The noise gradually increased.

In the hall, noisy discussions were endless.

Fang Fan and Bai Piao naturally want to stay here, this is not a big problem.

But Xue Wanren's words tended to let Fang Fan return to the Yuanshi God City to practice.

Tai Shujie's attitude is a bit ambiguous.

On the one hand, he also wanted to make his disciples safer, but at the same time, he felt that he couldn't persuade him.

So it feels quite tangled now.

My thoughts are messy, I don't know how to sigh.

"Danger is also a source of power."

"There is no danger, where is the progress?"

"Opportunities are hidden in danger."

"I don't need to say more about this truth, right?"

"So... it's not a problem at all."

Fang Fan shrugged, then said calmly.


"I think what my disciple said makes sense."

"Cultivation is to go against the sky!"

"Want to win a future, what is it to be cowardly and cowardly?"

"Our cultivators should rise above the difficulties! Fight to the end!"

"Only in this way can we show endless explosive power!"

"Feel...feel coming!"


"That's it! That's it!"

"I support my disciple!"


Tai Shu Jie licked his lips, and the corners of his mouth rose up as he spoke, and the endless energy gathered all over his body, and the familiar mad demon Tai Shu Jie came back!


"This is talking to your apprentice, why did you follow along again?"

"You guy knows to hold back!"

"Do you know if something will happen!"


"You really don't know good or bad!"

"I often walk on the shore, how can anyone not get wet shoes?"

"At that time, if something happens to Fang Fan, this bastard, you can just wait to regret it!"

"Good negotiation, you are holding back here!"

Xue Wanren, the deputy head of the Guangming Academy, twitched his mouth, and couldn't help but glared at Taishu Jie.

From his perspective, it is better to be safe at this time.

At least the risk factor must be controlled!

How to deal with crises?

After all, the understanding of the Protoss is still only on paper.

There are still too many unknowns flashing in front of my eyes...

After many thoughts, my feelings also increased.

Can't help but sigh leisurely, then suddenly sigh...

"I believe my apprentice!"

"Have you experienced so many dangers before? Isn't it okay?"

"Xue Wanren, you, everything is fine, just a bit too steady!"

"It's okay if it's proper and stable. It's a bit too stable. What's the point?"

"I don't want my disciple to cringe like you."

"My disciple is an indomitable existence!"

Tai Shujie patted his chest, while talking, the arrogant color on his face was beyond words, and gradually, his complexion gradually became ruddy.

With thousands of thoughts and rushing thoughts, it seems quite exciting now...

If you feel this way, let's talk to someone more!

"Disciple, next time you go to the Protoss City, remember... remember to take me!"

"If there is any danger, I will protect you from the knife for the teacher!"

"We are not afraid!"

Uncle Tai Jie slapped his chest, the arrogant color on his face was beyond words.

"Come on!"

"You are not even a demigod!"

"Just know to talk big!"


"Protoss City, do you think it's so easy to break through?"

"Don't look at your cultivation base higher than your apprentice, if you really go to the Protoss side, you will definitely die in less than ten minutes!"

Wu Meiling, the deputy chief of the Guangming Academy, rolled her eyes and couldn't help but vomit.

From her perspective, I think this is too real.

Tai Shu Jie squirmed his lips, trying to refute, but he swallowed when the words came to his lips.

Thinking about it, it feels... it feels like this...

Oh shit……

too difficult!

The brains are all messed up!

What is going on!

There are waves of bells and whistles, what else is going on?

Is it interesting to hit me?


"I have to find a chance, find a chance to break into the demigod state."

"Hey, I don't know what's going on in this era now, I can't feel that the demigod seems to have no cards at all!"


"Now this is too curly!"

"Can't take it, I can't take it anymore!"

Tai Shujie felt the urgency of promotion for the first time in his life.

How can a demigod be promoted so well?

If it were that easy, demigods would have flooded.


"What is the key to being promoted to the Demigod Realm?"

Fang Fan raised his eyebrows, feeling a little curious.

"Demigods... Actually, to put it bluntly, you can enjoy the worship of believers in this realm."

"If you want to be promoted to this state successfully, you must first be able to absorb enough power of faith, so that your physique can be changed, so that you can accommodate and endure the power of faith."

"If... If you change your body into a body of faith, the bottleneck of this demigod state is almost broken."

"Those believers who are loyal to the true god, if the true **** takes care of them enough, they may change their body into a body of faith, so that they will be unimpeded in the semi-god state."

"Hey, this is why so many high-level cultivators are rushing to loyal to the true god, rushing to join the major temples."

"Do you really think they have any faith?"

"I just want to take a shortcut."

"After all, it's a bit too difficult for ordinary cultivators to accommodate belief or something."

"This road has never been easy."

"It's hard, it's really hard."

With more emotions, Xue Wanren narrowed his eyes before giving a comprehensive explanation.

"This is why there are the most demi-god powerhouses in the major temples."

"Relatively speaking, the power of faith in the major temples is sufficient, and it is easier to refine the body of faith."

"For those who don't want to rely on the major temples, the days are more difficult. It is purely on their own. This road is like a bush of thorns."

Xue Wanren shook his head, his emotions grew louder.

"The power of faith?"

"The essence of a demigod is faith?"

"Refining the body of faith?"


"In this case... it's actually not that difficult, right?"

"The power of faith, isn't it how much you want, how much is there?"

Fang Fan nodded, and then he was serious.

This wave is really good now.

"What's the meaning?"

"I didn't understand much."

"What nonsense is your kid talking about?"

"The power of faith, those demigods can only temper a little bit, and they are not enough for their own use."

"If you want more power of faith, you can only rely on the major temples and allegiance to the major true gods."

"This thing seems very common, ordinary people can produce this power of faith, but this is not something ordinary people can grasp."

"You bastard, you don't have a margin to speak."

Xue Wanren shook his head, and then sighed.

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