Fang Fan stood there, his brain exploded.


here we go again.

I don't know how to change the excuse a little bit.

He began to suspect that he was the true **** again.

If you say whatever you want, if I care, then I really lost.

But if I don't care, you can't help it.

Shrieking and yelling, it's nothing.

The overall collapse of the mentality is the most important thing.

As for the other ones, it doesn't matter, I don't care anymore.

Anyway, this has already happened!

As for the fact that Lina's demigod Thunder Tribulation will increase its power, she is used to it from Fang Fan's perspective.

There are some beings who have been aiming at him.

Fang Fan squinted his eyes secretly, thinking to himself, and the killing intent in his heart gathered in full.

With his hands folded in front of him, his breathing became a lot quicker in silence.

His eyes were blood red, as if he was about to pierce through.

Who can tell this feeling and taste?

Everything is different.

Demigod Thunder Tribulation, the first quasi-demigod-level sky thunder fell.


Lina stubbornly resisted.

At the beginning, Fang Fan did not choose to help.

If Lei Lina couldn't hold it for the first time, even with his help, Lina would have a hard time resisting it.

Fang Fan looked at the endless heavens, and he seemed to be able to see a phantom in the endless heavens flashing back and forth in front of his eyes.

At the moment, there was a different kind of smile on that face.

That expression, that posture, everything looks different.

"True God?"

"The true God who deliberately targeted me?"

"Haha! Qiu took it down little by little!"

The sky thunder has fallen!

Lina took a deep look at where Fang Fan was, and then rushed forward without hesitation.



Lina trembled crazily in the sky thunder, and immediately merged with the sky thunder.

At a glance, it feels weird and inexplicable!


There was a screaming scream, Lina trembled and fell straight down!

It was naturally uncomfortable to be struck by a quasi-demigod-level lightning.

And this is just the first way.

Lina felt a little desperate at the moment.

She felt that she could not survive the second sky thunder anyway.

This is too difficult.

It feels like the road ahead is completely blocked.

If you continue to thrust forward, there is only a dead end.

This dead end is just blocked in front of him, without any meaning or value.

In my heart, I might even feel extremely hesitant.

Lina curled up on the ground and looked tremblingly in a certain direction not far away. Only when she saw the familiar face, she was a little settled inside.

Fang Fan approached Lina.

"Use the healing card!"


"Do not hesitate!"

"Next Thunder Tribulation, I will help you!"

Fang Fan whispered silently.

Fang Fan squinted his eyes, holding many cards in his hand, silently falling into endless thoughts.

It's time to show the real technology.

At this time, you must not continue to make mistakes!

If you miss it to the end, everything will only be completely cold!

This does not go with Fang Fan's imaginary comprehensive plan.

In this wave, the mentality must be completely collapsed!

After receiving Fang Fan's voice transmission, Lina, who was originally depressed, suddenly brightened her beautiful eyes!

God Lord... The Lord didn't abandon her!

Under the crown of God, do you want to help her through the catastrophe?

The Divine Lord now needs to hide her identity, but if she helps her through the catastrophe, is it true that her real body has been spotted by the other enemy true gods in God's Domain? "

"If this is the case, is a great sin!"

"You can't go to God Realm True God to fight in advance just because I let the divine lord be crowned and can't repair myself!"

"The grace of the **** is not unforgettable!"

"I... I can't drag the gods down!"

Lina's beautiful eyes turned, and at this moment, there were some different thoughts in her heart.

Then there was a firm look in his eyes.

At this time, the idea of ​​proving the Tao with death has been buried in my heart.

"Don't you hear me?"

"Quick! Use the healing card!"

"Before you cross the catastrophe, the healing card I gave you!"

Seeing Lina's delay in motion, Fang Fan couldn't help frowning.

This has reached the most serious juncture of life and death.

Hey, this really shouldn't be.

At this moment, we should hold on to the most serious mentality.

There must be no deviation in the slightest.

If this is a mistake or omission, it's all over.

Especially at this kind of time, be sure to stabilize and then stabilize!



The second sky thunder of Demi God Thunder Tribulation was also gathering by itself.

The endless thunder flickered in the air, and the sense of oppression became even stronger, and for a while, it gave people an endless tremor in their minds.

Who can tell me this feeling and taste.

Everything is different.

The crazy sense of oppression swept through, almost making the whole mind confused.

That kind of feeling, with a trace of confusion in despair.

too painful!

Madness and anxiety gathered in my mind, and I didn't know what to express at all.

The second sky thunder gradually took shape.

Its power is also shown invisibly.

"Weak Demi-God Sky Thunder!"

"It's over!"

"I definitely can't hold it."

Lina's eyes trembled, and then she couldn't help laughing.

This road was blocked in the beginning.

What was unfolding before me was a dead end.

Now that it's a dead end, what else is there to say?

Everything is cool.


Completely collapsed.

The grunting sound came, and it gradually became extremely numb.

With such a mentality, who would you tell me more?

There were endless sighs from the surrounding area.

This weird demigod Thunder Tribulation.

"The half-god Thunder Tribulation belongs to four ways!"

"One is stronger than one!"

"Ordinary demi-god thunder tribulation, even the strongest fourth heavenly thunder, it is generally a quasi-demi-god-level thunder!"

"This is the second way and it has risen to the weak demigod level!"

"What's so special, you still have to live?"

"This is clearly trying to drive people to death!"

"Hey, I really don't know what to think, what are the things in my mind?"

"Disgusting, want to vomit!"

"Grass, I really vomited it to the end, I really took it."

"Dog stuff! What a terrible dog!"

"Why are you so angry?"

"Good guy, can't you walk when you see a woman?"

"Speaking of which, this woman is really Fang Fan's person. Look at that woman's affectionate look at Fang Fan, hey, all the beauties in the world belong to Fang Fan!"

"Ahh! A hero is born as a boy!"

The various roars around gradually came into place, and the people eating melons didn't have much trouble.

The more they talked, the more excited they were, and the more they talked, the more surging.

Immediately, the brilliance in his eyes grew more and more.

This feels so interesting.

There is so much fun here!

This day, the thunder did not descend on him.

It's pain to be on oneself, isn't it fun to be on the heads of others?

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