"Erysipelas? Medicine poison?"

"That's it?"

"You said it earlier..."

"What I thought it was..."

Fang Fan shrugged, and then looked indifferent.

It just so happens that the daily series of merchandise has been opened to the demigod level...

The demigod serum card can cure all toxins...

"Give you……"

"Take it for treatment..."

"After you're done, remember to take me to sack the Neiku of the City Lord's Mansion..."

"If it succeeds, your benefits are indispensable."

Fang Fan shrugged, and then delivered the Demigod Serum Card.



"Just such a mediocre card, can heal... heal my erysipelas poison?"

"Absolutely impossible!"

"You still want to fool me!"

"You really think you are a true god!"

Cathy rolled her eyes and couldn't help but complain.

"Try it, how do you know if you don't try it?"

"Maybe... there may be some other effects."

"Well, or else... make a bet?"

Fang Fan glanced at Cathy's red lips and couldn't help showing a look of evil interest on her face.

Interesting...really interesting.


"How to bet?"

"You won't be mad, won't you?"

"You don't really think this thing is effective, do you?"

"I don't think you look like that kind of fool..."

"You're not really a fool, are you?"

Cathy's puzzled gaze fell on Fang Fan, and her expression seemed very unique when she spoke.

"Ha ha……"

"I'll see the effect later."

"If the card is effective later, you unconditionally, promise me a request..."

Fang Fan stroked Cathy’s hair, then stared at her red lips, his eyes moved slightly down...

"At that time we can take some actions that we haven't done before."

Fang Fan raised his eyebrows, and then silently reminded him.

Cathy looked at Fang Fan with ignorant and innocent gaze, and immediately after she understood what it meant, her complexion suddenly blushed...




How come there are such people!

What did he say?

These words are not ashamed to say?

That's crazy!

For a while, Cathy's body shrank completely, and her heart beat violently.

At this moment, the breathing sound gradually becomes longer...

The whole person has also become erratic.

Who will tell you this feeling?

This...what's more to say about this.

A wave of direct mentality burst!

"If... what if it doesn't work?"

"What do you say?"


"You must want to use this to scare me!"

"Do you think I'm afraid?"

"Huh! I'm not afraid!"

"I want to see how you will end up later!"

Cathy's eyes rolled, she thought she had taken Fang Fan.

At least at this time, I seem to be particularly confident.

The expression and posture are slowly in place.


"If it doesn't work, you can also make a request at will..."

"Any request will do..."

"Even if it is to fight another 300 rounds, it is not impossible."

Fang Fan shrugged, serious.

Cathy: "???"

Dog man!

Are there only those things left in your mind?


Can't there be anything else?

Cathy gritted her teeth, her red lips started slightly...

"If I win the bet, you will be a male slave to me from now on!"

"Humph! I can torture you as I want!"

"At that time...I soaked the chili water with the whip and beat you on the body..."

"I used a candle to burn the candle oil and drip it on you..."

"I used a knife to scratch you..."

"I use……"

Cathy licked her ruddy lips, her eyes flickered as she spoke, and it was quite interesting at the moment...

For a time, what I said became more and more exciting.

Fang Fan was numb for a while.

Good guy, this woman really feels like that...

What are you thinking about?

Waves of bells and whistles...

Fang Fan's eyes gradually condensed, then his face was indifferent.

I have already predicted your prediction...

Are you making these bells and whistles with me?



Will you still slap you to death?


This wave is directly in place.

A slight smile appeared at the corner of Fang Fan's mouth...

"no problem."

"Go ahead, come on."

Fang Fan stretched his waist, his eyes gradually raised, and the smile at the corner of his mouth gradually increased.

There is so much fun here!

Interesting...really interesting.


"Laugh! Make you laugh!"

"See if you can still laugh later!

"Fight with me! You are still tender!"

Cathy was triumphant, and her eyebrows were raised in full as she spoke at this moment.

Immediately, Fang Fan delivered the Demigod Serum Card in the palm of his hand.

Then follow Fang Fan’s prompts to start using...


Suddenly a stream of pure energy emerged from the serum card, and then entered Cathy’s body...

"Ok... so comfortable..."

"Warm... warm."

"It's like...like a little sun in the body..."


Cathy breathed out the aroma comfortably, with a different smile on her face.

In an instant, Cathy's face changed...

At this moment, the body curled up, and his gaze peeked out...

"How can it be……"

"This...this is fake! Definitely fake!"

"No... it won't be like this..."

"Unreal...Is it blindfold?"

Cathy muttered to herself, and then looked at Fang Fan with a strange expression. Now she felt that there were many problems in it...

"Your own body, what you feel yourself, how can you be blindfolded..."

"If I am so good, how much would I talk to you?"

"How do you feel now, don't you know?"

Fang Fan shrugged, then reminded.

"I...how do I feel?"

"My body is so relaxed now..."

"Those erysipelas poisons mixed in flesh and blood are... all gone..."

"Before... unprecedented ease..."


"After relaxing, my combat power has increased by at least half..."

"And... and I feel that I have the opportunity to continue to improve my cultivation..."

"I am in a weak semi-god state now, and now it seems that a strong semi-god state is not without a trace..."

"As long as the control is in place, the opportunity is still great..."

"Is this... really me?"

"Is this really my body?"

"How...how does it feel so unreal."

"It's like...like all this is a dream..."

"Dream...is this a dream?"

Cathy muttered to herself, her lips trembled, her red lips moved slightly, her breathing gradually became extremely rapid, all kinds of thoughts gathered in her heart, and she didn't know how to express her feelings anymore.

Now she can only focus all her eyes on Fang Fan, she needs a reason to convince herself!

Otherwise it's too scary!

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