Divine System of the Strongest Card Supplier in the End Times

Chapter 3822: The upper level is Mrs. Santo

This guy is just a **** stick.

There must be no good where he is.

"Can you prove it?"

"Yes...you went with Fang Fan at that time."

"Then Bai Piao, please tell me, what is the status of this high-level protoss? What is the position? What is the cultivation level?"

"And how did Fang Fan conquer this high-level protoss?"

"Talk about it!"

"I need to know more specific information, so that I can make a comprehensive prediction!"

"The main reason is that you are afraid that this high-level protoss will deliberately say these routines..."

Xue Wanren looked at Bai Piao, and now he directly regarded Bai Piao as a sweet and glutinous rice cake. When he was speaking, he nodded quickly, the smile on his face was very real.

I have a lot of thoughts, my thoughts are rushing, and I feel this way, and who should I talk to.

"More specific information..."


"There are indeed some."

"It's just this stuff... can you tell me?"

"Boy Fang Fan..."


"I don't have much money on hand these days..."


"If only there could be a one-eight billion pieces of sacred stone."


Bai Piao sighed, and then raised his eyebrows, and began to fancy all these things.

While speaking, his eyes flickered, his thoughts rose, his posture was surging to the limit!

The more you talk about it, the more subtle glow in your eyes...

All of a sudden, his thoughts were surging.

Various ideas are fully in place.

A real batch...

Fang Fan looked speechless...

Does this guy want to blackmail him?

This guy has all his thoughts in place now.

That's called a righteous...

"In the future, the share ratio can be reduced to one percent."

Fang Fan was expressionless, thinking to himself.

"It's the lady of the city lord of God Race Tianlin City..."


"As for how to conquer, I don't need to say more!"

"This guy has the strongest ability, you all understand."

Chu Sisi on the side couldn't help it anymore, and immediately began to fully explode the news!

This revelation seems very fast!

For a time, they were all stimulating words.

Thoughts gathered, and light flashed in his eyes.

Take off directly!

Excitement, to the top!

The rest, no need to say more! Full bombing!

"Mrs. City Lord?"



"You...you sacrifice too much, right?"

"How old is this city lord's wife..."

"You...you endured humiliation and suffered for the sake of getting information..."

"Um... Didn't that city lord's wife... Didn't torture you with some weird things like steel wire balls..."

Tai Shu Jie opened his mouth, and then couldn't help but sigh. While speaking, his eyes kept peeping on Fang Fan's body. From time to time, he glanced at Fang Fan's lower body.

Although Tai Shujie didn't say anything specifically, he basically understood what it meant to express.

Fang Fan: "..."

In this wave, he didn't really want to continue talking.

This rhythm can also be slowed down a bit.

The speed is too fast to keep up.

Why do we start to stage those weird plots at every turn?

The story of the love entanglement between the rich woman and the little white face?

"To be precise, it is the Seventeenth Lady of the City Lord's Mansion."

Fang Fan groaned, and then added some keywords temporarily.


"It turned out to be like this..."

"The little wife of the Protoss City Lord? Little concubine?"

"Yeah! That's okay, most concubines are graceful and beautiful..."

"Hey...not too bad."

"Everything is for the task!"

"I just said that my disciple is so strong..."

Uncle Jie's eyes lit up, and the smile on the corners of his mouth grew more and more as he spoke.

This wave is basically stable.

"Do you still encourage?"

"The upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked!"

"You...do you often do this kind of thing, so your apprentice learned it?"

"Stealing information in this way..."


"You old thing is not serious!"

Wu Meiling, the deputy chief of the Guangming Academy, clenched her silver teeth, and couldn't help but stretched out her hand to pinch Taishu Jie.

While talking, Wu Meiling rolled her eyes frantically, obviously dissatisfied with her uncle Jie.

Tai Uncle Jie has thick skin and thick flesh, and looks indifferent.

How big things are, that's it, keep a steady state of mind, better than anything else.

"You woman, what do you know!"

"Women have long hair and short knowledge!"

"In order to get the first-hand information of the Protoss, my disciple chose to go deep into the enemy camp, bear the humiliation, and then steal key information from the opponent. This is righteous!"

"As for those sections, uh...sometimes...sometimes they can be put aside appropriately..."

"This kind of thing, right, there is no specific agreement standard or something..."

"Ah... you know everything!"


"For the great cause, my disciples sacrificed too much!"

"This is also a great achievement. It stands to reason that the Meritorious Palace should also contribute points to the calculation of military merits!"

"This can be regarded as the first-hand key information for the Protoss, at least a new understanding of the face of the Protoss camp..."

Tai Uncle Jie held up his head and stood tall, and as he spoke, his eyes flickered.

That said, there is still some truth.

Xue Wanren, the deputy chief of the Guangming Academy, stood in place at the moment, looking helpless...

This... is this his son-in-law?

I just fool around with other women outside...

The point is, even if you fool around, what's the matter with his old father-in-law who can only be happy?

Now it seems that you can't even complain about it?

This is for the sake of the overall situation, righteousness is directly pressed on the body, it is too real!

Xue Wanren wriggled his lips, and now he just wanted to turn around and leave. He didn't want to stay here anymore. It was too uncomfortable.

"Vice Palace Master Xue..."

"Talk to you!"

"Please comment on my disciple's behavior!"

"How did you become the first deputy palace chief?"


"No matter what?"

"This student has made such a great achievement, but it doesn't mean it at all?"


"That's it?"

Tai Shujie began to scream for Fang Fan.

Xue Wanren's mouth twitched to himself.


What you say is right, and what you say makes sense.

Why do I want to hammer you so much now...

What do you want me to say?

As the deputy palace master, indeed, this kind of thing should be commended.

But as an old father-in-law, Xue Wanren felt that he was about to smoke above his head!

Can this be tolerated?

The key is, how to bear it?

This mentality has already reached its limit!

Thousands of thoughts, thoughts sinking...


"very good!"

"I will strive to make new achievements in the future!"


"But...but also pay attention to the method!"

"Especially in this kind of thing, we must control the rhythm!"

Xue Wanren forced a smile on his face, and when he saw his daughter screaming in the arms of such a dog man, Xue Wanren looked sad!

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