The **** battle is starting silently...

Waiting for the right time...

Just waiting for them to fight.

I just waited and waited, and nothing seemed to happen...

One hour…

Two hours...

three hours…

Fang Fan's mouth twitched subconsciously...

This... How about playing?

Waves of bells and whistles...

"Are you sure, it's going to go to war?"

Fang Fan frowned and looked at Satan, he needed to ask more clearly.


"'s okay, absolutely okay..."

"I saw it, it looks like this."

"My lord, I think they are all ready to mobilize before the war..."

"I'm still standing there now, how could it be... how could something change happen..."

"It shouldn't be..."

Satan blinked, and now he is a little confused about the situation.

It's just that he has probed several times, it's all in this situation.

Nothing can happen at this time.

Trigger him deliberately? Playing with him on purpose? As for?

"Master, are we going to attack?"

"Our cannon is already hungry and thirsty..."

Belles, the commander of the Artillery Corps, came over, and the command sword in his hand was already shaking. This wave was indeed very excited.


"Now the bombardment will only startle the snake..."

"If it really surprises them, it won't be a bargain..."

"When the time comes, they can completely attack us and concentrate all their energy on attacking us..."

"At that time, Yuanshi God City doesn't know what happened, and it will definitely not support us."

"Don't be reckless."

"We are like a knife pierced into the heart of the enemy, and we can play a more important role at critical times."

"But obviously, it's not now..."

Fang Fan squinted his eyes and raised the corners of his mouth slightly. At this moment, he felt inexplicably interesting...

The next change will only appear more rapid.

In the Protoss army at this moment, there is a little episode...

These gods of the Protoss gathered together at this moment and talked endlessly.

"Talha God General!"

"I need an explanation."

"You said those mysterious people will definitely appear, but now I ask you, where about people?"

"Don't these mysterious people appear for a day, should we keep delaying like this? Will the time to destroy the foreigners pass by?"

"It's just a few mysterious people, why is this!"

Among the Protoss, a second-class **** general couldn't help but began to ridicule.

They've been waiting impatiently!

Start the battle early, then end the battle, then slaughter the city, and finally carry on the night carnival, is this bad?

Keep going here, what's the matter?

Um? Don't you feel nauseous?

The feeling of restlessness gathered in my heart, and the feeling of irritability would only become more and more piled up.

Many gods around are urging.

They were particularly dissatisfied with Talha and Rugas, the two defeated third-class generals.

Speaking of impulsiveness, the former Talha third-class **** general was the most impulsive, but after some training, he changed, and the appearance of the change felt a little unreal for a while.

"Talha, otherwise... forget it..."

"Let's...Let's stop insisting..."

"This is not our home court..."

"We are just a third-class general..."

"We cannot afford this responsibility..."

Rugas, the third-class **** of the Protoss, sighed with emotion, and then reminded him from the side.


"Still can't attack!"

"I firmly believe that! I firmly believe that these mysterious people are all around us..."

"Don't think it's safe now! They might show up when..."

"Trust me!"

"A lesson from the past, a teacher of the future!"

"Alan second-class **** will mysteriously disappear! Tens of thousands of elite and innocent gods have died in vain, are these not enough to alert you?"

"Wait...Wait, okay?"

"It may not take long..."

"Anyway, I have been waiting for so long..."

"Trust me... I am a member of the Protoss, I will not let the Protoss suffer any loss..."

"My whole heart is for the great cause of the Protoss..."

The third-class **** of the Protoss had put Talha away from his tyrannical temperament, and now he appeared to be extra cautious.

Even to some extent, it seems a bit too cautious.

As he spoke, the body shuddered slightly, and the whole person seemed to float.

To these arrogant Protoss, Talha’s sincerity is a naked insult...

A few mysterious foreigners, are they going to be contained in an all-round way?

In this way, how can you mess around in this piece in the future? Don't you want others to despise you?

What kind of thing can you do?

Steady, we must be steady, and there must be no slack in the slightest.

In terms of mentality, it is even more necessary to collapse...

One wave destroys everything, nothing.

Such a posture just seemed real.

"You want to be a counselor yourself, don't let everyone follow you!"

"Yeah! Get out if you are greedy for life and fear of death!"

"Get away!"


"My protoss warrior, will not retreat!"

"War! War! War! Bloody battle to the end!"

"It's just a few foreigners, frightening the millions of my Protoss army here? It's ridiculous!"

"I don't care what you think, I don't want to wait anyway!"

"Grass! We're boring to death, are our brains broken? A few blind people have waited so long, people? What about mysterious aliens? I didn't find anything, they might have gone away long ago!"

"We quickly attacked and took down this city built by a foreigner. Then we will have won a big victory. I really don't know what to wait for..."

"Don't make excuses for the waste..."

"Your group of trash has failed once. Now that you have lost your fighting heart? It doesn't matter if you want to be trash, can it affect our emotions..."

"Yeah, go away! Go away! It's annoying to watch..."

There are more and more shouts around.

This wave swept across the board and inexplicably caused a great sense of oppression in people's mind.

Talha stood there with gritted teeth.

He has personally felt the power of those mysterious aliens, and he has witnessed the mysterious disappearance of the second-class Lord Ellen! He also saw his crazy cannon with his own eyes...

All of this seems to flicker in front of my eyes...

The various thoughts in my heart suddenly became extremely firm!

Stay on the spot! There must be no slack!

Full sprint! Take off in full!

A messy environment creates a messy heart...

Noisy, the atmosphere looks terrible...

No matter how much these people talk about, it's useless. In the end, only the first-class **** general and ancient temple of the Protoss was the only one who really made the decision, and he was also the commander of this army of nearly a million Protoss!

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