At the same time, naturally, I couldn't help but want to brag in my heart.

"Madam, is my master drifting like this now?"

"You don't care?"

"Is it necessary to pick the head of the **** clan demigod at every turn?"

Fang Fan looked at Wu Meiling, the deputy chief of Guangming Academy, and shrugged helplessly.

As soon as he said this, his mind was fully in place and he was basically stable.

Wu Meiling, deputy governor of Guangming Academy, laughed so much that it was a trembling trembling...


This title sounds so nice...

"You don't know what your master is like..."

"He can't wait to put you on his lips every day."

Wu Meiling shook her head helplessly, followed by a light sigh.

"How are you?"

"It's okay to go out, right?"

"You go out for these two days, your master can be uttered to death in my ears."

"Ten sentences out of eleven sentences are talking about you..."

"It's the same even when sleeping..."

Wu Meiling rolled her eyes, and her desire for complaining became stronger.

What's the matter...

Waves of bells and whistles...



"Master... your speed is a bit faster..."

Fang Fan raised his eyebrows, then looked at Tai Uncle Jie and smiled happily.

It was clear what I wanted to express for a while.

Basically it is fully understood.

This wave has stabilized and is as stable as Mount Tai.

Take off, take off in full, know everything you know...

"You kid still dare to tease Master?"

"Is it itchy now, isn't it?"

Tai Shu Jie stared at him, not having a good air.

"Fang Fan, a first-year student of Guangming Academy, has captured three demigod heads from the Protoss!"

"Fang Fan, a first-year student of Guangming Academy, has a weak demigod head from the War God Race!"

"Congratulations for the light!"

"Congratulations for the light!"

"Congratulations for the light!"


The surrounding shouts swept across the board, and for a while, the agitation became more and more intense.

Everyone gritted their teeth, their postures seemed very real.

For a while, thoughts were raging, his eyes trembled, and the whole person took off.

Bai Piao fled back from a distance, and just came back, just howling.

Immediately afterwards, the heads of the three gods and demigods were taken out again.

Anyway, I want to make some noise...

This time, I just want to do more good...

Fang Fan promised before, there is a benefit, he will be divided into 10%...

As long as there are benefits, Bai Piao can do anything.

These problems are not big.

Take off in all aspects.

That's the rhythm.

Very bursting! It's also very exciting!

This is all said to the point, everyone must give face...

Regardless of whether it is from the Bright camp or from other camps, at this moment, they all come together to look at the head one by one, carefully checking to see if there are any faults.

If there are really no omissions, this matter is really not trivial.

It can even be said that this is a big event!

Takeoff is pending.

It exploded directly and completely.

The excitement can be swept in place again!

Mind... Take off calmly!

"It's really the head of a protoss demigod, and the time to die will not exceed two days!"

"it is true!"

"God bones as proof!"

"This breath is okay..."

"According to the hardness of this divine bone, one weak demigod, two quasi demigods..."

"Three protoss demigods? Just killed them? Hiss..."

"How did they do it?"

"I, Cao...their group of people, it looks like that, the strongest, that is, the Holy Venerable Realm? Anyway, I haven't seen the existence of a demigod powerhouse."

"Hey... With their strength, it would take a lot of effort to kill a supreme sage, let alone a quasi-demigod and a weak demigod..."

"Could it be that you are falsifying?"

"Is this... possible? Is it really falsification? I think...I don't think it's that simple..."

"The situation, some mistakes and omissions..."

"Do you want to fish in troubled waters?"

"Huh? It's not impossible! It's very likely..."

"Come back with the head of the protoss demigod to cheat, eat, drink and pretend? As for?"

"It doesn't matter, it depends on what they think... What if they are willing to toss like this..."

"Hehe...I think it's really fancy..."

"Understood, that's it, nothing..."

"Can't you just stop a little bit? Grass, what do you think? I really don't understand, I don't understand at all."

"You don't understand, so do I..."



There are still many questions around.

Looking at Fang Fan's posture like this, it doesn't seem like they can kill a demigod...

There must be an explanation for this credit, right?

"Good! Good!"

"The hero of my bright camp is back!"

"We are looking forward to it day and night, and finally...Finally, we are blessed by the true gods, and we have returned student Fang Fan to Hope!"

"Student Fang Fan has made a stunning achievement for my bright camp!"

"The hero is a boy! Even the weak demigods of the Protoss can be killed. It's incredible..."

The president of the bright camp, Ouyangtu, suddenly walked over with a charitable look, and first flattered him for a while.

If Fang Fan didn't know the nature of this guy, he might have been fooled by him.

This is truer than true.

The bells and whistles in this are still being fully superimposed.

The more I listen, the more headache...

That's how it feels in every aspect.

Toss and toss, endless...

Fang Fan was expressionless, just looking at Ouyang Tui like this, as if to say me, I just watched you perform so quietly...

For the others, there is nothing to do, just silently on the spot.

Ouyang Tu didn't care, he didn't feel embarrassed at the moment, and at the same time the conversation changed...

"But speaking of it, it's better for student Fang Fan to briefly introduce how the heads of these three gods and demigods were obtained?"

"Everyone is curious..."

"Hehe...If not, everyone will not accept it in their hearts..."

"Student Fang Fan had better prove that you killed this demigod."

The handsome president of the Bright Camp Ouyangtu licked his lips, and immediately began to make trouble.


Prove a hammer...

What more proof is this broken?


What is the situation, don't you have any points in your heart?

Toss and toss, waves of bells and whistles...

This wave of mentality followed the blood collapse on the spot, that's it.

play? Keep playing?

It's really interesting to look at...

With this wave, the suppression force is in place.

I understand...


"At that time, they were fighting each other and killing each other, and then they were both injured and their lives were hanging by a thread. In the end they were harvested by me."

"I personally cut off their heads."

"What? Isn't this considered military merit?"

"Huh? Isn't this a contribution point?"

Fang Fan shrugged and asked directly.

Bells and whistles...

This matter must be dealt with clearly.

What's the matter if it's unclear?

Fang Fan is very direct. He returned with such a high profile, just to contribute!

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