Can't afford to hurt...I really can't afford to hurt.

It's really hard.

"Are you trying to please me with treasures?"

"Then take possession of my body?"

There was a look of disgust on Cathy's face, but gradually there was a trace of joy...

It seems that the man in front of him is indeed controlled by him...

When you get the treasure, this kind of dog man can be castrated first and then killed.

But now it is certain that the dog man in front of him is indeed bewildered by himself.

In this way, what he said is naturally sincere...

Man's mouth, deceitful ghost...

But under the stimulation of her endless charm, no matter whether you are Liu Xiahui or the supreme Buddhas, you can't stand it!

Cathy's heart moved, and then she gradually let go of her consciousness...

Following a flash of light in front of my eyes, the world immediately became a little different.


"This...Where is this?"

"I... Am I in the City Lord's Mansion?"

"This...this place I've never been in the future..."

"Is this another world?"

"You actually have your own little world?"

"Didn't it mean that this is only for the true gods?"

"How can you be!"

"Adventure! You must have had a great adventure!"

"So... if this is the case, then... then understand, instantly understand..."

"Call ... whistling call ...... original ... is so different."

"Quickly...give me control of this small world, give me..."

"Give me control of the small world, I can...I can meet your non-discriminatory requirements..."

"come on……"

The delicate sound sounded, and the surrounding space couldn't help but tremble. For a while, it seemed to have a lot of urgency.

For a time, there are many thoughts...

Cathy's eyes lit up and she almost started dancing with excitement...

At this moment, in front of Fang Fan, he is just pretending to be pretending...

Pretending to be a posture, all-round seduction.

The delicate waist is constantly twisting, and the plump body is about to breathe fire...

If he were outside, Fang Fan might be even more unbearable.

But inside...

That actually doesn't matter much.

Take a casual glance, that's how it is

I even feel extra calm in my heart, and that's it!

"What did you say?"

"Give it to me?"

"Are you so impatient now?"

A wicked smile appeared at the corner of Fang Fan's mouth, then he stretched out his hand to hold Cathy's chin, smiled frivolously, and the wicked smile gradually came into place.


" in disguise?"

"Are you so deep in your mind?"

"You have lied to me for so long!"

"you wanna die!"

Cathy stared at her beautiful eyes, as if she had been deceived by a scumbag.

And Fang Fan is the scumbag!

"It can't be regarded as a disguise..."

"When I was outside, Mrs. Cathy's charm was indeed very successful. I really can't control myself."

"It's just that when you get inside, this little charming technique is not good enough."

"You have to come up with some real materials."

Fang Fan squinted his eyes, the corners of his mouth smiled more evilly, and then he didn't know how to start a ghostly mess, stretched out his hand and gave a viciously in front of Cathy Bear...


"You...what are you doing!"

"who are you!"

"Who on earth are you!"

"You hateful bastard..."


The roar gradually increased, and all the surrounding ones seemed to be completely suppressed. For a while, people felt the violent panic in the depths of their hearts.

At the moment, he can only curl his body, his complexion flushed...

"I should ask you this question."

"You have been emphasizing my identity..."

"Your identity shouldn't be simple, right?"

"Gou has your purpose as the Seventeenth Lady in the City Lord's Mansion of Tianlin City, right?"

"Ha ha……"

"Since everyone is half a catty right, what can you say?"

"What's the matter, just make it clear."

"Tell me carefully, what are you lurking here for?"

Fang Fan squinted his eyes, then pinched Cathy’s chin and slowly lifted it up...

"I... I don't know... I don't know!"

"What's lurking?"

"I am the Seventeenth Lady of the City Lord's Mansion!"


"You better let me go! Otherwise, Lord City Lord will not let you go!"

"I already knew that you were sent by other cities!"


"The shameless and flamboyant you!"

"I've seen it a long time ago!"

"Let me go, you still have a chance to live, otherwise you will definitely die..."

Cathy woke up now, looking stubbornly reluctant to confide.

For a while, the situation seemed to froze.


Don't talk about martial ethics...

I want to talk to you well, do you have to be so uncooperative?


If this is the case, then play with a hammer.

"Aren't you afraid of death?"

"I want to kill you now, it's easy..."

Fang Fan spoke blankly, and then showed the most indifferent gaze...

"Ha ha……"

"I will die?"


"You should take care of yourself first!"

"Fucked by my infatuation, but I don't even know it..."

"Do you really think my charming technique is so easy to untie?"

"Untie the strong brother will only make your body more painful..."

"You chose this path yourself, you can't blame others..."

"Since you have to do this yourself, you can only bear it on your own..."

Cathy squinted her eyes, and immediately showed excitement on her face. As she spoke, her thoughts rushed in full swing.

The more you look at it, the more interesting it is.

This wave, take off!


Fang Fan frowned, feeling a little dry inexplicably...

At this moment, there will be some charming pictures in my mind.

"What the hell..."


Fang Fan curled his lips and had to dismiss it first.

Can this thing disturb him? Isn't it a bit too bullshit?

Listening, it feels garish...

In this Chutian Pavilion world, he is the supreme king!

Who can compete with it?


This time the thoughts are in place, and the thoughts rush to the sea and never return!


Fang Fan's mind moved slightly, but it didn't have much effect...

"Ha ha ha ha……"

"I said it earlier, this poison is unsolvable!"

"Say it is poison, this is poison!"

"Say it is not poison, it is not poison!"

"This is where the charm of the coquettish poison lies!"

"Don't let me go quickly?"

"I tell you, only I can detoxify you..."

"If not, it only takes one day and one night, and your skin will fester and die!"

Cathy trembles with excitement, this guy definitely can do it by himself at this moment!

So I couldn't help but cheer.

Fang Fan opened his mouth, his face was numb...

This woman just praised her for her intelligence...

Now why is this brain girl starting to show up again?

Now that they are all prisoners, they still want to engage in some kind of obsession...

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