Divine System of the Strongest Card Supplier in the End Times

Chapter 3885: I want to act against the yin


Cao Ji's face was numb.

This can be done, pull your hips!

He is here, sitting on pins and needles!

That Fang Fan went to the Protoss City, what did he run over?


Run to die or what?

At this time, he still doesn't want to die!

Who is not obsessed with his own life?

Whenever there is the slightest chance, who wants to hit him to death?

It's useless to say that those who don't have anything are useless, the point is that the concubines really can't do it!

Cao Ji was crying, and even pretended to be decent in front of Ouyang disciple!

Damn it! Damn it!

Now I can't wait to draw myself a big mouth!


It's Husky!

Now the idea of ​​giving myself a big mouth became more and more intense.

Why did you follow such a master in the first place?

Make yourself a dilemma now!



"I want to paddle!"


"Do you care about him three seven twenty one?"

"What does this mess have to do with me?"

"Going out, the sky is high, the birds fly, and the sea is wide with fish jumping!"

"If I really do something by then, who can control it?"

"I just said, who can come and check me if I can't?"

"Yes! That's it!"

"Yang Feng Yin violated!"

"Ouyang Tu, an old fox, clearly wants to cheat me!"

"I must not be fooled by him!"

"In this way, there is no need to be alarmed!"

Cao Ji's eyes rolled, the various thoughts in his heart gradually increased, his consciousness rose to the top, everything was silent!

Refreshing! Beautiful!


"Does it seem that Saint Cao Jisheng still has something unspeakable to hide?"

"Don't do anything like this in front of me."


"Fang Fan is not dead, just go and die!"

"You should know the weight of my words!"

The cold snort is in place, and Ouyang's eyes are full of murderous intent!

The words have reached this point, which shows that this is indeed very high!

All kinds of oppression swept into place, and Cao Ji smiled bitterly.

This...what's going on next?

It's messed up!


The rhythm is messed up!

Let's make a few more!

The messy heart is fully oppressing and pulling the hips!

Be drunk in it, sink into the present.

Cool and cool moonlight, who should I tell you more!

"Master Saint, you don't know how thief this Fang Fan is!"

"You... why do you press me so much!"

"There is also a weak and semi-divine existence beside him."

"what can I do?"

"Unless you, Lord Sage, do it yourself, what can I do for you?"

"At that time, isn't it still a dead end?"


"No! This can't work!"

"Danger, too dangerous!"

"How can you know what it will become?"

"If Master Sage arranges this way, I can't take this trip!"

"Sage-sama even if you kill me, I still say this!"

"I hope Lord Sage can be considerate and considerate of me!"

"Some things are really not something I can do alone!"

Cao Ji gritted his teeth, and now he can only pretend to be here.

Otherwise, you will really lose your head!

Don't say that he doesn't have much desire for revenge anymore, even if he is eager for revenge now, what about it? In the end, isn't it still a man-made knife to make me a fish?

Fang Fan is no longer the Fang Fan he used to be!

In the past, he was also guarded by the uncle Jie of the Supreme Saint Venerable Realm.

But now they even have guards in the weak and semi-god realm.

How to get him?

Just positive, play a conspiracy? It doesn't seem to be the size of others.

When the time comes, can't you just follow along and suffer?

The thought of this made my whole mind go numb.

How to pick this up next is the most important thing!

"Don't you use some wisdom?"


"How did you explain to you before?"

"You can inform the Protoss!"

"That Fang Fan killed so many soldiers of the Protoss, the Protoss people can't wait to cut him a thousand times."

"In this matter, they are much more eager than us!"

"In this way, as long as his face is exposed, the Protoss will help us clean up the rest!"

"Why want you to go out in person?"

"This matter is achievable!"

Ouyangtu, the first-class saint of the Temple of Light Alliance, squinted his eyes secretly, thinking to himself, and the brilliance in his eyes became more and more eager.

it is more than words.

Exciting, but real!

"Fang Fan! Never stay!"

"Otherwise, it will be a big disaster!"

"It must be completely punishable!"

"Only in this way can we solve this confidant worry!"

Ouyang Tui had no other things in his mind now, so he wanted to take revenge!

As long as he can get revenge, he can do nothing!

This kind of belief burst in my mind, and for a while, the whole person followed.

Speaking of excitement, there is indeed.

And this excitement is really not a star!

Comfortable, having fun.


"Master Saint, have you ever thought about a question?"

"I don't even know the Protoss language, how can I tell those Protoss?"

"I'm afraid that when I first arrived in front of people, those protoss would have to treat me as a spy and slaughter me?"

"This idea... really isn't that smart."

"Master Saint, this is really not good!"


"What should I do next, I have to... I have to say a charter!"

"Otherwise it would be regarded as going, and it would be meaningless!"

"Sage-sama, want me to say, or just forget it, right?"

"Actually...In fact, in general, there is no room for negotiation between us and Fang Fan."

"In my opinion, Fang Fan doesn't just want to fight against us all the time."

"Holy Lord, if we...if we can comfortably appease, it may not be possible to abandon our predecessors!"

"Everyone is a member of the bright camp!"

"This Fang Fan will have to rely on your help in the future!"

"If he wants to make a difference in the Shrine of the Light Alliance, how can he miss you?"

"In this way, you don't have to feel hardship..."

"Master Saint..."

Aside, Cao Ji couldn't help but follow to discourage him.

If this matter can be clarified, it is indeed a great thing.

There is no need to keep calling!

I finally have a chance to stop and stop.

Just do it every day, who can stand it?

Ouyang remained silent, did not speak for a while, but his eyes fluttered slightly, his expression was unpredictable, and for a while, it was a little unclear what he was thinking in his heart.

"Do you know what you are talking about?"

"This hatred, can you solve it if you just say it?"


"You are very generous!"

"Have you forgotten the enemy of being castrated?"

"Since then, you can't even be a man and don't care?"

"Hehe! You really are a pustule!"

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