The Gatling gun is enough to shoot the group army directly into a hornet's nest.

The scene at that time may look very exciting.

The corners of Fang Fan's mouth raised slightly, and before he knew it, he suddenly felt a sense of expectation.

The picture in the future will be even more exciting.

it is more than words.



It's all out, it's about to be in place!

"I obey the Lord's orders!"

"The Lord's arrangement is absolutely correct!"

Shen Qiu held up his head and held his chest high. At the moment, he was full of fighting spirit. As he spoke, his body trembled slightly, indeed he wanted to do a big job.

"Put on the clothes of the soldiers of Tianlin City."

"Stab directly from the front!"

"The speed must be fast!"

"Be sure to stab it out before they reflect it!"

Fang Fan waved his hand, gave an order, and then walked out alone, surrounded by his body, his infinite combat power burst out!

Now that the time has come, you don't need to care about everything else, just keep moving forward.

"Go to war!"

With an order from Fang Fan, the whole army is ready!

"In my heart, I am still a little flustered."

"Fang Fan misses the kid, you... a bit impulsive."

"This... If something happens to this, we won't be able to get it back."

"This... this round is a bit dangerous!"

"Boy Fang Fan, or else...or go for another wave?"

"It's totally possible to wait until they have ended the war, and we will go out secretly."

"Why...why such a big fanfare."

"Cough... forehead cough cough..."

"Then what, I am definitely not greedy for life and fear of death, but simply feel that something is wrong, so... so I want to be more stable."

Bai Piao licked his lips. As he spoke, his eyes trembled, his thoughts and confusion made his whole person panicked.

This kind of feeling followed a little bit of taste, and you could feel the panic in it.

Slightly careless, pull the hips completely.

If you can't stabilize it, it will collapse.

"The general trend is set."

"There is no turning back."


Fang Fan takes the lead and stabs forward! Immediately after hearing the wind, the nine legions under his command moved.

Except for the ruling that the Unicorn Saint Beast Legion was a bit abrupt and not let out because they were all unicorn Saint Beasts, the other major legions all participated in the war.

The core combat force participating in the war is naturally the Gatlin Legion of the Gothic Destroyer, which is also the only quasi-semi-divine legion under Fang Fan's command.

The legion’s combat power is fully in place, and now it’s time to start a full thrust!

The burst-like excitement gradually came into place.

A real batch!




The roar came out, and then a new force arrived.

Originally, the cultivators of Tianlin City at the West City Gate occupied an absolute disadvantage, and at a glance, they were about to be suppressed in place.

At this moment, there are defensive gaps everywhere. Suddenly a group of troops wearing the uniforms of Tianlin City soldiers are in place. They are naturally very happy, and who will care who you are.

Now it is the business to relieve yourself a little pressure quickly.

At this moment, if you are not careful, it may be really cold.

Who is not afraid of death?

At this moment of death, even if it is just a straw, it must be firmly grasped, because it is a life-saving straw.


A Gothic Destroyer Gatling Gunner opened fire.

This is just the beginning.

Immediately there was a frantic blast, and the soldiers who belonged to Emperor Ji City and Earth Shao City couldn't resist at all, and they were crushed in an instant.

One swipe is a big piece.

For a while, there was a huge gap in the offensives of Emperor Ji City and Earth Shao City.

The soldiers in Tianlin City could obviously feel the pressure on them lightened.

"Kill! Kill! Hold on!"

"Stick me!"

"Damn it!"

"What kind of stuff are these all!"

"Why is it so powerful!"

"Never seen it!"

A third-class **** of Huangji City widened his eyeballs, and while talking, his lips couldn't help but murmur. At this moment, his eyes were erratic, and his brows wrinkled as he spoke.

This is a far cry from what was expected;.

Everything looks different.

With such a strong presence, why didn't it feel at all before?

It's as if there is no such thing.

too weird!

One of the soldiers from the Imperial City and the Earth's Evil City was killed, and the army was wiped out as soon as the team came.

At the beginning, there were many soldiers from Emperor Jicheng and Earthshadow City shouting and rushing over, but soon they were also afraid of being killed. They stayed there for a while and didn't dare to rush forward easily.

This is still going to die!

There is a dead end in front of me!


"Keep going!"

"These **** in the Imperial City have already been overwhelmed!"

"Who dares to stand still? Kill without mercy!"

"Hurry up! Have you heard?"

"Asshole! Asshole stuff!"

"Whatever I say to you, is it the wind in your ears?"

"Dog stuff! I think you are really looking for death!"

The roar gradually came into place, as if to completely extinguish everything in front of him, such a heartfelt voice was popping out of his mind.

For a time, the body and mind trembled.

Can't hold it anymore.

The mentality collapsed.

"Captain Ten thousand, go on your own!"

"Just tell us to go!"

"You can feel it, you can't get close at all."

"Dare to go and be killed."

"In this case, who... who is willing to continue to run forward!"

"A dead end is clearly a dead end."

"Horrible, terrible."

"No, I can't move forward anymore."

"I am dead!"

The wailing voices gradually increased, and the soldiers in Huangji City couldn't help but began to complain.

The superintendent of the Emperor City opened his mouth and was speechless for a while.

Do unto others, do not impose on others.

If he didn't have the guts to rush forward, just knowing that he would let his subordinates sprint, this... it really didn't sound like that.


"Just rush, what's the matter?"

"Do you really think that this **** will be as greedy of life and fear of death as you?"

"This **** will let you see what courage is!"

The ten thousand chief of Huangji City was also a third-class **** general with an arrogant expression, and he immediately showed a sense of quasi-semi-divine cultivation and took his steps...


In an instant, he felt that the leg he stepped into the past shot out a **** flower, charming and crazy.

At a glance, the whole person was directly numb, numb, and I didn't know what to say at this moment.

With trembling lips, the whole person fell into extreme despair.

Crazy and desperate.

Terrible... terrible!

With such a mentality, who is more to say.

The way forward is there, and I can't walk through, and I can't make a stab.



"The legs of the **** general!"

"It hurts! It hurts to death!"



"Don't see that the **** will be injured?"

"Come here...Come here to stand up to the God General!"

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