Divine System of the Strongest Card Supplier in the End Times

Chapter 3889: The little padded jacket is leaking

What if this purple-clothed girl continues to struggle after entering the City Lord's Mansion?

Fang Fan exhaled a turbid breath, thinking silently in his heart, his brain trembling slightly.

The more you think, the messier your thoughts and the deeper your feelings.

Many of the following things can't go on.

"Yes Yes……"

"Miss Bella, the subordinate guard, is back home."

"Miss Bella, get in the car."

Fang Fan smiled slightly, then continued to pretend to be flattering.

"You people, you hate it the most!"


"bad guy!"

The purple-clothed girl looked at Fang Fan and felt increasingly disgusted.

They are pretty good-looking, how can they be inferior?

Thinking of this, the purple-clothed girl couldn't help stretching out her foot, and then she wanted to kick Fang Fan over.


Suddenly, Lina shot and grabbed the purple-clothed girl's feet in the air, and then her eyes flashed with a special glow.

For a while, the sense of suppression seemed particularly real.

The purple-clothed girl shrank and couldn't move for a while.

Lina is a weak demigod, so she can't talk about it in the same way.

"No one can hurt the master!"

There was a cold snort, and Lina felt a bit of pressure, and killing intent appeared in Lina's eyes.

Fang Fan: "..."

It's over.

It's over.

Completely finished.

It's about to be fully exposed now!

Why! It's so hard!

I wanted to enter Tianlin City to show off my skills.

Who knew that there were so many obstacles at the gate of the city.

Damn it.

Duhu Naihe! Duhu Naihe!

What happens next?

The situation has just collapsed!

I can't stabilize my consciousness.

Fang Fan could obviously feel the vigilant gaze of the surrounding city guard soldiers.

"What did this woman say?"

"I did not understand!"

"This is not the language of our Protoss!"

"Is that group of foreigners?"

All members of the city guard squad remained vigilant, and immediately surrounded Fang Fan and others.

At the moment, the girl in purple is still firmly controlled by Lina.

It's over.


"Your current path is getting more and more wild!"

"Why? Now I don't want to offer to my father those protoss beauties, and are starting to trick these foreign beauties?"

"Heh! Are there more and more flower heads?"

"And does this alien beauty still care about you?"

"What? Did you have a relationship with this foreign beauty beforehand?"

"Does the relationship seem to be quite unusual?"

"What? This will continue to be brought together?"

The cold snort swept across, and the gesture of gnashing her teeth was fully displayed. The purple-clothed girl Bella bit her red lips, and this brain circuit seemed very strange.

Fang Fan didn't expect such a good excuse just now.

I thought it was going to be overturned!

Who knows there is more hope?

Fang Fan looked at Lina and motioned her to retreat.

There must not be the slightest turbulence in this kind of thing.

Hold steady, hold steady to control everything.

If you have to toss what you don't have, it will only be a dead end.

If you can't stabilize, you must pull your hips completely.

Lina also reacted at this moment.

She was too impulsive just now.

Almost... almost made a big mistake!

A misstep becomes an eternal hate!

Almost, it was cold on the spot.

In terms of belief, there must be no deviation in the slightest!

Hold on! Hold on!

Lina let go of the purple-clothed girl, and then stood beside Fang Fan, not daring to speak.

At this moment, Lina felt particularly guilty, and her gaze at Fang Fan was also awkward.

Difficult... Difficult to climb to the sky.

Almost all hips were pulled in place.

The messy heart is following anxious at this moment.

In the eyes of the purple-clothed girl, Lina's eyes towards Fang Fan at this moment were completely affectionate!


"Ha ha ha!"

"This lady really read it right!"

"Are they really a couple?"

"What are you? Give your own woman to my dad?"

"Let my dad wear a green hat!"

"This is fun! This is fun!"

The purple-clothed girl Bella's eyes lit up and her face suddenly showed excitement.

If you say that, you will basically be less sleepy.

The whole body is full of surging, and the mind is following a sudden sprint.

That kind of feeling, that kind of taste, who is more to talk about.

If you want to sprint in place, this feeling must be there.

Feel it, do whatever you want.

I don't feel it in place, I feel like pulling my hips when I'm doing everything.

Fang Fan: "..."

A group of city guard soldiers: "???"

What the hell?

What's so exciting about this?

Can the rhythm of our hip pulling be brought back a little bit?

I don't understand, now I don't understand it more and more.

With many thoughts and confusion, the whole person was numb on the spot.

I want to say something, and many words are concentrated in my heart, and I can't say it again.

It's hard.

It's really difficult.

This is the daughter of the city lord? Intimate little padded jacket? Pure black heart little padded jacket?

This little padded jacket doesn't keep warm either.


"Are you not happy?"

"Just do as I said!"


"If you dare not do this, I will kill you!"

"By the way, if you people dare to tell what happened today, this lady will never let you go!"

"At that time, kill you all!"

The purple-clothed girl made a gesture of wiping her neck, and her face was full of interest as she spoke.

This posture, this thought, is in full swing.

Excited a little too much!

"We didn't see anything!"

"Yes, yes! We don't know anything."

"Did we see the special envoy of the City Lord's Mansion today? Did we see Miss Bella today?"

"No...No! Where is anyone? Why don't I know!"

"Go! Go for a walk! There is no one here at all!"

"Get out of the way! Don't get in the way!"

"That's it, get out of the way!"


The small group of city guard sergeants looked at each other, and immediately understood.

In terms of the situation, total suppression!

In terms of will, take off in an all-round way!

They don't want to intervene in this kind of thing.

Is it bad to be beaten up?

When the time comes, the skull will have to be beaten directly!

As for whether the city lord wears a green hat, does it have a hammer relationship with them?

If they really put a green hat on the Lord City Lord, they would only feel excited in secret.

It can even be used as a form of conversation secretly!

At that time, you can still pretend to be forced.

Didn't it feel very good for a while?

With many thoughts and confusion, the whole person is floating.

Cool! What a great batch!

This feeling flutters directly!

There is no need to say more about the others.

The purple-clothed girl Bella looked at the city guards with satisfaction, and then focused her gaze on Fang Fan again.

The beautiful eyes are full of cunning and excitement.

This woman, absolutely.

If you don’t talk about other things, just talk about this kind of psychology. Seeing your father cuckold, your heart feels good?

What do you think?

The forest is big, there are really any birds.

But this is not a bad thing for Fang Fan.

This purple-clothed girl is patronizing this matter now, and she will be completely negligent in other matters!

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