
"Can't go to other protoss cities."

"If you are in Tianlin City, I can still take care of a little bit."

"You went to other cities, but I can't help if I want to."

"Let me think about it, you make me think about it."

Cathy bit her red lips, her eyes gradually dimmed, and she fell into full thought.

it is more than words.

"Now the defense of the city lord's mansion is very tight."

"Before it was guarded by two quasi-demigods, now... it is now two weak demigods."

"That's two weak demigods!"

"How to deal with it?"

"Two quasi-demigods, we can still fight against a wave by means, two weak demigods, there is no chance at all, no chance at all!"

"The road ahead is already there, and it has been fully locked."

"Even if I want to help you, but... but I am still powerless!"

"I'm up to the sky, and I can deal with a weak demigod."

Cathy frowned, she couldn't help sighing as she spoke.

The various thoughts in my heart gathered in my heart, and the more I thought, the feelings became more and more fluttering.

it is more than words.

For a time, his thoughts gradually became confused.

The brain is buzzing, and I don't know how to express it anymore.

It seemed very embarrassing for a while.


What is going on?

too difficult.

"Beside me, there is also a weak demigod."

"If you can grasp it well, you may not succeed in becoming famous!"

"This is an excellent opportunity for us!"

"But how many divine stone fragments are there in the inner treasury of the city lord's mansion?"

Fang Fan's eyes rumbling, he still cares about this.

Toss and toss, this is the purest inner feeling.

There are thousands of thoughts, and his eyes trembled crazily.

Stimulate! It's so exciting!

"You don't have to worry about this. The current City Lord's Mansion Nei Treasury is the previous Tianlin City Mansion Treasury."

"Because the inner treasury of the city lord’s mansion was looted, the old guy Cassius learned his lesson. For fear that the treasury of Tianlin City was also looted, he ordered people to move all the treasures in the treasury of the Tianlin city to the city lord’s mansion. In the library!"

"In other words, the current City Lord Mansion Neiku is three points richer than before!"

"You just said that there is a weak demigod beside you?"

"Who? Who?"

"Could it be you?"

"You... have you repaired to the weak demi-god realm combat power?"

"So it seems that you... are you going to... step into the false **** realm soon?"

"By then, the void will be broken, leaving here completely?"

"If... if that's the case, it's over, it's over!"


"We... shall we be separated forever?"

Cathy pursed her red lips, her eyes fluttered across the board as she spoke, she was so godly, she couldn't accept her fantasy situation for a while.

Seeing Cathy's sudden change of temperament, Fang Fan looked dazed.


Women's imagination is really powerful.

This thing is really a gender advantage. It's not good to refuse to accept it.

"You think too much."

"Ah! I want to be promoted to cultivation base not so easy."

"I'm talking about her."

"She's Lina."

Fang Fan looked at Lina, then introduced it to Cathy.

Of course, the two women don't speak the language, so it's not necessary to talk or talk. It's almost enough to show faces and nod to each other.


"Your woman again?"

"There are so many beauties you provoke."

Cathy gave Fang Fan a white look. At this time, she knew some of Fang Fan's attributes.

In this regard, it seems to be unrestrained?

"She... is she sure?"

"As long as there is a little accident, we all have to die!"

"The old guy Cassius is in the city lord's mansion."

"What happened last time has made him vigilant enough."

"If he finds out this time, we will all have to die, we will all have to die!"

Cathy bit her red lips and looked a little excited at the moment.

Probably it is a very complicated mood, I want to do something, but I am afraid that there will be some accidents.

But the time has come, and if you want to back down, it's obviously too late.

All you can do right now is to grit your teeth, and then sprint forward frantically, gasping for breath!

This road has been fully established here from the beginning.

This is the end of the matter, and it is useless to say more, and it can only be carried out in such a comprehensive way.

Some of the others didn't, so naturally there is no need to say more, and it's nothing.

"I know."

"So we have to be more careful!"

"Never reveal any flaws!"

"Any flaw that appears, it may be our death date!"

"If you plan well, you must plan well."

"Use everything that can be used."

"By the way, that Bella is Cassius' daughter? Why does she listen to you so much?"

Fang Fan looked at Cathy and asked suddenly.


"Bella's mother died a long time ago."

"Don't look at her temperament a little overcast, she is not a bad boy."

"It's a good deal with me, and I like to come and play with me."

"Although I hate the old Cassius, this hatred has nothing to do with Bella."

"Huh? No, why are you asking me this suddenly?"

"I almost forgot, how did you get involved with Bella?"

"Now ask me about Bella, could it be... Could it be that you fell in love with Bella?"

"You... how can you do this?"

"Bella is just a child!"

"Can you fix your problem?"

"Don't you want to get in your pocket when you see a beautiful girl?"

"I know that you men all yearn for the life of three wives and four concubines. If you are capable, I don't object, but...but isn't three wives and four concubines enough?"

"You...what the **** are you doing?"

Aside, Cathy couldn't help but murmur.

Anyway, now I feel that Fang Fan is really not a thing.

Fancy, this rhythmic hip pulls to the extreme!

Now Fang Fan's image was completely destroyed.

Everyone thinks Fang Fan is the kind of watery, half-hearted man.


Didn't even understand him!

These women are very superficial!

"Are you finished?"

"You really think too much."


"I just think that if this Bella is the daughter of the City Lord of Tianlin, it might have some effect on us."

Fang Fan fumbled for the position of his jaw, with a thoughtful look on his face.


"What can it do?"

"Don't mess around!"

"Your identity is not visible!"

"If Bella checked your existence again, you wouldn't be able to stay in Tianlin City!"

"At that time, even I will have to eat melons!"

"I don't care about other things, but Bella definitely can't use it!"

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