
"His hiss..."

The First Supervisor of the Original City Guard of the Bright God City caused Cao Ji to roll his eyes frantically.

Mindset... Mindset collapsed.


Why... Why is he always hurt!

My little arms and legs, why should I treat him like this!

Pain... Pain to the extreme!

At this moment, Cao Ji seemed to have heard the sound of his bones gradually breaking into powder.

This heart completely collapsed...

Damn it...

Damn it!

piss off! Get out of here!

I can’t wait to... I can’t wait to rush forward and fight frantically...

As long as there is a way, Cao Ji wants to chew the hand on his shoulder clean...

too difficult……

A **** heart, **** crazily...

Cao Ji pitifully looked at the Ouyang disciple behind him, his pleading gaze swept across the past, now...now just begging to let him go...

But at this moment, the first-class saint of the bright camp, Ouyangtu, has long been angry to the limit!

How could he have the energy to pay attention to what a dog is thinking at this time?

It doesn't matter, it really doesn't matter.

Direct and complete suppression!

"I...I'm going to call..."

Cao Ji cried and prayed.

too difficult……

The mentality is shattered into dregs!

What the hell... what is going on?


Can't...Can't you control the rhythm a little bit?

Let me go, is it so hard?

"To shut up……"

"Kill you if you call!"


Click, click...

Cao Ji's body shook, then his shoulders crooked, his expression looked desperate...

The shoulder...really shattered...

It's Husky!

That **** Fangfan offended you, why did you do this to me?


Does it feel humorous like this? Is it fun?

damn thing!

As long as labor and capital have a way, they will be brought to justice in minutes...

"Being a dog..."

"There is no dignity."

"I can't be a dog forever..."

"Even if I am really a dog now, I have to be inspired to become a wolf...become a wolf king!"

"I want to make everyone feel scared!"

"Anyone! There is no right to be arrogant in front of me!"

"I want to make good use of all the resources now..."


"from now on!"

"From now on!"

"I want to accumulate in an all-round way!"

"All... everyone who has offended me will have to die..."

"Wait for me to get up and down, let me see what your expressions are..."


"Wait... wait for me!"


Thoughts are completely messed up.

As if to completely suppress everything in front of me.

Many words, condensed in the heart!

At this moment, Cao Ji's self-motivated spirit was invisibly activated!

Thinking silently in my heart, my thoughts gradually churned!

No one can stop a motivated person from making leaps and bounds!


Cao Ji couldn't help but let out a wolf howl...

Immediately there was a strong breath exuding him...


The first-class saint Ouyangtu of the Temple of the Bright Alliance who was torturing Cao Ji frowned...

This dog thing, is it possible that he still wants to smash his skin in front of him?


Seeing this, do you still have to resist or what?

Really not fragrant?


That's how it is played?

Bastard stuff...

Is it really crazy or fake?

In this way, what do you want to cause trouble?

Thoughts...instantly messy to the limit!

Ideas burst into the moment!

The more you think, the brighter your thoughts...

Ouyang squinted his eyes, and at this moment he was already murderous.

What is the use of this kind of dog who dares to eat the lord?

Just kill it like this...

The rest, fearless!

Do it directly!

The posture must be adequate!

This wave is basically stable...

Stable as Mount Tai!


"It always feels like there is something wrong..."


"How can the aura around this rush toward you crazily..."

"what's the situation……"

"You...you are going to be promoted?"


Ouyangtu, the first-class saint of the Temple of the Light Alliance, was shocked subconsciously.


Can you still play like this?

At this moment, this Cao Ji is in the Supreme Saint Venerable Realm, and then he is promoted...that is a demigod!

Can you become a demigod even with such a thing?


When did the demigods pull their hips like this?



Just play?

The movement of Cao Ji's side also attracted the attention of many people...

At this moment, I naturally saw Ouyang Tuo clutching Cao Ji's shoulder.

Seeing that Cao Ji's shoulders have basically collapsed, all fools know that this strength is not light...

All of a sudden, there was a lot of discussion...

"What's the situation...I don't understand why...this...this kind of aura gathering frantically, something is wrong, it's really something wrong..."

"I'm Cao..."

"This... Isn't it about promotion?"


"Promoted to a demigod?"

"I wipe..."

"It seems... as if it really is..."

"Look at the thunder group in the sky..."

"Half-God Tribulation...This is Half-God Thunder Tribulation!"

"Our bright camp will have an extra demigod!"

"Take off and burst!"

"It's just that the Ouyang disciple saint is holding Cao Ji at this moment, what's the situation? This is not right..."

"It seems to shatter that Cao Ji's shoulders..."

"Grass... is it so fierce? It... doesn't look like it's a joke!"

"It's overwhelming. It seems that this Saint Ouyang disciple was punishing Cao Ji corporal just now?"

"Why corporal punishment?"

"Heh! You don't know about this? Just now, our boss Fang Fan is so radiant, and this Lord Ouyang Sage is upset, what else can we do? Hey...Our Lord Sage Ouyang But there is no good-mindedness, like that...tsk...you can understand even if you don't say it..."

"Grass... That's the way it turns out. I can't help it anymore. Use my subordinates to vent?"

"Hey... This Cao Ji only came into effect not long ago, and he is about to be treated like this now. It's a bit miserable..."

"I think this Ouyang Sage is a bit psychopathic..."

"From now on... From now on, it's better to pay more attention..."

"If you are with this kind of person, you still have to be more careful, because if you are a little careless, you may be sold by him..."

"Yeah! Well said! It makes sense! Actually, I think so too."

"Too messy... fancy..."



The surrounding spit sounds gradually increased.

What everyone is most concerned about is not the fact that Cao Ji is about to cross the half-god Thunder Tribulation, and the disposition and qualities of that Ouyang disciple are discussed for a long time.

For a time, this Ouyang disciple was once again admired on the cusp of the tide, and for a while, everyone was basically shouting and beating, and he could not wait to directly attack him to the blast!

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