Divine System of the Strongest Card Supplier in the End Times

Chapter 3817: Olive Branch of the Dark Temple

This wave of suppression has no effect...

On the contrary, his chest exploded with anger.

So upset...

"Ha ha……"

"I don't think it is justified to add a little bit of contribution based on the merits of Fang Fan..."

"You should directly double the contribution points on the original basis... it should be ten times!"

"So... can we praise such a feat!"

"If you don't want to contribute this contribution point to the neutral camp and the light camp, my dark temple will be rounded up!"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

"Little friend Fang Fan..."

"My dark temple is thirsty..."

"Especially a proud man like you, who never refuses!"

"If the little friend Fang Fan is willing to come to my dark temple, this seat can guarantee that you will have a status no less than that of a madman."

The first-class saint of the dark temple, the president of the dark camp, Shuai Motian suddenly smiled and walked forward, a black robe hunting under the influence of the hurricane.

While speaking at the moment, a pair of screaming eyes were staring at Fang Fan like this, and they looked particularly excited and surging.

For a time, all kinds of words were silent on the spot, and thoughts were chaotic. Now...

The whole person, directly floating to the extreme!

Explode to start, and whoever said it.

The stimulation is in place, basically as stable as Mount Tai!

The stimulation is really exciting!

"Why compare with me!"

The first madman of the dark temple on the side rolled his eyes and followed in angrily.

He felt that this was suppressing and insulting him!

When is his madman's turn to be compared with such a guy?

"To shut up!"

"If Little Friend Fang Fan is really willing to come, Little Friend Fang Fan is the first son of my dark temple! You will be the second son of God!"

"No more nonsense, directly suppress!"

The first-class saint Motian of the Dark Temple stared at him, and the madman grinded his teeth. Although this heart felt extremely uncomfortable, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he had no choice but to follow it.

This is almost the case.

Although the first madman of the dark temple is mad, he still has to be steady when facing the first-class saint Motian of this dark temple.

The words of the devil, shake the surrounding...

This condition is too favorable, right?

Exciting! Attractive...

Thoughts, instant chaos!

In the depths of the eyes, the endless brilliance flashed across the board.

The more I think, the more excited, the more surging the line.

It's such a taste, but whoever tells it.

Just feel good!

Extremely carefree!

Take off pending!

"I'm going to... Niubi, this... The conditions for the Demon Heaven Saint of the Dark Temple are so cool, right? Fang Fan went, and he was the first son of the Dark Temple? After a few years, he inherited the Dark Temple. Lord?"

"This... can this Demon Heavenly Sage be able to do it?"

"Haha... I’m afraid it’s really impossible to talk about others, but it’s okay if it’s the demon saint. It’s said that the pope in the dark temple is the brother of the demon saint. This is related, do you think he has no strength to speak? ?"

"I'm Cao! Great Klass, what are you waiting for? Hurry... Hurry up and promise!"


"Anyway, this Fang Fan is still being squeezed out in the bright camp. It's better to switch to the gate and take off directly there!"

"Grass! Really cool! Why didn't such a good thing fall on me..."

"What? Listen to what you mean, if it really falls on you, will you still want to deceive your master and destroy your ancestor?"



"Master, I...I don't, I...I just said it..."

"But Master, you... feel for yourself, if this good thing really falls in front of your eyes, can you not be moved?"

"Huh? Master, do you think it's possible?"

"When the time comes to act, you can imagine what you will become..."

"Hey...Don't say that you are deceiving the master and destroying the ancestors, even if the blood slaughter 30,000 li, it will not be a big problem..."

"You villain! Asking knowingly!"

"The bright camp is really stupid, so let go of such a proud man of heaven, so stupid at home!"

"Who says no... There is an extremely strong comedic effect when you look at it..."

"Interesting... Take off..."



The surrounding voices gradually increased.

Not much else to say, this feeling is in place, and the more I talk, the more excited.

There are thousands of thoughts, eyes flickering, and this thought is bursting out.

All this seems to be aimed at Ouyangtu, the president of the bright camp.

Basically, he is spitting out what is good or bad.

too difficult.

The mentality collapsed...

There are waves of bells and whistles, just play like this...

I have a headache just looking at it...

With this thought, who is more to talk to.

Messed up...


It's completely messy.

In my heart, the more I think about it, the more anxious...

Ouyang's mouth twitched...

Although I am very angry, I still have to keep smiling...

Mind collapse...

But keep your posture!

This **** **** everything!

It's all because of this Fang Fan!

Ever since I met this guy, it seems that I have been suffering from misfortune!

Damn it!

Now the Dark Temple, the magic sky, still wants to win him over?

If this **** really went to the Temple of Darkness, wouldn't the future of this development be even stronger?

After arriving in the dark temple, becoming the first son of God, in the future...maybe he can really grow to the point where he is terrified.

Thinking about this, stingy became harder to look.

My thoughts were messy and my eyes flickered to the extreme...

The posture of gnashing teeth is fully displayed, and the more I think about it, the more uncomfortable...

At the end of the day, it should be fully grasped that is...

Now all the focus is on Fang Fan...

As long as Fang Fan nodded slightly, this matter would be...

"Fang Fan bastard..."

"You... don't be impulsive..."

"You must have your own belief..."

"Darkness and light... Uh..."

Xue Wanren, the deputy chief of the Guangming Academy, couldn't talk anymore, and then couldn't help but sigh slightly.

Waves of bells and whistles...

What's more to be said about the next thing.

Thinking directly followed the overall fixation, which is too difficult.

Thoughts rushed in my mind, wanting to spit something, but followed silently.

His eyes flickered, his expression indifferent, nothing.

Is darkness really dark? Is the light really light?

What has always been the positioning between the two?

Who can really understand the relationship between light and darkness?

Isn’t it clear enough what the Bright Alliance and even the entire Temple of the Bright Alliance look like today?

I’ve already understood it, I’m too lazy to think, just be completely indifferent,

"Disciple, you...you make your own choice..."


"Some people in this bright camp are really not a thing..."

"Master means that the cultivation base is a little bit worse, otherwise the group of **** will be hammered to death in minutes..."

Uncle Jie Du mumbled, while talking, couldn't help but stare at Ouyang who was standing not far away...

The hint is obvious enough.

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