Fang Fan continued to walk forward.

There was some noise ahead.

The dynamic feeling gradually strengthened.

Thoughts are also fully superimposed.

He saw all kinds of people.

The head of a man.

Eagle head human body.

Lion head and tiger body.

There are also people with four feet.

One by one new races gradually showed their unique real bodies in front of them, and for a while, they completely fell into it.

They are fighting.

They are holding a variety of weapons in their blood and fighting each other.

They are constantly flowing blood, and all kinds of fighting postures are also extremely killing!

One sword and one sword seemed to be fighting for the sake of fighting.

Is this the most accurate stance of combat?

Is that right?

Fang Fan came over.

Fang Fan's presence seemed to disturb them. They stared at Fang Fan with their big blood-red eyes, and then rushed over with their teeth and claws.

Gradually opened his **** mouth and attacked Fang Fan in the craziest fighting posture.


Very dangerous, very dangerous!

Fang Fan's whole person became solemn, his eyes fluttered, and his breathing became rapid.

He had to pick up a weapon on the ground, and then fell into this chaotic battle.


Fang Fan cried out in pain, it hurts!

In his negligence, more and more weapons were slashed on his body, blood ran down crazily, and Fang Fan felt that the flesh and blood on his body was being cut little by little.


He fell down.

When the blood was exhausted, he fell down.

he died?

Fang Fan felt that he should be dead, but he didn't know why. When his next thought was born, he stood still in place again. He was resurrected from the dead?




The people of the ten thousand races around rushed over frantically, and the speed was extremely fast!

A sense of madness is superimposing!

Fang Fan picked up the weapon numbly, and then continued to fight frantically.

Repeatedly, just like that.

Fang Fan himself gradually became numb.

He didn't know how long this state lasted, but his fighting posture gradually became weird.

His combat effectiveness is being improved little by little!

Immediately, he held a weapon in his hand to kill all the people from the surrounding ethnic groups one by one.


Fang Fan opened his eyes and awakened from reality.

At this moment, he, a big man, his clothes are completely soaked in sweat!

That feeling is really uncomfortable.



Lina and Chu Sisi hurriedly walked over, and immediately checked Fang Fan's state, the worry on their faces was beyond words.


"it's okay no problem."

"do not worry."

"It just feels like a dream."

"A mess of dreams."

Fang Fan shook his head and couldn't help but give a wry smile.


"I broke?"

"From the five-star peak sanctuary to the six-star early sanctuary."

"If you have a dream, you will make a breakthrough!"


Fang Fan fumbled for the position of his jaw and looked far away.

At this moment, his master Taishu Jie is still in epiphany.

"Let's go!"

"Go out first, don't disturb my master."

"It seems that my master has gained much more from his epiphany than mine!"

"My master's talent for cultivation is actually not bad."

"It's just that he focused too much on improving combat power and fighting his physical fitness."

"The result of this is that it is invincible at the same level, but if you want to continue to be promoted, you need to break through the shackles of your body."

"In this case, there will be some deviations."

Fang Fan glanced at the crimson Tai Uncle Jie, then couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

However, from the current point of view, everything is developing in a better direction.

Fang Fan walked out the door.




Galen Vega waited for a few heroes to come over, with an anxious look on his face.

Seeing Fang Fan's okay, each felt at ease.

"Master, there is something...Uh...this time you are promoted, our cultivation base is not promoted together."

Galen shook the big sword in his hand and said quickly.

The potential limits of these six heroes are all three levels greater than Fang Fanxiu.

Before Fang Fan was in the 5-star pinnacle sacred realm, the cultivation of the six heroes was limited to the eight-star pinnacle sacred realm.

Now that Fang Fan's cultivation base has been promoted to the sixth-star sanctuary stage, the cultivation bases of the six heroes will naturally rise with the tide.

How to say it, in general, this is an inevitable development trend.

From this angle for a comprehensive view, it still seems very appropriate.

In fact, the same is true.

"The hero's quality has not been continuously improved."

"So the upper limit of potential was pulled down."

"Now these six heroes are all platinum quality heroes, and the upper limit of their potential is the Eight-Star Peak Sanctuary Realm."

"If you want to continue to improve, you need to continue to open the upper limit of potential in place."

"If this is the case, you need to upgrade the hero's quality to the diamond level."

"If I remember correctly, I have gotten the fruit of the true **** before."

"And the special effect of the Fruit of the True God seems to be aimed at several heroes."

Fang Fan squinted his eyes secretly, and then began to search in the storage ring.

"The Fruit of the True God: It can promote a hero's quality from platinum level to diamond level, and raise the upper limit of its potential to the holy state..."

Fang Fan took out the fruit of the true god, then looked at the introduction, the smile on his face couldn't help but increase.

it is more than words.

It was exactly the same as he expected.

It just so happens that there are several more of this True God Fruit, all of which are used by six heroes, more than enough!

"Eat them!"

Fang Fan delivered the fruit of the true god, then nodded slightly.

The heroes looked at each other, a little at a loss for a while.

However, they have always carried out the Lord's orders without compromise.

Even if the Lord asks them to die, for them, they have no shirk!

This idea has long been deeply rooted in people's hearts.

In my mind, I seem to have an extremely deep impression!

In this way, there is no need to say anything more.

Anyway, it seems so appropriate since the beginning!

Fang Fan nodded silently, his thoughts gradually messed up, and his consciousness was fully surging!

"Ding! Consume six fruits of the true gods, six platinum heroes have been upgraded to the diamond level!"

"Diamond Hero: The maximum potential is the Supreme Lord!"


In other words, the pathways for the six heroes to be promoted to the Supreme Lord have been opened up.

Of course, the premise is that Fang Fan's cultivation base can keep up. As long as Fang Fan's cultivation base can be promoted to a low-level holy noble state, a few heroes will be able to get stuck in the ultimate holy noble state.

It can only be said that since the beginning, their cultivation base has been at a predetermined point.

When the quality of the six heroes has been comprehensively improved, their cultivation will also be comprehensively improved!

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