In the previous words, he was just skeptical.

It's all right now, there is no need to doubt it, this thing is a real hammer.


Too sad.

This has been pitted time and time again.

Can we pay a little attention to the rhythm, a little attention to proportions?

I really don't know how to make things happen like this.

Isn't it okay to have a direct blood collapse?

What is there to say about this stuff?


Talk about it?

"If labor and capital trust you again in the future, I will be a dog!"


"Boy Fang Fan, I haven't seen you clearly until today."

"Your kid is simply not a person!"


"What did I think at the time."

"How come you suddenly become greedy."

"Otherwise, your kid won't find a chance to plot against me!"

"Shameless! Despicable! Indecent!"

"I see it! I see it!"

The muttering sound followed, and the posture of gritted teeth followed in full display, thinking silently at this moment, with murderous eyes in his eyes.

The more I think, the more messy my thoughts are, and the black lines are densely covered on his forehead.

This time, I will tell who else.

Can't wait to roar to the end!

Painful and desperate!

For Bai Piao, this sacred stone fragment was simply his lifeblood.

Now it’s so popping, no more, I’m sure I won’t be able to change my mind for a while.

"In the future, you have to pay me double compensation!"

Bai Piao also made a fuss for a while, then raised his head again, with a proud expression on his face.


This guy is purely dog-faced.

Crying for a while and laughing for a while, I don't even know what this guy is thinking about in his head.

There were waves of bells and whistles.

It's just for fun anyway!



There was a violent bombing sound, and the surrounding world was discolored!

Everything is fully established, making the soul tremble. At this moment, watching all this in front of me silently, I don't know what to say.

"Half God Thunder Tribulation, coming!"

"This demi-god Thunder Tribulation, listening to the voice, you will know that it is extremely bad."

"This... hiss... is much worse than the half-god Thunder Tribulation I had crossed back then."

"Fang Fan bastard, you... your boy pay attention to yourself."

"Hey, it's better to be mentally prepared."

"At the beginning, Sisi and your pet keel whale were extremely lucky to be able to survive the thunder tribulation of the lord."

"And that's just the Holy Venerable Thunder Tribulation after all."

"And this one is a half-god Thunder Tribulation!"

"Who can fight against the evil demigod Thunder Tribulation?"

"There is no existence on the same level at all."

"Far far away!"

"The difference is too much."

The voice of emotion gradually increased, and the eyes flashed strangely while speaking.

Words are in place, thoughts are broken!

That's about it.

It's very real and very clear.

Everyone's eyes were attracted by Thunder Tribulation, and they stood on the tower of Yuanshi God City, watching the landing of the half-god Thunder Tribulation.

At this moment, Lina was looking for a location outside the city to prepare to cross the catastrophe.

Lina felt the crazy power of this half-god Thunder Tribulation, and she couldn't help but look a little desperate for a while.

She is not a fool, nor is she unable to perceive this power.

It is definitely a good thing to be able to attract the demigod Thunder Tribulation by devouring the power of faith, and it represents a chance for a comprehensive promotion.

But if this half-god Thunder Tribulation is too enchanting, then what's the point?

Everything came to an end.

It's over.

It's all over.

Not being able to resist this demi-god thunder calamity is better than not provoking it in the first place.

If this provokes, you have to fight to the end!

The point is, I really can't hold it!

Lina's gaze swept across the surrounding hastily, she was looking for the familiar figure.

When he saw Fang Fan standing on the tower and looking at her, Lina's heart suddenly became much quieter, and the whole person was calm.

The **** is still there.

The Lord is still there.

That should be fine.

The power of God Lord is all over the world!

As long as the God Lord is willing... if he is willing to help, there is absolutely no problem.

Thinking silently in his heart, a heart throbbed, and the light in his eyes slowly increased.

At this moment, a head moved up and down, and his thoughts were surging to the extreme.

His complexion was flushed, his feelings were profound, and everything was clearly stated.


This wave is indeed stable!

If you feel this way, let's talk to someone more!

Lina gradually showed a smile on her face, and then looked at the audience confidently!


At the moment, there are also many melon-eaters around the scene.

Recently, these half-god Thunder Tribulations have emerged one after another.

Just now, Cao Jicai, the first supervisor of the former city guard of the God of Light, survived the thunder of the demigod and became the throne of the demigod. Now this is another one?

Are these demigods so well promoted now?

Demigods are going to become Chinese cabbage?

"Who is that woman, she is so beautiful, looks so young, can this be a demigod?"

"Hey, in this Divine Territory, anything can really happen!"

"Envy, jealousy, and hate, but it's useless, people are just so strong."

"If you count it this way, I'm so hip-stretched!"

"Is it because the life-and-death battle with the Protoss stimulated everyone, so I was promoted smoothly?"

"Don't talk about those who don't, just who is this beauty? This half-god Thunder Tribulation is much stronger than that of Cao Ji's half-god Thunder Tribulation."

"It doesn't feel like being on one level."

"Hey, according to my many years of experience, most of them can't survive this way. This road has been completely eliminated."

"To put it bluntly, this is a dead end."

"I'm Cao, isn't it? You can survive the half-god thunder calamity at such a young age, the future is limitless!"

"Just die like this?"

"This...this...this is too hip, right?"

"Stay steady, really can't wave!"

"I'll do it, there must be something tricky in this!"

"Being safe is true, the others have nothing, nothing."

"When you stand, stand farther away and don't let yourself in. This is indeed a bit dangerous."

"Quick... come back!"

"Um, I seem to have seen this woman... in the Hall of Merit. This seems to be a reward item, right? It can be exchanged for contribution points. I remember that this woman was still locked in a cage. How did she escape?"

"Don't seem to be general, say something affirmative, what's the situation?"

"It's the woman in the Meritorious Hall!"

"I remember!"


The hearts of the people who eat melons have been fully surging.

At this moment, he gritted his teeth, his eyes were firm, he was full of hope, his thoughts were surging to the extreme, and his thoughts were rushing to the extreme.

The more I thought about it, my complexion became extremely ruddy!

I don't want to say more about the others, anyway, I will be happy before I say it.

Anyway, it's just a few fools.

People who eat melon are never afraid to make things worse!

On the contrary, they like this feeling!

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