As Bai Piao was talking, he nodded frequently, and there were more and more refined light in his eyes.

Thousands of thoughts, ideas take off!

"and many more……"


"Be prepared and stay away from here..."

"Then find a chance to wait silently..."

"Don't do it anymore."

"Hurry up and stay away from here!"

Fang Fanhan said, as he spoke, he immediately began to look for a way out.

"This... Is this going away?"

"It's a shame, right?"

"Boy Fang Fan, you shouldn't be so nervous..."

"How about playing again?"


"I always feel like I haven't done anything..."

Bai Piao is still reluctant to bear the storage rings of those Protoss...

But I don't look at what the situation is now...

Picking the sesame seeds and losing the watermelon is a must.

"If you don't go now, it will be too late if you want to go later..."

"This road... is basically blocked..."

"Be careful……"

"There are millions of protoss troops here..."

"It's impossible for them to hurt their muscles and bones by killing them like this..."

"On the contrary, it would not be good if they were made to be wary."

"At that time, I will have to say whether we can control this situation..."

"We came here for a very simple purpose in the first place. In fact, to put it bluntly, we wanted to make a little noise, and then we were so fake."

"Now that the purpose is achieved, it doesn't matter."

Fang Fan squinted his eyes, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and his thoughts were numerous...

The various thoughts in my heart gathered in an all-round way, and gradually became real.

At the moment, countless protoss troops are in the surrounding area...


"An enemy has come in!" (Protoss language)

"Our people are all killed!"

"Martial law! Full martial law! Never let the enemy escape!"

"Be fully prepared..."

"A thorough investigation! A thorough investigation ahead!"


Not long after Fang Fan and the others left the place, the Protoss patrol team there had already discovered the corpses of the Protoss soldiers in each camp.

This wave of card positions is very good.

All aspects have been fully stabilized.

The situation, all-round control...

As for the rest, there is no need to worry about it.

Steady, control the overall situation, that's all.

"The timing is just right."

"A little bit more time..."

"There may be accidents."

Fang Fan nodded hungry, sighing silently in his heart.

"Good guy..."


"Are they here so fast?"

"Boy Fang Fan, your control ability is okay..."

"Fortunately... Fortunately, I heard you at the beginning, not reckless..."

"Otherwise, it is very likely that you will be arrested now."

"At that time, even if we can hide in the small world, the danger has never disappeared..."

"Now it seems quite frightened..."

Bai Piao raised his head and glanced at him. While speaking, he couldn't help but breathe out a suffocating breath, the panic on his face was beyond words.

As he spoke at the moment, his eyes fluttered across the board.

Right now countless cultivators of the Protoss race towards the place where the incident occurred, and the scene seemed very chaotic...

In this chaotic situation, it was easier for Fang Fan and others to slip away.

It’s that Bai Piao’s mouth has been babbling babbling endlessly...

Waves of bells and whistles...

This is so special, but also a hammer.

Wouldn't it be better to just follow along and be steady?

"To shut up!"

"You don't speak Protoss, it will be over when something happens!"

Fang Fan glared at Bai Piao, suggesting that he don't wander around...

At this time, a wave ruined everything.


A little carelessness, a total collapse...

Only by holding steady can you hold on to everything!

This wave cannot be slackened easily.



"I shut up... I shut up right away..."


"I just didn't expect so many..."

"To the effect..."

"Almost made something happen!"

Bai Piao nodded quickly, but this time he didn't continue to whisper.

Probably experienced the previous events, so at this moment Bai Piao Fang Fan still has a lot of reverence...

"Stop!" (Protoss language)

Suddenly, a Protoss officer strode over and stared directly at Fang Fan.


"What's wrong?"

Fang Fan appeared calm, and immediately began to communicate in Protoss language.

This wave doesn't seem right...

Fang Fan is the only one who can speak Protoss language...

So they can't stand the investigation...


"God fortune is prosperous!"


Anyway, it’s okay to talk about it a few times...

Between each other, the eyes flicker, it's very real...

The Protoss officer on the opposite side nodded blankly.

Then a pair of eyes glanced behind Fang Fan.

Then there was a sullen expression on his face.

"Bastard!" (Protoss language)

"get out!"

"Who made you wear so many storage rings!"


"keep it!"

The Protoss officer looked at Bai Piao with an annoyed look, and while speaking, the gesture of gritted teeth was fully displayed.

Anyway, it is such an attitude that is true and clear.

Bai Piao blinked, he couldn't understand...

Now I can only look at it numbly...

He really wants to ask what you are talking about...

Waves of bells and whistles...

The skull is about to explode!


"Talking to you!"

"Dare to ignore me!"

"Bastard stuff!"

The Protoss officer was already bizarrely angry at this moment. At this moment, he was about to pull out his slacking soft whip and flog...

The posture is shown, and the eyes are condensed...

Obviously Bai Piao can't hold it anymore...

Almost spit out...

If you really spit out, you are really useless.

This wave of gritted teeth, can't say anything.

With many thoughts, his expression became numb silently...

It looks like this is the attitude.

If Bai Piao speaks, then all the previous efforts will be considered in vain.

At that time, all aspects will be blocked...

The situation will really be out of control by then.

All at once, my thoughts burst, my thoughts burst...

"Don't hurry up and put away your storage!" (Protoss language)


Fang Fan stepped forward and reprimanded Bai Piao in Protoss language. Immediately, a big-mouth fan hit Bai Piao's face, followed by directly pressing on his body, and pressed Bai Piao to the ground in an all-round way...

At the same time, take the opportunity to whisper...

"Take the storage ring back..."


Fang Fan felt particularly numb on his scalp at this moment...

Waves of bells and whistles...

Continuously, just want to follow suit.

It doesn't seem to be a great feeling in my heart if I don't mess with things.

If you continue to do this, sooner or later, your mentality will fall apart on the spot...

This situation is a bit of a headache!

Suddenly, his complexion changed drastically, and his mind became deep...

Bai Piao was also surprised at this moment...

This is not a time to be naughty, a little carelessness is really going to die.

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