Ouyang Tuo, the first-class saint of the Temple of the Light Alliance, silently narrowed his eyes.

This... is something wrong?

Not as simple as imagined?


How did it become like this!

How should this **** situation be resolved comprehensively next?

Ouyangtu's eyes flashed...

If you can't figure this out, you're really being beaten in the face.

Inexplicably feel the brain buzzing.

Then the majesty of being the president of the bright camp will be gone.

Will be ridiculed across the board.


"The power of this invincible cannon is too powerful, so naturally it needs more energy, otherwise this invincible power will not burst out."

"Don't worry, hold on, it's all small problems."

"For energy..."

"Replace all the high-grade star cores with divine stone fragments!"

"The reason why I can't shoot is probably because of this problem."

"Small problem, nothing..."

Ouyang waved his hand, with a calm expression that had already seen everything, and by the way, he would continue to pretend to be.

"Why are you still not moving?"

"Hurry up!"

"Stop the ink, okay?"

On the side, there was more spitting, and the momentum was directly crushed into place.


Ouyang Tu frowned, his expression dissatisfied.



"Master Ouyang Sage, we...we don't have the shards of the sacred stone..."

The artillery of the Temple of Light Alliance blinked, crying in mourning.

too difficult!

Isn't this really embarrassing them?

The mentality swelled instantly, and his thoughts gradually became messy.

The more I think about it, the more my eyes tremble, and my whole person gradually becomes numb.

Naturally, there is no need to say more about the others, and they are so silent on the spot.

That's about it.

Some of the others didn't, so it's not a big problem.

"Take it!"

"hurry up!"

"Hurry up and blast this giant artillery..."

Ouyang waved his bare hand and threw a few hundred fragments of the sacred stone.

Now everyone is a local tyrant...

After fighting against the Protoss for so long, there are also a lot of storage rings of the Protoss cultivators seized.

Taking out these storage rings is actually quite interesting.

The quantity is there, and everyone understands it.

For a time, thoughts were flying.

Put these hundreds of sacred stone fragments there, and then throw them all the way towards the bullet hole...




One hundred...

In the end, hundreds of sacred stone fragments were thrown in, but there was still no response.

Suddenly... numb.

His eyes trembled, and he wanted to say something, but couldn't say it.

Thoughts are extremely messy.

Feelings gather, thinking is stimulated, and nothing else.

too difficult.

It's completely colder than this.


"No...no, nothing..."

"It's... it's still... it's the shard of the sacred stone..."

The artillery of the Temple of the Light Alliance trembled with trembling lips, and couldn't help being frightened.

The mentality collapsed.

At this moment, his eyes flickered, and his thoughts were messed up to the extreme...

Not much to say about the others, this wave of feelings is too real!

"It's gone again?"

"Hundreds of sacred stone fragments..."

"Equivalent to the energy of millions of high-grade star nuclei..."

"That's it?"


"I didn't even hear a sound!"

"Where is the cannonball?"

"Where is the cannonball?"


"It's all waste!"

"One counts one, all of them!"


The roar gradually increased, as if to completely crush everything in front of him.

For a time. The fierce light was revealed in the eyes, as if to destroy everything completely...

Ouyangtu, the first-class saint of the Temple of the Light Alliance, felt an extreme sense of frustration at this moment.

At this moment, my hair can't help but stand up crazily...

Deep in the eyes, endless killing intent burst out!

It's very real and very clear.

Several artillerymen shrank into a ball, panicked...

too difficult.

The mentality collapsed.

The thoughts were messy, the expression trembled, and the sense of despair from deep in my heart struck, and he was numb for an instant.

I was crying and I really wanted to cry...

I can't cry but I can't cry.

too difficult……

For an elite artillery like them, this is the first time to see such a scene. For a while, the mentality has long since collapsed on the spot.

The more I think about it, the more bored I feel!


This is not a cannon at all...

This is the big stomach king!

Obviously it is the big stomach king!

damn thing……

It's too awkward!

"Now...what do we need to do now... so that the shells can burst out!"


Ouyang took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down. At this moment, his eyes became extremely **** red!

Even if my heart is messed up, but...but I still have to restrain my emotions.

In the process of restraint, I felt more and more confused.

The mind was completely bloodied!

A lot of words can't be said at the moment.

Blinking eyes, a look of indifference...


It's painful...painful!

I want to stab, but I can't find the direction...



"I can only... I can only continue to put more sacred stone fragments into it."

The artillery shrank his neck, a wry smile appeared on his face...

Now I can only say that, it's too difficult...

I don't know how to say the next thing.

Thinking, gradually numb claws.

The cool moonlight is fully implemented to the end.

Now based on experience, this can only be done.

"Invest more?"

"How much do you want?"

"Give me an accurate number!"


The roar is almost drowning everything around!

In the depths of the eyes, endless fierce light flickered.

A fool can hear the resentment and anger in Ouyangtu's heart.

But in the presence of so many people, I still have to maintain my image, so I can only grit my teeth and stay on the sidelines...

Gou Laigou, that's it.

It's completely messy.


At the end of the end, follow the full end!

"I...I don't know..."

"Master Saint, such a weird cannon, I...I also encountered it for the first time..."

"I don't know what the situation is..."

"Now... now there is no other way besides continuing to join the shards of the sacred stone..."

"Master Saint..."

"Otherwise... forget it?"

"Shall we go back?"

The artillery on the side couldn't help shrinking their necks, and then said seriously.

This wave is basically such a situation.

Mess is messy, expression is abrupt, a heart, beating frantically.

It's numb...

Directly numb on the spot.

For these artillery, they don't want to continue tossing here.

Toss and toss, still such a ghost!

Damn it!

Damn it!


I thought I could show my face in front of Lord Sage, but I didn't expect to be slapped viciously in the end...

Now I will even encounter the envy of the Lord Saint, and even my life will not be guaranteed...

I knew so why at the beginning...

The more I think about it, the more complicated it becomes...

It was too sand sculpture at the beginning.

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