"In these troops, who have you offended?"

"Otherwise, they don't need to frame you in this way!"

"Think about it for me!"

"That kind of **** hatred..."

The first-class **** of the Protoss licked the ancient temple on his lips. At this moment, his thoughts were full, and the more he thought, the more his brain trembled.

Gradually, the whole person became airy.

For this ancient temple of the first-class **** of the Protoss, it seems that there is only one possibility left.

Other possibilities have long been completely ended!


That's it!

That's it!

simple and clear……


"I...I don't have..."

"I haven't done anything..."

"I've always been so eager..."

"How could it be possible for the army to forge that kind of blood feud..."

"It's impossible..."

"think too much……"

"It really has nothing to do with me..."

"Master God, you...even if you don't like me, you can't...can't cheat me..."

"I... I'm so unlucky..."

"Why did this mess happen to me!"

"I can't clean it anymore now..."


The leader of the Protoss 280,000 team couldn't help but sigh at this moment.

This mess, what on earth do you want to do...


He originally slept well, why should he be allowed to endure such an innocent disaster...

This wave was directly followed by a total numbness.

I want to say something, but many words can't say it.

Uncomfortable... Really a little uncomfortable.

A wave took off directly!

"It's not you, who would it be!"

"Why is it okay for others, but something happens to you?"

"Flies don't bite seamless eggs!"


The first-class **** of the Protoss snorted the ancient temple, and then prepared to shirk all the responsibilities.

Anyway, at this time, there is always a need for a dead ghost.

The guy in front of me is just right.

In order to maintain stability and control the military's mind, the ancient temple can only go slant.

"and many more!"

"Master Ancient Temple!"

"This is... this group of **** have appeared again!"

"I know... I know who it is!"

"It's him! It's him! It must be him!"

"Yes! Absolutely!"

"I won't admit it wrong!"

Suddenly there was an excited scream from the crowd, and then the crowd gradually became noisy...

I saw a middle-aged man in blood-colored mottled armor walking up excitedly, talking, still yelling frantically.

At this moment, his face gradually became flushed, and his breathing gradually became rapid.

This wave has stabilized! It's absolutely stable!

"You are……"

The ancient temple of the first-class **** of the Protoss frowned, and he had no impression of the guy in front of him.

"Master Ancient Temple, I am Talha. It turns out that I am a third-class general under the command of God General Ellen..."

"Just returned from defeat."

"The reason why we are defeated is because of this guy..."

"To be precise, it should be a group of people..."


"This group of people can disappear in place anytime, anywhere..."

"Then you can't find it no matter how you find it."

"When you don't care much about him, this guy will appear silently again..."

"Like a ghost, it makes people tremble both physically and mentally!"

"By then, I can't stand it at all..."

"too crazy……"

"The picture is directly torn..."

"Extremely horrified..."

"God Alan was cheated away by those people, and he never came back."

"If it weren't for these people, we...we would never suffer such a failure..."

"Now... I see the situation the same as before, so... That's why I think there must be fraud!"

"There is a problem! There must be a problem!"

"Master of the ancient temple, don't be careless!"

"It's better to seal off this area and send heavy troops to guard it strictly. If this is the case, when this group of mysterious people emerge, they should be killed directly, without the slightest hesitation."

"I've seen their escape methods. It's terrible... it's too terrible."

"That...that's not an ordinary person at all..."


The third-class **** of the protoss will Talha stepped forward excitedly.

The more you talk, the more excited you are, the more you talk, the more clear your thinking is. At this moment, you gritted your teeth and your posture is surging to the extreme!

Needless to say, the other ones who didn't have it naturally, the mentality can't be stretched, everything is in vain!

Words of madness, obliterate everything!

It's so crazy!

He is the survivor of that decisive battle!

At the last moment, he was preparing to fight to the end, and finally was dragged away by another third-class **** of the Protoss, Lugas, and then saved his life.

After coming back, it was naturally regarded as a ruined army and organized into the main force.

Since returning, Talha's spirit has been very sluggish, and it feels like nothing to do, and there is an extreme sense of fraternity in his heart.

With many thoughts and calm eyes, the whole person was directly numb by the blow.

When I saw such a situation at this moment, I suddenly woke up.

Then the seeds of hatred deep in my heart began to grow completely!

If that humiliation is not reported, what does he mean?

For Talha, the main force alive now is revenge!

That battle was miserable...how could it be a miserable word.

I can't recall at this moment, a memory is all those messy **** pictures...

He has never fought such a useless battle...

At this moment, facing Talha's excited preaching, the first-class **** of the Protoss on the side frowned the ancient temple more and more.

Inside... there are so many things?

Are those foreigners really so strong?

How does it sound so mysterious?

The bells and whistles are being strengthened in an all-round way...

A foreigner who can disappear anytime and anywhere?

In this way, doesn't it mean that you can attack whenever you want to attack?

Is there such a good thing?

Then you still can't notice its existence?

This sounds so amazing...

The first-class **** of the Protoss looked at the ancient temple suspiciously at Talha. Could this guy have gotten some madness?

"Do you have some war syndrome?"

"Or did you hurt your brain during the fight?"


"Otherwise, how could you say such nonsense..."

"No matter how clear you are, are these things you contrived?"

"These are all scenes that appeared in your dreams, and then because you couldn't control yourself, you told them all, thinking they were real?"

"Is that the case?"

"Think about it yourself..."

Protoss first-class **** general ancient temple smiled contemptuously, and when he said that, he obviously didn't believe it.



The third-class **** of the Protoss wiped the solidified blood on Talha. At this moment, he felt the **** smell from the corner of his mouth. For a while...

I said so surgingly and solemnly that it turned into frustration and madness in your mouth?

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