If you can't bear it, just run away.

This is the most true.

Some of the rest are not, directly suppressed, nothing.

It's useless to talk so much.

In terms of mentality, stay steady and float straight.

Out of the Hall of Merit, head straight to the station of Guangming Academy in the city...

At this moment, Ji Lan stood behind and watched.


"After all, I didn't ask."

"But what is certain is that even if this little friend Fang Fan is not the true god, I am afraid that he will have nothing to do with the true god."

"A normal prince of heaven is absolutely impossible to achieve this level."

"That invincible cannon, and the blessings of the gods under the crown of the goddess Athena, even...even the phantom under the crown of the goddess Athena actively kissed the little friend Fang Fan..."

"In addition, Lina, the female slave of the Supreme Saint Venerable Realm just now, has been calling Little Friend Fang Fan the Divine Lord..."

"A lot of things in this are already very real."

"It's true, it's all true."

"I see……"

"It is my fortune for Ji Lan to be able to meet Fang Fan in this life!"

Ji Lan whispered to herself, the corners of her mouth rose slightly, her thoughts gradually messed up.


At this moment, not far from the Meritorious Hall, a team quietly settled down.


"As for?"

"If he is there, we can't pass?"


"What's the reason for this special?"

"Are we all scared to this point now?"

"Oh shit……"

"This is too awkward, right?"

"Fear of a hammer, just go up and do it!"

"What's the matter with this bullshit..."

"What a **** shame!"

Cao Man, the young master of Guangming God City, turned red at this moment, and couldn't help snarling frantically.

While talking, his face became more and more difficult to look.

Grinding his teeth at the moment, his thoughts were gradually confused, and a heart suddenly burst to the extreme.

The more I thought about it, the more upset my face became more and more ugly...

Juvenile xinxing, originally this heart was filled with fire! How can you just say that it doesn't matter casually?

This obviously does not exist.

There is still a lot of sullen in my heart...

The more I think about it, the more abrupt my eyes...

That's probably the case.

Sincere and true.


"If it weren't for you, I'll go up and say hello."

"do not understand anything!"


"Take you up to say hello to Fang Fan. You, a dog, are bound to disturb me."

"At that time it will only make the relationship between each other more rigid..."

"This Fang Fan is already Long Yue Deep Sea and has taken off completely."

"From now on...Don't do things casually..."

"I can't do it... and I can't do it!"

"After talking so much, you don't understand anything."


"If you raise a wasteful son like you, can't labor and management give you extra snacks?"

Cao Teng, the lord of Guangming God City, shook his head and couldn't help but sigh lightly.

too difficult.

The various thoughts in his mind gathered, his eyes were numb, his expression was indifferent, and he was nothing.

In this case, we still have to stop a little bit.

If something happens, I can't stand it.


"I think you were completely frightened by that Fang Fan!"

"Is it that powerful?"

"Really are……"

"Isn't it just a young student from Guangming Academy?"

"The background is the best, that is, Xue Wanren, the deputy chief of the Guangming Academy..."

"What's the matter? Isn't that still under your command? You are the city lord of Guangming God City, and that Xue Wanren just has the position of deputy city lord!"

"Furthermore, now this Fang Fan doesn't even give Ouyang the first-class saint's face, he has long been hated by Ouyang saint!"

"Heh! His future and destiny have long been completely destroyed!"

"With this kind of existence, worry? Afraid? Ha ha... nothing..."

"I really don't know what to say."

"In the face of this, you don't need to have any attitude..."

"Wait for a few days and I will die if I can't say anything."

"If we can help Master Ouyang, we can still get a favor from Master Saint."


"Why do you dodge here..."

There was a muttering voice, and the voices of emotion gathered all over, the brow furrowed as he spoke, and his expression changed abruptly.

This time, his eyes fluttered, and his thoughts were extremely messy.

The various thoughts in my head gradually increased.

Very messy, very messy, very complicated...

There were waves of bells and whistles.

Cao Man clenched his fists, feeling unhappy in his heart.

He felt that he had met an extremely useless old man, and even became useless with himself.

This thing is messing around, as for?


It's really strong to pull the calf...

Really speechless.

damn thing……

It's all dog stuff!

Anyway, it feels uncomfortable in my heart, and it's quite unpleasant.

"I don't care what your attitude is, I only warn you a little."

"Don't provoke Fang Fan!"

"Even if he slaps you now, you have to bear it!"

"If you dare to continue to be arrogant, I will sever the father-son relationship with you, and you can get out of it. Don't take me to death with you!"

"You just said Ouyang disciple?"

"Heh! Hehehe..."

"How about Ouyang disciple? Isn't it strong enough? The president of the bright camp is handsome, or he is a strong demigod, he is the first-class saint of the temple, and one person is more than ten thousand people..."

"But so what?"

"In front of that Fang Fan, don't you still deflate again and again?"

"And... that Fang Fan brought back the heads of two quasi-semi-god masters of the Protoss race and the head of a weak and half-god master..."

"The combat power of the cultivators of the Protoss should be stronger..."

"The weak and semi-divine protoss can now fight against the strong semi-divine of our allies."

"But such a powerful Protoss was still killed by Fang Fan! And his head was cut off and brought back!"

"These things are all in front of us!"


"Don't understand yet?"


"All said so clearly!"

"Or, are you pretending to be deaf?"

"Leave aside, just say that Ji Lan, the dean of Tianwu Academy and the City Lord of the Seventh Academy of Divine City, is he a fool? He is so fond of Fang Fan because he sees Fang Fan's supreme potential."

"It was a little far away just now, and I didn't hear clearly, but I also heard some gods and true gods..."


"There is a king bomb behind this Fang Fan!"

"People have true gods as their backers, what do you have?"

"Fight him? This situation was already set at the beginning."

"Do you want to follow suit?"

"damn thing……"

"Even if you have more displeasure in your heart, we can't intervene in this matter ourselves."

"At most... At most, it's just fooling some foolish people to get revenge or something..."

"Always be wise and then wise!"

"Your father, I have eaten more salt than chicken you have eaten..."

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