Everyone could see Tai Shujie's desire to be promoted to a demigod.

It's just that this kind of thing is not something that you can become if you want to be.

There are indeed many things involved.

If you can't stabilize, you will follow the mess.


"The bottleneck of this demigod state is terrible."

"It feels like you can't see your head at a glance!"

"But Cao Ji's kind of despicable villain who is greedy for life and fear of death can usher in the demigod thunder, and even successfully get through the promotion to the demigod, why can't I do it!"

"underestimate me?"

"Oh shit!"

"What kind of world is this so special!"

"Fancy bells and whistles! Do it all."

"The mentality collapsed."

"This thing is really hip pulling!"

Uncle Jie couldn't help complaining again.

While speaking, she couldn't help but look at Wu Meiling, the deputy chief of Guangming Academy.

"Meiling, how did you break into the demigod state in the first place?"

"Hey... Tell me about it, teach me experience."

"When I get promoted and become stronger, I can better protect you!"

The uncle Jie raised his eyebrows, and he was able to speak sweetly.

Obviously, this old guy is bad now.

Gradually became bells and whistles.

Many thoughts gathered in the heart, and the brains buzzed along.


"At that time... I also hit the demigod bottleneck by chance."

"Just... after a nap, that's it."

"As for what I was asked to say, I still... I really don't understand."

"It feels very strange."



Wu Meiling, the deputy chief of the Guangming Academy, blinked, her eyes fluttering as she spoke.

In the depths of my mind, these feelings also increased.

It seems very numb invisibly.

It's not normal...it really feels not normal!


"Said it means not saying it."

"Why is it so hard to stab it."

"I don't believe it anymore!"

"What can stop my uncle Jie!"

The uncle Jie snorted a few times, and the fighting spirit became vigorous again.

The Supreme Military Conference under the trilateral allies has been held for two days.

Two days later, Xue Wanren walked back tiredly.

The crowd swarmed over.

Tai Shujie took the lead to speak.

"what's the situation?"

"Have you arranged it?"

"How was it arranged?"

"What's the situation?"

"say something!"

"Can we go back directly?"


"It's not like that to stay in this Yuanshi God City all the time!"

"In Guangming God City, we still have a den anyway."

Tai Shu Jie blinked, and then sighed from the side. He raised his eyes as he spoke, his expression was unpredictable, his thoughts gradually became messy, and various thoughts gradually increased.

"Wait for now."

"According to the results of the meeting, I can't leave now."

"Now the main thing is to guard against the counterattack of the Protoss..."

"The information Fang Fan brought back is very important, and I also reported it."

"This is the key in the key!"

"Now those people know that the Protoss army that was attacked this time is just a city of the Protoss."

"And there are still several among the Protoss in a city like this."

"In this way, they naturally felt panicked and almost ran away."

"But in the end, I still can't let go of this benefit."

"Cultivating in the realm of God, the speed of cultivation is extremely fast."


"It is easy to change from frugality to luxury, but it is difficult to change from luxury to frugality!"

"Now this heart has long since followed, and how can I manage other things that I don't have."

"I'm afraid I am already fearless in my heart!"

"With current interests, I will naturally choose to take risks in an all-round way. This is normal."

Xue Wanren nodded, then sighed from the side.

As he spoke, the eyes flickered, his thoughts gradually messed up, and his feelings gradually increased a lot.

The current situation seemed quite chaotic, because of the existence of the Protoss, the situation was still unclear.

"So...we have to keep defending in Yuanshi God City?"


"So many people have gathered here. Although the aura here is abundant, it is difficult to provide so many strong people for the cultivation."

"Does this seem a little hasty?"

Fang Fan groaned and couldn't help but remind.

I always feel that there is something wrong with this.

According to the normal rhythm, this should not be the case.

"According to the highest instructions, half of the troops in each camp are left here..."

"If our Guangming Academy, we still have to stay half way..."

"The remaining half can be returned, but once the Protoss army attacks, it must be the first time to help!"

"If you want to go back, go back."

"Anyway, this is also an opportunity."

Xue Wanren groaned, then continued to the side.

Relatively speaking, the current situation is still relatively urgent.

It is necessary to gather all the spiritual energy in place.

In terms of mentality, we must be comprehensive and stable, and there must be no slack. This is the top priority!

"go back?"

"Disciple, you go back..."

"Take a few of your confidantes back!"

"Here, I'll suppress it!"

Tai Shu Jie waved his hand, and then calmly faced Fang Fan.

I leave the suffering to myself, and my disciples hurt themselves!

Fang Fan was silent, and the thoughts in his heart gradually increased.

After all... do you want to go back?

What can I do when I go back?


The key is that Fang Fan's path has never been cultivation.

If the buff is not stuck, the road to cultivation would have been stuck long ago.

Besides, if you go back, you won't be able to get any star core sacred stone fragments.

If you are in the Yuanshi God City, you are still relatively close to the territory of the Protoss.

If these Protoss armies launch an offensive, it will be better, and they will be able to scavenge the lock discs of the God Stone directly from them.

Otherwise, you can also go to the land of the Protoss to find the shards of the sacred stone.

"It's still too bad..."

"Now the shards of the sacred stone on my body are almost empty again."


"too difficult."

"Now, I still need a lot of sacred stone fragments to purchase promotion cards, so as to fully enhance the combat power of my army."

"Relatively speaking, this is the top priority!"

"As for the others, they have nothing, nothing."

"At present, it's hard to upgrade the top ten legions under his command, including the ruling unicorn holy beast legion, to the high-ranking sage state. This is not easy."

"If you put it in the past, the top ten high-ranking saints realm legion will already be able to slap all dissatisfaction."

"But now, it doesn't work...it really doesn't work, it's too bad."

"After all, the opposing man I have encountered now is the existence of a semi-divine state."

"With this major premise, high-ranking sages are sometimes cannon fodder,"

"After all... I can't stop after all."

Fang Fan squinted his eyes and looked at the location of the Protoss territory, his eyes flickering.

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