After Talha gave up all his defenses, he suffered more injuries.

All kinds of lacerations are fully displayed on the body!

The golden spear in the hands of the golden armor puppet stabs frantically, and even leaves several holes in Talha's body.

But Talhas disagreed.

If it doesn't hurt, it's definitely impossible, but now he can hold it back.

The rest, don't care, rush forward desperately!

This is the most firm belief!

He saw Fang Fan...

As long as he stabs past this **** guy, he can reach that mysterious alien, and then he can execute his hunting plan.

Everything went perfectly!

Talha swallowed frantically, he felt like he was doing it again!

As long as... as long as you grasp this opportunity well, you can still take off!

Whole body, follow restlessness!

The rest, it doesn’t matter...

Tremor...all-round tremor, the more I think about it, the more excited I feel...

Thoughts take off!


It's about to be in front of that nasty bastard!

Talha was dressed coarsely, his eyes trembled and said to the extreme!

It must be false to say that you are not nervous at all.

At this moment, the kind of surging deep in my heart is about to burst out completely!

"The quasi-demigod of the Protoss has attacked!"



Hans, the leader of the Goddess Gatling Legion, changed his expression, and then he held the Goddess Gatling and started shooting frantically!

This Gatling's extremely powerful power is indeed strong, but...but it is inexplicably far-fetched if used at this time...

Suddenly, the sense of oppression swept across the front line, and the whole person was directly numb...

For the soldiers and commanders of the army, their wishes and goals are always very unified. Now there is only one idea, and that is to focus all their spiritual power on Fang Fan!

As long as the Lord can be safe, everything else does not matter!

"Lord... Lord, I... My level is too low, I can't control him..."

Daji is ready to use a wave of exclusive hero skills [Idol Charm].

As long as he does not exceed his three levels of cultivation, Daji can use this trick to force control of the opponent for three seconds.

But obviously, the realm gap between Daji and this protoss semi-god Talha is more than three levels.

At this time, it seemed very embarrassing.

All aspects were swept across the board, and the pressure in my heart was also in place.

Thinking silently in his heart, then frantically began to swallow saliva.

Needless to say, this posture is well displayed, and everyone understands it.

This is basically the case.

In the situation, it's really not stable...

"Lord, my [Holy Asylum] is ready to activate at any time..."

"At the critical moment, you can be invincible for two seconds..."

"But... and nothing more..."


"We're holding on, you go... go..."

The hero Kyle took a deep breath, his beautiful eyes filled with worry.

The six heroes each have their own merits, and basically have a bit of housekeeping skills.

Galen waved the big sword in his hand, ready to do a big fight.

Because of the limitation of Fang Fan's cultivation base, their cultivation was stuck at the level of the Eight-Star Peak Sanctuary Realm at this moment, not even the Holy Venerable.

But even so, they can still gather all their combat power for a battle!

It doesn't matter!

Going up is pounding!

This posture completely collapsed!

For a while, my thoughts became numb in the evening, and I didn't know how to continue speaking.

Very crazy, more exciting...

If you feel this way, let's talk to someone more!

Fang Fan frowned, riding on the back of Tianlong, his eyes could not help but look at Bai Piao...

Bai Piao's body trembled...

With this look, he understands in seconds...

At this critical moment, it seems... as if there are not many other options...


"I owe you purely in my life!"

"Boy Fang Fan, you can't have something to do. If you have something to do, how can I enter the Chutian Pavilion small world to find my girl..."

"This time, I will fight you..."

"Oh shit…"

"That's a demigod...the special one is a demigod..."


"My mentality collapsed..."

Bai Piao gritted his teeth while talking, and then couldn't help but began to complain all around.

As he thought silently in his heart, the lips' whistling widened.

There are thousands of thoughts and thoughts rushing, the more you think, the more various thoughts in this heart become; messy.


"Or give yourself some armor?"


"Are there many **** armors in the inner treasury of God Race Tianlin City before?"

"Put on..."

"Wear it all..."

Fang Fan reminded him.

Bai Piao, who looks like he usually doesn't look serious, but if something happens, this guy is actually very useful.

All aspects can be followed to stabilize, no problem!

This feeling is in place, and my thoughts are full of boiling!

I understand everything I understand.

The rest, it doesn't matter.

Grasp it, take off!



"Boy Fang Fan is better off your brain..."

"Why didn't I think of this."

"To the effect..."

"Stay steady..."

"Hmm! There is still a chance..."

Bai Piao didn’t care about three, seven, twenty and one. He first put on a set of soft armor, and then two layers of armor...

Anyway, just wear them blindly.

These are basically the armor inner armor of the weak demigod level and the strong demigod level.

You know, can the armor that can be hidden in the inner treasury of Protoss Tianlin City, can it be ordinary things?

"Turtle son!"

"Your grandpa is here!"

"Come on! Come on!"

"I'm afraid of you!"

"Go straight!"

Bai Piao roared twice, and immediately had a full confrontation with Talha, a quasi-semi-divine cultivator of the Protoss...

Anyway, it's a direct stalemate.

Talha frowned and looked at the obstacle in front of him, with an unhappy expression...

This look is going to be as usual as usual, so why do you want to do this for him?


If you don’t have any of these, keep on playing?

Must do something?

Come on then!

I want to see who can play it!


"I can't even feel the spiritual power, it's obviously a waste!"


Talha disagrees, and then waved his hand to shoot the white float into pieces...


There was a rhythm of flapping, but Bai Piao still stood there gracefully, as if he had not suffered any injuries from beginning to end.

Not much to say about the others, the more we look at this picture, the more weird it gets.

For a while, my thoughts were raging, my eyes flickered, and I stayed on the spot, not knowing what to say.

This thought is completely messed up in my heart...

This... this is it?

Good guy... just for fun anyway?

Do it, do it, do it, it’s endless, right?

"how come…"

"How degraded is my attack power?"

Talha frowned, making him a little less confident.

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