The roar of those cultivators wearing the uniforms of the Temple of Light Alliance became more and more miserable...

At the moment, they are being placed in a completely closed school field.

In the school field, they are used to feed the beasts and monsters...

In order to survive, they naturally can only fight to the end with the beasts and monsters...

In addition, there are many protoss people on the top with bows and arrows, jokingly shooting arrows inside...

Inside... there is no normal person.

One by one, all crazy.

"The battle between two races and two camps has never been kind."

"The kindness to the enemy is the greatest cruelty to oneself..."

"Non-my family, its heart must be different!"

"If the **** of war is really allowed to form the alliance of the major forces, then many forces including the Temple of the Light Alliance will be completely killed..."

"By then, the entire Guangming Academy Temple of the Guangming Alliance will become a hunting ground for those protoss..."

"The so-called human nature does not naturally exist here."

"There may also be innocent people among the Protoss, but when the war between the two clans breaks out, innocence is the original sin."

Fang Fan squinted his eyes, his thoughts abound.

This time, thinking about the position, the whole person has become airy.

Many thoughts gathered in his mind, as if to completely crush everything in front of him into ashes.

All kinds of thinking are displayed in place, everything is tossing like crazy...

Tossing and tossing and tossing and tossing is also the most real appearance...

The corners of Fang Fan's mouth raised slightly, and the various thoughts in his heart grew more and more.

Interesting...really interesting...

According to this model, we will develop in an all-round way and evolve in an all-round way.

Soon, Fang Fan was taken to the Seventeenth Lady of the City Lord...

Fang Fan glanced up and had to say, it was really amazing...

Fen Dai rushes to the face, the fragrance promises itself.

The bones seem to be crisp, giving people a sense of endless stimulation...

"Are you the wonderful jewelry dealer Lisa said?"

"I heard that in your hands... there are a lot of beautiful jewelry and headdresses?"

"Take them out soon..."

Cathy, the seventeenth wife of the lord, licked her lips, and there was endless expectation in her beautiful eyes...

"Of course, a beautiful lady should indeed have the most beautiful accessories!"

"These are my most precious accessories..."

"The beautiful lady, please accept it."

Fang Fan still has a set of garlic.

Invisibly, it can be fooled into place.

"You guy, kind of talkative..."


"But... I don't have many pieces of the sacred stone for you..."

Cathy smiled arrogantly, gradually, with a sense of oppression.

Fang Fan's eyes scanned the surroundings, his eyes gradually sinking...

There are actually many guards around here...

It seems that this woman wants to eat black...

That's it? Return the 17th wife of the city lord...


Don’t pretend if you can’t afford it, okay...

Is it really good to be so embarrassing?

Fang Fan shook his head, now much lazy to say.

But under the eaves of the roof, people naturally need to live in an all-round way.

Especially at this kind of time, you must not wave, one wave will destroy everything.

"These are what I dedicated to the most beautiful and noble women."

"How can it be possible to collect those vulgar sacred stone fragments?"

"If Madam insists on hitting me with that vulgar thing, I will feel very disappointed."

"If such a gorgeous and noble existence as Madam can wear these accessories and these clothes, the heavens and the earth will lose their color..."

"This is the best destination for those exquisite accessories and clothes..."


Flattering or something, Fang Fan is definitely the level of Patriarch.

In order to prevent accidents, Fang Fan only brought Bai Piao in when he entered the City Lord’s Mansion this time, and made Bai Piao pretend to be a deaf and mute...

Bai Piao couldn't understand Fang Fan's Protoss language anyway, but he could probably guess what Fang Fan said through the trembling smile of the city lord's wife opposite.

Bai Piao's mouth twitched, and then he couldn't help but roll his eyes...

"This guy... is really the nemesis of women!"

"Hey... Now even the Protoss woman is stunned by this kid..."

"This line is indeed a bit deeper..."

"I have studied with this kid for so long, and it's useless..."

"In the end, it still looks like this."

"It collapsed, its mentality collapsed..."

"How do I feel that this momentum is not developing right..."

"Don't Fang Fan still want to hunt for beauty in this city lord's mansion, right?"


"Excitement is indeed exciting, but...but the occasion is not right..."

"If something happens, the whole line of blood will collapse."

"At that time, who can stand it..."


"This is still the woman of the city lord of the **** race Tianlin, is she all cuckold to this point?"

"I'm Cao..."

Bai Piao couldn't understand the Protoss language anyway, and now his eyes were trembling all the time, and then he was thinking wildly in his mind.

Gradually, the thoughts are flying, the thoughts are so many, I don't know what to say anymore.

Many words were on the spot in complete silence.

The cool moonlight is fully implemented to the end...

After all, isn’t that the case?

Don't be too real...


At this moment, the seventeenth wife of the city lord, Cathy, who was in Lingluo's red tent, heard what Fang Fan said, her eyes twitched slightly...

Who doesn't like to listen to rhetoric?

Especially women, there is basically no resistance to these sweet words.

At this moment, his lips are shaking, his eyes gradually drifting, his thoughts are numerous, his expression is unpredictable...

This time the mentality is gathering, and there is a sense of dry mouth and tongue inexplicably.

At this moment, I don’t seem to know what to say...Dare

Chaos... Chaos to the extreme...

"You are a clever man..."

"But with your words, I can kill you!"

"Even the woman of the city you dare to molest it?"

"If the Lord of the City finds out, he will definitely cut you off..."

In Ling Luo's red tent, Cathy's figure appears from time to time, giving people infinite associations.

The voice gradually penetrated into the bones, which was refreshing.

"If Madam wants to do this, she won't tell me."

"I just told the most true psychology of a man..."

"If even this lady is to blame, then I can't help it."

"After all, the guilty one is actually the lady..."

"After all... Madam's infinite charm is original sin."

Fang Fan shrugged, and said with confidence.

Fang Fan didn't know what was going on today, and he didn't feel embarrassed at all in these poems.

For a time, Fang Fan's brain burst.

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