Bai Piao held his head high, and immediately saw him in a hurry, making no secret of it.

What you want is the fragments of the **** stone!

Fang Fan was stunned for a moment, and he just realized that the things that made this guy so interested, except for the sister of the elven clan, Yaya, which seemed to be the sacred stone fragments, star cores.

This guy is purely a layman!

But Huahua is locked up, this is really good, not artificial.


"Three million sacred stone fragments, right?"

"no problem."

"You write a note and I will sign it for you."

Fang Fan nodded and said sincerely.

Bai Piao's eyes suddenly flickered infinitely.

I'm Cao!

Does happiness come so suddenly?

In fact, the price in his heart is not so high, just waiting for Fang Fan to counter-offer!

In Bai Piao's view, he was satisfied if he could make a million pieces of sacred stone.

Do not come too suddenly!

Unexpectedly... I didn't expect it! This... these three million sacred stone fragments are coming soon?

"Boy Fang Fan, I love you!"

"I knew your kid was generous!"

"Hey! If I knew that you promised to be so refreshing, I would have asked for a bit more just now!"

"Bad! It's really a mistake!"

Bai Piao had a rather greedy feeling that he was not enough to swallow an elephant, looking at the bowl and thinking about what was in the pot.

Swipe it!

Bai Piao wrote the note in minutes.

The above is almost written to collect the three million sacred stone fragments and the like.

Fang Fan nodded, without any ink marks, and directly signed his own order.

"All right."

"Everything is done!"

"Keep the note well!"

Fang Fan looked at Bai Piao, and while talking, the smile on his face increased. This feeling was in place, and it felt very interesting.

In this wave, thoughts floated directly.

Yes, it really feels good.


"No, isn't this note for you, Fang Fan?"

"Boy Fang Fan, have you forgotten something?"

"The slivers are hit, where are my three million sacred stone fragments?"

"Give it to me!"

Bai Piao blinked, his face couldn't help showing expectation, and now he was thinking about this thing.

I thought to myself, my eyes couldn't help but sparkle with a different kind of light.

There are thousands of thoughts, and ideas are surging in an all-round way.

At the moment, there is quite a sense of interest.

It's exciting, but also very abrupt.

"All the slips have been typed for you, and you just need to collect the slips."

"Sacred stone fragments or something, after I have so many sacred stone fragments in my hand, I will exchange it for you, it's not a big problem."

Fang Fan nodded, serious.

Bai Piao: "???"

What am I?

Are you serious?

What do you mean by this?

Why am I not too clear about something?

This is the white wolf who wants to empty the glove?

Ah? Looking at this posture, isn't that the way it is?


"Boy Fang Fan!"

"You...your kid playing this game with me?"

"Boy Fang Fan, I praised you just now, turned your face and didn't recognize people?"

"I'm Cao!"

"Boy Fang Fan, really can't do that!"

"What I want is a shard of sacred stone! It's a real thing!"

"You give me a blank note. What use is it for you to write a trillion?"

"I am so special, I don't need it at all!"

"Boy Fang Fan, we are all decent people, don't... don't come to this set, okay?"

"Do we all have to collapse in this state of mind!"

"Boy Fang Fan, do you think I want too much?"

"Then you can give less."

"Give two million first? You can give one million first!"

"These are not big problems, but...but don't do this."

"I really can't stand it!"

A croaking voice followed, and at this moment, the thoughts were all over the air for a while.

The others, some and none, have nothing to say at all. A heart is extremely messy.

I want to feel something, but I can't speak.

There was only anxiety left in this heart.

Infinite anxious feeling, who is more to say!

Pull your hips! Pull your hips extremely!

A heart is broken directly!

Bai Piao gradually resents women.

"woo woo woo woo……"

"Boy Fang Fan, you can't pit fragments of my **** stone!"

"I have a true heart for you, you can't always think of pitting me!"

"Boy Fang Fan, should we really know it?"

"Don't you know my sincerity to you?"

"At a critical time, I am willing to sacrifice everything for you!"

"Between us is more than just brotherhood!"

"The friendship between us has been fully upgraded!"


Bai Piaoxu babbled, and while talking, he couldn't help but walked towards Fang Fan's location, with a sense of enchantment all over his body.

Fang Fan opened his mouth, said something intentionally, and finally shut up.

This guy is invincible.

It's a blast.

"For the time being, there are hundreds of thousands of sacred stone fragments in my hand."

"Give you one hundred thousand first, you can use it first."

"If the rest is not enough, you will exchange those treasures."

"Since these treasures can be so treasured by the lord of Tianlin City, they are not ordinary products now."

"Exchange a little more, I need the shards of the sacred stone."

Fang Fan looked at Bai Piao and immediately said directly.

It's just such a thing.


"I also want to sell those treasures, who is the key?"

"The treasures that were looted from the inner treasury of the City Lord's Mansion of Tianlin City last time are stranded!"

"There are tens of millions of sacred stone fragments, tell me, in our bright camp and even the entire allied army, who has this financial ability?"

"Even if it is Zhao Wei and his father, that president of the Tianlan Chamber of Commerce is no good! He may not even be able to eat 1% of it!"

"Too much."

"These goods can't be shipped out, they are just for nothing!"

"Your kid is uneasy and kind! Your kid just wants to cheat me to take the game!"

"Boy Fang Fan, don't think I don't know your little thoughts!"

"I won't be fooled by you now!"


"You almost turned the topic off!"

"A total of more than 25 million pieces of sacred stone! Do you have hundreds of thousands left now?"

"What about the others? Where are the nearly 25 million divine stone fragments?"


"Even if your kid is monogamous, you have to find a better excuse!"

"You... how long have you passed?"

"Since I handed the shards of the sacred stone into your hands, is there an hour in the past?"

Bai Piao moaned his lips and couldn't help his eyes twitching slightly while talking.

I thought to myself, all kinds of thoughts suddenly rushed in my mind, and everything was silent.

The more you think, the more confused the thoughts in this heart become. ,

In Bai Piao's eyes, there are only fragments of his sacred stone now!

And he now firmly believes that his sacred stone fragments were pitted by Fang Fan.

Fang Fan gave a wry smile, what can he say?

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