
"Eccentric and home!"

"Get used to it! Just get used to it!"

"Hey! Sooner or later I have to take you to carry it!"

Bai Piao rolled his eyes, and now he is very dissatisfied anyway!

too difficult!

What kind of ghost life are all this life!

You can't see the head at a glance!

"The key is how exactly did Fang Fan do it?"

"Can he dispatch Sky Thunder?"

"Is he Thor?"

"Have the power to control thousands of thunder?"

Xue Wanren, the deputy chief of the Guangming Academy, squinted his eyes and shook his head while talking.

"Don't try to figure out Fang Fan boy."

"I don't know how many secrets are hidden in this kid."

"Although I follow him every day, I don't know much."

"Hey, that's it."

"do not care."

"I have to find a place to hide, otherwise this kid will use me to fight against lightning later!"

"This kid is too inhuman!"

The corners of Bai Piao's mouth twitched, and his desire to vomit seemed very strong. He shook his head quickly while speaking, and his eyes swept around.

In the sky, the third heavenly thunder of Demi-God Thunder Tribulation is still brewing.

At present, it seems that there is no big problem, everything is still under control!

The discussion around you is endless, and they are all feeling this particularly shocking picture.

Anyway, I saw it for the first time, and I was shocked. It was normal.

The people who eat melons certainly don't have any other messy thoughts, but other people's words are different.

A gathering place for practitioners in the dark camp.

"Are you sure? This woman who is crossing the half-god Thunder Tribulation is the person next to Fang Fan?"

Motian, the first-class saint of the Dark Temple, narrowed his eyes, and then made a cold voice.

"Master Saint, everything is as you guessed it. This woman is called Lina. Fang Fan exchanged her contribution points from the Hall of Merit."

"It took less than three days to redeem it."

"Unexpectedly, the half-god Thunder Tribulation ushered in just a few days after coming out."

"The origin of this Lina is also very mysterious. It is said to come from an ancient race of deserted clan, but there is no special verification!"

"This Lina was sent into the Dao Meritorious Hall as a captive at the time, it seems to be deliberate."

The spies of the Dark Temple reported the specific situation again, and their eyes became deeper and deeper.

The basics of this wave are very clear.

"on purpose?"

"Ancient race barren race?"


"It's interesting."

"Speaking of which, the thing that Lei was transferred this day was indeed done by Fang Fan!"

"Thunder is under the control of the true **** this day, how can he fully control it?"

"This son is extraordinary! It is indeed extraordinary!"

"Not an ordinary person! It is indeed not an ordinary person!"

"Huh... It seems that we really need to find an opportunity to discuss with this little friend Fang Fan!"

"If he can enter my dark temple, my dark temple must be able to fully grow."

"He is the leader of the new generation!"

The first-class saint Motian of the Dark Temple narrowed his eyes, thinking silently in his heart, and his body trembled slightly.


"That's it."

The madman of the dark temple on the side pouted his lips and looked unconvinced.

Among young people, there will always be comparisons of one kind or another, so there is something uneasy in this heart, which is purely normal.

In other words, this is actually the most real psychological state.

In the past, he always regarded himself as the first arrogant.

"You don't need to be unconvinced, and you don't need to be upset."

"You are still the number one arrogant man can reach."

"As for that Fang Fan... that's not a human being."

"I doubt very much, which true God was he who came to this world!"

"Otherwise, how can he dare to insult the Starry Night Goddess? And I heard that Goddess Athena personally lowered the goddess phantom to hug and kiss him."

"One by one, everything is weird."

"Moreover, this is not ordinary weird!"

"Here, it's so tricky!"

"How to show it next is indeed a question."

"If we can support a future true god, this is an absolute good thing for our dark temple."

"On the contrary, if this future true **** is supported by the Temple of the Light Alliance, in the future when the Temple of the Light Alliance is benefited, it will definitely target our Dark Temple."

"We will suffer too much when we lose and lose!"

"If I didn't see it or didn't know it, then forget it, I don't care about that much, but now I see it in my eyes, I naturally can't ignore it!"

"This matter must be carried out to the end!"

"This time, it is of great significance!"

The voice of emotion gradually increased.

The first-class saint Motian of the Dark Temple narrowed his eyes, he looked a little longer, and as he spoke, he seemed to have many ideas and many ideas in his mind.

After thinking in place, all kinds of wills are also surging.


"The true **** of the future?"

"Just him?"

"I know you want to draw him into the dark temple, and then let him replace me and replace me as the first son of God. It doesn't matter to me. I have never been interested in these things anyway."

"But have you ever thought that the Starry Night Goddess is the true **** of my dark camp, and now everyone knows that he has insulted the Starry Night Goddess, how did you draw to our dark temple?"

"Can you still not know what it will be like at that time?"

"There are a lot of fanatics in our temple, so we won't be able to swallow that Fang Fan alive by then?"

"So, that idea of ​​yours doesn't hold up at all."

"I think it's better to forget it."

"Don't toss about it, it doesn't make much sense!"

"It doesn't matter if he is the reincarnation of the true **** in the future or the true god."

"When I find the opportunity, I just slashed him."

"How can there be so much trouble!"

The first **** in the dark temple madness curled his lips, and at the moment he looked disdainful, and could not help but hum while speaking.

Obviously, I haven't paid much attention to this matter at all, but it's very annoying to listen to this all the time!

The brain is buzzing, too troublesome.

"You are more than brave but not smart enough."

"Just like you, what will we do in the future!"

"Hey, headache!"

"If the Dark Temple is really handed over to you in the future, will you not be allowed to finish it?"

"Forget it, that's it."

"We have invited before, and he didn't agree at all."

"I'll talk about it when I get the chance."

"If he can make him owe us a great kindness, it will be much more convenient to get him together."

"If this Temple of the Light Alliance is really monolithic, we would really not be able to start, but now it seems that the Saint Ouyang of the Temple of the Light Alliance is very unfriendly to this Fang Fan!"

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