It's too miserable to go out at this time.

Except for Talha's eagerness to participate in this kind of thankless errand, everyone else can't wait to push it off immediately.

It's too difficult to grasp this matter.

The more I think about it, the more anxious in this heart.

Thousands of thoughts are messy, and everything is silent.

Play...just follow along.

Talham was silent, looking a little disappointed.

In the bottom soldiers and officers of the Protoss, he can still see the endless blood and fighting spirit!

But from the eyes of the so-called **** generals and demigods in Tianlin City, all he can see is greed for pleasure.

They have had blood and impulse, and have the will and courage to sacrifice everything for Tianlin City.

But what's wrong with this now?

After being promoted to a demigod position and having a status, will people become ecstatic?

Right now, the moment of life and death for Tianlin City! At this time it is about the honor of the entire Tianlin City!

No one actually came forward?

Talha looked at Rugas, his good brother.

Rugas was dark and his eyes trembled.

Damn, what did you think? That's why he befriended such a dumbfounded brother.

It's all right now, just put yourself in.

In this situation, it is not so easy to deal with it.

The brain was buzzing, and his thoughts were messy, and it didn't seem to talk more at all.

What's the point of this nonsense? It's nothing.

The sense of rhythm has long since become extremely chaotic.

What's in my mind is actually just that kind of thing.

The more you think, the more useless.

"I attended!"

Rugas took the initiative to stand up, he was too aware of Talha's temperament, even if he didn't stand up by himself, this guy would definitely pull himself out.

Instead of this, it is better to leave a good impression in front of Lord Santo.


"Count you!"

"This is the warrior of my Protoss!"

"Everyone is enthusiastic to sign up!"

Castle Lord Cassius cheered on the side.

But obviously now everyone treats his words as bullshit.

This thing, you just listen to it, if you take it seriously, you will lose.

It doesn't mean this thing.

After all, there is still something hidden in it.

In the end, it was still fragmented! Fully sparse.

The more I think about it, the worse the thoughts in this heart feel.

My thoughts were so messy that I didn't say anything, that's it.

Talha's eyes continued to scan around, looking for his team members.

All the quasi-demi-gods of Tianlin City who are standing here can't wait to quickly crack a crack on the ground, and get in quickly, so that they don't have to suffer such inhuman torture here.

Enough torture, all the chaotic fragments in his head.

These fragments can't come together now, anyway, it's messy, messy, and there's nothing to say.

Naturally, the most nervous person now belongs to the second-class god-general Qued in Tianlin City.

There was a holiday between him and Talha.

Such a good opportunity, this **** would definitely not let him go.

Before that, Qued was Talha's immediate boss, and he was a bit prestigious.

However, the current situation has been reversed at two levels, and Lord City Lord now trusts him extraordinarily, and even releases all the power.

In this case, his options are not much.

Thinking like this in my heart at the moment, my brain buzzed.

The more I thought about it, the more chaotic my mind became.

Eyeballs are fluttering, everything is silent.

"Don't call me don't call me..."

"Can't see me, can't see me!"

"Go away! Go away!"

"I have a very low sense of existence."

"Don't stare at me!"

The muttering sound followed, and the whole person's consciousness followed by pulling his hips.

Nothing, the rhythm is super chaotic.

Quid prayed secretly in his heart, if it weren't for the Lord of the City who stood here, he would have slipped away long ago.

Stand here and suffer this sin? Too stupid!

"Quide God General!"

Talha's voice came over, and at this moment, it seemed to Qued to be the sound of a nightmare. Hearing it in his ears, his whole body couldn't help but swing.

All kinds of panic and anxiety gathered in his mind, his lips trembled extremely, his thoughts were messy, and his complexion was extremely flushed.

I don't know what to say at the moment.

It's numb directly.

The less you don't want something to happen, the more likely it will happen.

This is the so-called Murphy effect!


"Tower... Talha General."

"Is there anything...what's the matter?"

"Hey, the defense of the West Gate was already under great pressure. Now that you and Rugas, the two main generals, are gone, my pressure is even greater!"

"God Talha, in my mind, you have always been a respected Protoss warrior!"

"You have never retreated when fighting!"

"I have seen you start a charge, that surging posture is enough to show your loyalty to Tianlin City!"

"In many ways, we all want to study hard with you!"

The sound of muttering followed, the voice of emotion gathered in all directions, everything was silent, and the sense of rhythm took off in an all-round way.

At this moment, Quidd said that there are none, but the only purpose is to clean and squander, so as to prevent him from joining Talha's team.

Didn't you hear what I said just now? There are a lot of layers of defense to break through the Demon City of Emperor Ji City first, and you have to pursue it all the way.

Even if it is chasing into the city of those foreigners, don't give up!

When the time comes, on other people's territory, isn't it like a meat bun hitting a dog, will there be no return?

This time, the chance of recovering the treasure is very small, which means that the chance of meritorious service is slim.

But once the mission fails, you may lose your life.

Even if he was lucky enough to get his life back, it may have been more difficult since then.

Lord Santos can't see the treasure, so he will be furious.

If at that time, there is one who counts as one, don't even think about running, you have to follow along.

Thinking of these, this heart will inevitably feel extremely anxious.

With many thoughts and confusion, the whole person directly followed and pulled his hips.

That's it, nothing, continuously, just follow along.

This rhythm is still super strong?

Very real and very appropriate.

Feeling the action is invincible.

"Ha ha!"

"Quide God has made the adults serious."

"Me and Rugas just did some part-time affairs."

"On the contrary, God General Qued is not only a good leader, but his self-rising power can hardly be matched by the same rank!"

"If Lord Qued can help, there will be hope for seizing Lord City Lord's treasure this time!"

"I also hope that Lord Qued will follow me!"

"What? Master Quide, what is your expression?"

"Huh? Don't you want to?"

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