husband, but... but my father is weak after all..."

"At that time, if the major forces know that the husband has a magical weapon, it is very likely that they will unite..."

"By that time, it's really over..."

"The real danger is not in this True God Cave Mansion, but in the outside world..."

Xiang Fei squirmed her lips, full of worry at the moment.

She even thought that she could simply live with her husband in this True God Cave Mansion and forget about it, so that she could avoid having to deal with those dangers.

Although the third daughter seemed very worried, in general, she was helpless at the moment.

It has already happened.


A gathering place for cultivators in the Dark Academy.

"Fang Fan!"

"Shit luck is really good!"

"The artifact... The artifact must be mine..."

"Snatch the artifact at all costs!"

Hei, the master of the Dark Academy, couldn't clenched his teeth tightly. He could hear the slight tremor of his teeth at this moment, but he didn't take it at all. At this moment, there was only an artifact in his heart.

This treasure must belong to him! It can only be his!

Only by possessing such an idea in the depths of my heart can it slowly burst out.

Such thoughts are so true!

all! Break it out!

The various ideas in my mind have become a lot stranger inexplicably!

However, because of his previous escape alone, his reputation among the cultivators of the Dark Academy was a bit bad.

But relying on his own strength is not Fang Fan’s opponent, he must unite with the cultivators of these dark institutions to act together...

Hei couldn't turn his eyes around, calculating from the heart...


It's time to be fooled again.



The gathering place for practitioners of Guangming Academy.


"Why does the benefit belong to him?"



"I don't accept it! I don't accept it!"

"What is this **** rule?"

"Garbage! It's so garbage!"

"I am sick!"

"God thief! You are not fair! You are not fair!"

"The same student of Guangming Academy, why can Fang Fan get opportunities again and again! But I can't?"


"He Fang Fan is just a first-year student, and I am the best of the fourth-year students! I am a heavenly student of Guangming Academy! I am still the captain of the fourth-grade representative team of Guangming Academy!"

"Where am I worse than his Fangfan?"


"Unwilling! Unwilling!"

The roar, slowly followed by the crowd...

Lu Feng bit his lip, his fists were clenched...very tight...

He wished that all the treasures belonged to him, and all the benefits belonged to him.

There are a lot of ambitions, but he is greedy for life and fear of death, and cultivated as rubbish.


This is a real daydreamer.

All kinds of thoughts revolve in the brain, and they seem quite real invisibly.

After all, isn't that the case?

As for the rest, naturally there is no need to say much, and there is no need to care at all.

It’s good to have this idea in your mind, and it’s good to have your feelings in full!

"I heard that Brother Lu Feng and Fang Fan don't share the same sky. I wonder if they can join me in an alliance?"

Lu Feng's body trembled. He suddenly received a sound transmission. He frowned and glanced in the distance, only to see that the head of the Dark Academy Palace, Blood Hei, couldn't look at him with a smile.

Lu Feng's complexion...



"Take off."

"All took off."


"Now I am completely unable to catch up with you..."

"Wrong step, wrong step..."

"If I was a little firmer at the beginning, I should be sharing the joy of getting the artifact with Fang Fan's younger brother at this moment..."



"Speaking of which, in terms of unique vision, I am indeed inferior to the President Chu Sisi of the Guangming Society..."

"Um... and Zuo Qiuyao... this kid also sees farther than me."

"After all, my situation is smaller."

Sun Han, the president of Tiandao Society of Guangming Academy, muttered to himself at the moment, thinking to himself, couldn't help but look towards the bronze gate in front of him, and then shook his head helplessly.

This wave of cars can't get on anyway.

Since he chose plain at the beginning, the following days will naturally be plain as water.

And the path Fang Fan and the others took was the path of wild explosion and excitement!


Scourge God Underground Palace, the eighth floor exit, the ninth floor entrance.


"Is this the artifact?"

Fang Fan looked at the two small hammers about ten centimeters long in the palm of his hand, subconsciously fell into thought...

The style of this artifact is not too high.

This looks like a toy...

"Scourge Hammer..."

"Can you zoom in on this thing?"

Bai Piao moved forward and took a closer look, also looking quite surprised.

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