Moreover, they did not understand the language of the gods, and they were speechless when they were encountered by the cultivators of the gods at this moment.

When asked by the Protoss, but couldn't understand anything, he could only laugh at it. This fool knew there was a problem, and then he was arrested directly.

"The origin of these people is unknown!" (Protoss language)

"They don't seem to understand us!"

"They are foreigners!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill them! They are uneasy and kind!"

"Kill them!"

"It's faster!"

"Kill without mercy!"

The Protoss people called for friends and friends, and for a while, the situation surged.

As for Fang Fan, he also screamed a few times, which was a great addition.

As for the spies, they were basically torn apart.

This is fate.

What to plant.

Choosing such a destiny, it is nothing to say.

"Husband, do you go straight into the city?"

"Husband, I think it's still too reckless?"

"These Protoss cultivators hate us very much. Once we let them know about our existence, they will definitely kill them desperately."

"At that time we will be in danger."

"Husband, think twice."

Chu Sisi groaned and stood aside, his eyes trembled as he spoke.

At the moment, he was not afraid, but simply felt that he had to be more cautious.

"They come, the security."

"Furthermore, you are already here, and it is impossible to retreat."

"Go ahead."

"As for the next thing, I'll talk about it later."

The corners of Fang Fan's mouth raised slightly, looking at the familiar city of Tianlin City, his heart jumped silently, his thoughts were abounding while he was talking, and his consciousness was expanding little by little.

In a few words, everything is the most true thoughts.

Feelings swept, and thoughts were real.

When I first came to Tianlin City of the Protoss, everything was unfamiliar.

The second time I came here, I was familiar with it.

Arriving at the gate of the city, the defenders here have obviously increased a lot.

The guards on all sides of the silver armored soldiers at the door have already set up their position, as if they are a little careless, they will directly kill them.

"I didn't have so many defenders when I first came here."

"The gate guard has increased several times."

"Boy Fang Fan, the last time you ransacked the inner treasury of the City Lord's Mansion made them wary."

"Now even a city gate is so heavily guarded."

"So it seems that the defense of the City Lord's Mansion should be tighter?"

"Stay really have to stay steady."

"Don't wander, don't wander easily."

"It's no small matter."

"A little carelessness, we will become the target of public criticism!"

"Boy Fang Fan, I feel that Lin City has no hope of looting this day."

"Otherwise, it's better to change to a Protoss city."

"You can't catch a sheep that has been stalking its wool."

"At that time... it will really happen at that time."

"Once something happens... once something happens, it's really over."

"Or else withdraw it?"

Bai Piao shrank his head, glanced forward at the moment, couldn't help taking a deep breath, his eyes trembled slightly.

Anxious heart is gathering at this moment.

It is certainly not realistic to say that there is no feeling at all.

At this moment, the situation is indeed still a bit unstable.

If he was not careful, he pulled his hips completely.

Need to hold on to the overall situation!

This is true!


"Go now?"

"It's all here, I must go in to see the situation."

"Don't think so much."

"Don't talk later."

"Follow me in."

Fang Fan squinted his eyes, and a dangerous aura gradually swept around him.

At this time, there can be no slack.

The footsteps gradually drifted away, and his eyes gradually became firm.

With this thought, who is more to talk to.

it is more than words.

Slowly expand, the true meaning of this is self-evident.


"Where did it come from?"

"Where do you live?"

"Is there an identity token?"

As soon as Fang Fan arrived at the gate of the city, a group of city guards rushed over, staring at Fang Fan and the others.

For a while, everyone seemed a little nervous.

In this situation, a little carelessness will completely pull the hips.

The danger is slowly sweeping through.

Only Fang Fan could understand the language of the Protoss. The others just saw the look of these city guards, but they didn't know what they were talking about.

It was just an instant preparation for a full-scale battle.

Whenever there is something wrong, go up and do it!

This deportment is particularly true.

Thoughts are gathering in my mind, and ideas are expanding in an all-round way.

"I'm going to the City Lord's Mansion."

"I'm doing an errand for the City Lord's Mansion!"

"This is my identity token."

Fang Fan's eyes shrank for a while, this defensive position was indeed tight enough.

It's so hard to get into a city.

Allied spies wanting to break into Tianlin City to obtain information can only be said to be more difficult.

This is not a little bit difficult.

Even the allied spies have learned the Protoss language, but identity information cannot be accurately fabricated.

The token Fang Fan took out was given to him by the seventeenth wife of Tianlin City Lord Cathy.

It was given to him mainly in case of an inspection when he was out of the city, he might give multiple excuses.

I didn't expect it to be used at the moment.

"People from the City Lord's Mansion?"

"What task are you performing?"

"Recently, the whole city is under martial law. Haven't I heard of any arrangements in the City Lord's Mansion?"

The captain of the city guard frowned and looked suspicious.

But at this moment, the token in Fang Fan's hand cannot be faked. This is the thing of the City Lord's Mansion.


Fang Fan slapped it directly with a big mouth. At this time, his momentum must be sufficient!

"As for the Lord of the City, when is it your turn to question?"


Fang Fan's eyes swept across with a lingering look, the momentum swept into place, and for a while, it was still very oppressive.

The captain of the city guard opened his mouth, trying to say something, but he couldn't say anything when he reached his lips.

This... This can be a hammer.

Suddenly, the brains were buzzing.

The others, some and none, have nothing to say, the messy heart is trembling crazily in front.


The captain of the city guard was beaten at this moment, naturally feeling particularly unhappy, and wanted to come over to settle the account, but was held back by the two city guard soldiers around him.

"Captain, this person holds the token of the City Lord's Mansion, and he is so arrogant, he is not an ordinary person."

"It's too offensive, it's not good for us."

"If this matter is stabbed up, it will be even more serious."

"Captain, or else... forget it."

"Don't do it... don't do it."

"This thing is really serious."

"There may be any secrets in the City Lord's Mansion."

"We ask too much, and it's not good for us."

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