The third-class **** of the Protoss, Rugas walked around in a panic, his face gradually becoming numb, and the gesture of gnashing his teeth gathered in all directions as he spoke.

Others, it doesn't matter, no need to say, just stay as it is, nothing.

Play? You can't play anymore, and everything that follows will die.

Mistakes, these are all injuries.

Difficult... Difficult to climb to the sky!

"no solution anymore……"

"Then you can only use the last resort."

"We can only take risks, otherwise we will all be colder..."

The third-class **** of the Protoss clenched his teeth, holding his hands on the saber, and then resolutely said.

This is the second time he has fought such a useless battle.

Before the Seven-Institute God City, I also had with these mysterious foreigners. At that time, I was also very useless and had been passively beaten.

It's the same now!

He has had enough!

If he continues to be so anxious, his mentality is about to collapse completely!

Even if he hadn't been killed by that time, he would be **** off.


"You...what do you mean?"

"Don't scare me..."

"What do you want to express?"

"Don't mess around..."

Rugas seemed more calm, but also less aggressive.

"What's the point of chaos?"

"It's covered up anyway."

"Anyway, this situation has fallen apart."

"listen to me……"

"Assemble all commanders and commanders!"

"Gather all of them for me!"

"The commander of the thousands is basically the high-ranking sages with the highest sages' combat power..."

"Captain Ten Thousand Commander basically has the supreme sage and the quasi-semi-divine combat power..."

"I have observed that although the power of these mysterious weapons is powerful, they cannot cause a devastating blow to the existence above the high-level holy realm at one time..."

"Our chiefs of thousands and tens of thousands are gathered together, can almost put together dozens of high-ranking sages and sages..."

"In addition, plus the two of us, there are five demigods. Although they are all quasi demigods, the number is enough."

"We formed a sharp knife team and went straight in..."

"As long as we can reach the mysterious aliens, we can destroy their cannons and mysterious weapons."

"At that time the overall situation will still be in our hands..."

"This is the only way now."

"If you have been leading the army, in fact, these ordinary soldiers are our burden..."

"I didn't expect this at first, I'm really an idiot!"


"Now... I can only do this now!"

"Must... must win!"

"Can't afford to lose, and can't afford to lose."

"That's all."

"Let's just do it next!"


The posture of gritted teeth followed in full display, with murderous eyes in his eyes.

Talha has decided to make a desperate move.

Anyway, there is nothing to lose, it doesn't matter, just go up and do...

The **** storm, in an instant!

"Have you thought about it?"

"If these chiefs of thousands and tens of thousands are all removed, the high-ranking officers of the army will be gone."

"At that time, our army will be like scattered sand. What combat effectiveness can it have?"

"Talha, are too risky..."

"It's unreasonable for you to do this."

Rugas frowned, then panted quickly, persuading him.

Talha: "..."

"Can you not be so mind-blowing?"

"Just take a look, now they look timid, what else can they have?"


"Just take a good look..."

"It's already a piece of loose sand, do you care about other things in other years?"

"It doesn't matter, just follow along and rush inside!"

"According to what I said, absolutely correct."



"Follow me! Charge!"

"All captains! Captain ten! Follow me and attack!"

"Other soldiers, stop here! Don't go any further!"


Talha's face was cold, and the speed was rushing to the extreme...

Facts have proved that when he takes this step, he is even successful.

His brain is clever enough...

Although those crazy bullets hit him a little bit pain, compared to his defense, it is really harmless...

Sprinting all the way, watching is about to arrive...

He can even see the faces of those people clearly...

Especially the figure of the boy standing in the middle...

Are they all so young?

This group of mysterious foreigners, after all... will they show their fox tails after all?

Tal feels that success is within reach...

As if... as if she would be able to get rid of the existences that made her dream.

He will completely destroy his nightmare!

Everything... will come to an end...

Talha laughed, and it was finally over!


Talha frowned again, he seemed to see the corners of the foreign youth's mouth raised silently...

Is he laughing?

What is he laughing at?

Is this a sneer and humiliation to him?


Protoss! Don't insult!


The war knife in Talha's hand ran through the air frantically, as if he wanted to completely wipe out everything around him and be active!

The end is also a kind of full rebirth to some extent!

Come on like this!

Piercing the air... Piercing the air... Continue to pierce the air?


"What about people?"

"Where did you go?"

"Why... Why is it gone?"

"Just... it feels like disappearing here in an instant."

", on earth...what's wrong?"

"Whirring whirring……"

"There must be something tricky..."



"Could it be that the ones I saw just now are all fake?"

"It's all an illusory picture?"


"Who...who can tell me, in the end...why did it become like this!"




The scream is about to completely destroy everything around it.

Crazy and desperate, the overwhelming momentum makes people start to churn in the depths of their minds, start to feel uneasy, start to feel burst...


To play... is to play...

Thoughts gradually faulted in my mind.

"come out!"

"Come out!"

"Disappeared again! Play and disappear again?"

"Sure... it must be around here!"

"Hold it! Hold it for me!"

"Damn it!"

As Talha spoke with blood and tears in his eyes, his voice became more and more sharp, as if he wanted to pierce this space!

It's too uncomfortable.

There is only endless restlessness in my heart at this moment!


At this moment, Fang Fan has used the micro-range teleportation symbol to fully teleport...

After teleporting to a kilometer away, Fang Fan felt that it was not safe yet, and used a few micro-range teleportation symbols to stretch the distance between each other as far as possible.

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