Between the two, they are not the same.

Don’t be impressed for three days...

This is the more you look at it, the more tremor!

In Ji Lan's view, compared with Fang Fan's existence, those so-called geniuses are simply a waste of this name.

Not worthy...

They don't deserve to be compared with Fang Fan!

Ji Lan, the lord of the Meritorious Hall, the dean of Tianwu Academy, and the city lord of the Seventh Academy of Divine City, Ji Lan spoke, and the brilliance in his eyes increased.

This time, a pair of turbid eyes flickered.

The more I look, the more excited, the more I look, the more surging.

These seem to be not clearly expressible in a few words.

Very real and very real.

it is more than words.


"Hall Master Ji Lan, are you...what else is going on?"

Fang Fan raised his eyebrows, and felt that Ji Lan’s eyes were a bit wrong. Just staring at him like this, his eyes seemed to be barbed. With a little hook, Fang Fan would be hooked bloody. go.

His eyes are too sharp.

"No... it's okay."

"I just feel that such a proud man of heaven hasn't appeared in my Tianwu Academy..."


"If the little friend Fang Fan is willing to come to my Tianwu Academy, you can be the dean!"

Ji Lan can't help but sigh lightly.

But after thinking about it, I also feel that this is absolutely fantasy and illusion.

This kind of thing is unclear.

It's nothing.

It’s best if you have an idea in your heart.

"Hall Master Ji Lan joked."

"By the way, replace all the five million contribution points for me... with sacred stone fragments."

"I remember one hundred contribution points can be exchanged for a shard of **** stone?"

"Five million is fifty thousand sacred stone fragments..."

Fang Fan nodded, looking very satisfied.

There are not enough pieces of sacred stone.

This thing must collapse ideologically.

Now Bai Piao has gradually started to clear out the treasures he got from the treasury of the Protoss Tianlin City City Lord's Mansion little by little.

The number of sacred stone fragments that this possessed is also increasing in an all-round way.

Immediately, he will be able to upgrade the only intermediate-level saint-level ruling unicorn holy beast legion to the high-level saint beast...

At that time, the ten major legions will all be high-ranking saints, and the momentum will be there, and it will be able to shake all dissatisfaction!

For a time, this sense of oppression gradually came into place.

The moment of full-scale take-off, inexplicably makes people feel fluttering.

Very exciting and surging.

"Replace all with divine stone fragments?"

"This...this is too bad!"

"I am here, but there are many treasures, all prepared by the three forces."

"Look, there are a lot of semi-artifacts over there..."

Ji Lan couldn't help but reminded.

But to be honest, these really didn't have much appeal to Fang Fan.

A glance at the past, it looks like that.


"Demi-god weapon or something..."

"I don't lack..."

Fang Fan shrugged, then sighed, then calmly grabbed a handful from the storage ring...

What is there in the treasury of the Lord's Mansion of the Protoss Upper City Tianlin City?

These are not things!

Not a big problem!

Once some thoughts are in place, the whole person floats.



"The quality is indeed much better than here..."

"Then...there are many magical powers and books..."

Ji Lan still didn't give up, and immediately wanted to continue to persuade.

"Does the Lord Ji Lan think that our Guangming Academy will lack this kind of magical powers?"

"Those can't be finished, and there is no need to do this, it's nothing."

Fang Fan shrugged and said calmly.


"Would you like a group of high-level war slaves?"

"There are also a few saintly realm war slaves here, which can be exchanged for guards..."

"Oh... forget this."

"Little friend Fang Fan is surrounded by masters like clouds..."

"It''s really so... there's really nothing in exchange for it."


"It's a huge hall of merit. Speaking of which there are countless treasures here, but now that I think about it, there is really nothing remarkable."

"Little friend Fang Fan would be considered a wise move in exchange for the shards of the sacred stone."

Ji Lan groaned, too lazy to continue persuading.

When he was about to exchange Fang Fan’s contribution points into Divine Stone Fragments, Fang Fan’s expression suddenly changed...


"I... Why did my heart hurt suddenly..."

Fang Fan frowned, and then subconsciously moved towards the distance, his expression abruptly looked very strange.

Immediately afterwards, he saw a young girl in a cage...

The girl is very dignified, her facial mask is delicate, her eyes are very different, when she sees Fang Fan, her eyes seem to flash suddenly.

For a time, Fang Fan's heartache gradually disappeared.

"Husband, what's the matter with you?"

"Why are you heartache?"

"Please speak?"

"Where else are you uncomfortable?"

"Shall we call the pastor..."

On the side, Concubine Xiang saw Fang Fan frown and couldn't help but hurried forward to show concern.


"Fang Fan's acting skills are getting more and more exquisite."

"I thought this guy really felt any pain..."

"Co-author, it's all a bullshit..."

"Good guy..."

"Can you still play this set?"

"It's really the best!"

"What heartache is not for the beauty..."

"Hey... After seeing the beautiful woman, this heart doesn't hurt, and her expression doesn't get distorted."

"Too real!"

"Men are big trotters!"

"This kid doesn't change his mind..."

"Hehe! It's easy to change the country and its nature is hard to change!"

"Treat this kid badly for coming over to educate me all day."

Bai Piao rolled his eyes and walked over from the side. He was full of complaints as he spoke!

This guy has such a personality.

As long as he could find the slightest chance to attack Fang Fan, this guy felt he would not miss it.

Maybe it feels like this is a special kind of fun?

"Husband, you... are you really like this?"

"Husband, I don't think you are such a person..."

"You're not the kind of person who can't walk when you see beautiful women..."


Concubine Xiang blinked, and then said quietly and coquettishly.

As he spoke, his eyes flickered, and his thoughts were chaotic, and his consciousness flew...


"Have you not seen the character of this guy?"

"Ask him what's the use? It's nothing."

"A man's mouth, a deceitful ghost, just look at his behavior!"

"This guy just loves the new and hates the old! This guy doesn't have enough at all!"

"I like the last one, and then I think about getting to bed..."

"I can see it through!"

"Son of a bitch!"

"Dog man!"

"I really want to castrate with a knife, forget it!"

Chu Sisi has always been a hot temper, and suddenly couldn't help but speak.

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