"Speaking of which, you are not sure?"

"Damn it!"

"You won't really get hit by that bastard?"

"If these foreigners escaped from my defense zone, it's over!"

"The Lord of the City will never let me go!"

"Damn it!"

"That idiot Talha didn't make it clearer!"

The second-class **** of the Protoss General Qued frowned, his expression dissatisfied.


"Master Qued, then we...what shall we do now?"

"In case... just in case this group of people really did something in our Tianlin City, if the Lord of the City blames it, this... this is not a small matter."

Tianlin City's third-class **** general Lugas opened his mouth, and at this moment he also seemed a little uninspired, his eyes trembled slightly while speaking.

The situation is just such a situation, it seems very fragmented.

"I don't know if this is a small matter?"


"The key is that this matter should be handled in this way!"

"What's the use of just delaying like this?"


"Follow that **** Talha!"

"This guy said so arrogantly, maybe this guy really found something."

"If you succeed in catching these people, it's fine, if you prove that these people are foreigners and let them all run away, I'll take the **** of Tahar!"

"Damn it!"

"What kind of thing is this!"

"It's messy, extremely messy!"

"Following this trend, I still don't know what it will become!"

The second-class **** of the Protoss General Quide licked his lips, and couldn't help but jump his eyes as he spoke.

Now he can only be led away by the nose.

Otherwise, I don't know what will happen next.

The situation is breaking down little by little.

"Asshole stuff!"

"When I clarify what's in it, if one counts one by one, you have to calculate the ledger!"

"Talha, bastard, what are you doing so fast!"

The second-class **** of the Protoss glanced at Quide's gaze towards the distance, frowning, his gaze trembled, his thoughts abound, and his consciousness gradually messed up.

Talha's eyes looked particularly blood red.

This time... this time you must not miss it again!

If you miss it again, you won't have such a good opportunity.

Now it feels within reach!

Right in front of you!

You can catch these **** just by hooking!

"Near! Near!"

"I can catch up with them soon!"

"Whirring whirring!"

"So excited... so excited!"

"This time there can be no more problems!"

"Stay steady, hold steady, you must be steady in your mentality!"

"This...this is the top priority!"

"Once there is an accident, no one can escape!"

"Yes! Don't be nervous! Never be nervous!"

"Summing up the previous lessons, there can be no fluctuations in emotions."

"If someone comes to pin me down, I don't have to bother."

"Capture the enemy first, capture the king!"

"Yes! First catch the leader of this mysterious group of aliens. Even if the others want to make a fuss, they won't be able to make a fuss."

"In this case, they can only have a dead end!"

"At that time, I won't let me take care of it!"


"If this is the case, what else should I worry about?"

"do not worry!"

"Although they are mysterious, their combat effectiveness is just like that."

The third-class **** of the Protoss blinked Talha's extremely **** eyes, and at this moment, blue veins on his forehead began to violently burst.

It's hard to express this kind of excitement in words.

Now there is no need to worry about the others.

The whole body and mind are gathered here, there is absolutely no possibility of any accidents!


The speed can be even more explosive!

Thinking silently in my heart, my mind is bursting out in an all-round way!

"Take your life!"


Talha couldn't help but yelled, and then slammed towards Fang Fan's location.

In fact, Fang Fan had discovered this guy a long time ago.

It just didn't pay much attention to it at first.

Thinking of this guy running two steps, he stopped.

Who can think of this guy's desire to kill himself so urgently?

It was completely reluctant.

How big is this **** hatred? How to reach such a level?

Fang Fan raised his eyebrows slightly, thinking to himself, all kinds of thoughts gradually surging in his mind.

Feeling this time, it does not have a taste.

Interesting, really interesting.

This bells and whistles, the sense of rhythm also seems super strong.

Feeling the position for a while, my thoughts gradually boiled, and everything is silent.

Fang Fan's eyes drooped slightly, and the corners of his mouth rose silently, immediately following him in joy.

"Master, this guy is still chasing, what should I do?"

"Should I go and kill him?"

Shen Qiu raised his eyebrows slightly, and immediately began to ask for it.

He is a weak semi-god, conceited that he can still get rid of Talha in a short time.

"Need not."

"Don't be held up by this guy."

"A wave of shots will be fine."

Fang Fan didn't even raise his eyelids. For him, this was not a big deal at all.

"Gatlin Legion of the Goddess Destroyer Hears!"

"Set the fire!"

"Kill him!"

Fang Fan shrugged, then ordered directly.

"Oh, please!"

Hanston, the commander of the Goddess Gatling Legion, held his head high, and then took the lead in changing the position of the Gatling gun in his hand. At the same time, there were five or six Gothic Gatling Gunners also converted. He moved to the position of the muzzle, and immediately started shooting at Talha.

Talha saw the muzzle of the familiar Gatling machine with a look of disdain on his face.

"Small bugs, even dare to make mistakes!"

"Huh! It's ridiculous!"

Talhas paid no attention to it.

It was not that he hadn't fought this mysterious weapon before.

I have to admit that the range attack power of this mysterious weapon is indeed strong, and it has an aura of being a man who is in a position to do nothing.

But after all, the intensity of the attack is somewhat limited, limited to the Holy Venerable Realm? I remember that it seemed that even the defense of the Supreme Lord could not be broken, let alone his demigod.

"It seems that this group of foreigners are also poor in their skills!"

"To deal with me, you can only use this old method!"

"It seems that this time the original **** is about to return with a full load!"


"This time I finally have a chance to take revenge!"

"Excellent opportunity, absolutely not to be missed!"

"Vengeance! Revenge! Revenge must be revenge!"

"This **** everything!"

"Such an idea must be held firmly!"

"A stab! A full stab!"

The posture of gritted teeth followed in full display, excited heart, trembling hands, everything was in full shaking.

Feeling, burst out all over!

The taste of this, and who to talk to.

The rhythm of the moment is super strong!

Invincible! Directly invincible!

Talhas did not evade, and continued to charge forward.

The present posture is called a warrior!

The brave is invincible!

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