Talha squinted his eyes and made up his mind now.

With many thoughts, consciousness gradually became messy.

Everyone around them looked at each other, their faces showing helplessness.

Now I'm on the thief ship.

Now he can only go one way to the dark.

These people are all registered with Lord City Lord.

As long as there is something unexpected, Lord City Lord must seek them for the operation.

Thinking of this, the sense of confusion in my heart seemed even stronger.

His head was buzzing, his thoughts were in a state of chaos, and he didn't know what it would be like in the future.

The more I think, the more chaotic, the more I think, the more painful.

Gradually, I no longer know how to express my feelings.


"Talha, you are dying too!"

"If you don't succeed, you will become benevolent!"

"The greater the power that Lord City Lord grants you now, the stronger your desire to kill you in the future!"

"If you help Lord City Lord find the treasure, then everything is easy to say, everything is not a problem."

"But if you don't get it back, this matter will be completely out of the question!"

"The Lord of the City will skin you cramps by then!"

"And there is no room for negotiation!"


"You are really standing on the edge of the cliff now!"

"Why bother!"

Rugas opened his mouth and couldn't help but sighed slightly, feeling quite unbearable while speaking.

In Rugas's heart, although Talha was stubborn, they were always brothers.

Although there have been quarrels between each other, the key moment is that they can give each other their lives and protect them from the sword.

There is no doubt about this.

"Edge of the cliff?"

"A misstep will become an eternal hate?"



"I actually thought of this situation a long time ago."

"It doesn't matter."

"If I didn't punish those mysterious aliens, even if I was alive, I would actually be the same as the walking dead. Such a life has no meaning."

"Actually speaking, sometimes it's better to be alive than to die!"

"If you don't break, you won't stand!"

"Others, it doesn't matter!"

"This time, Lord Santos gave me unlimited permissions! So many masters were dispatched to me!"

"If it fails this time, I may really not have any chance in the future."

"The rate of growth of those mysterious aliens is too fast, too fast."

"None of you can understand."

"But...but I can feel it!"

"Whirring whirring!"

"This matter must collapse!"

Talha licked his lips, his lips could not help cracking little by little, and wisps of blood flowed down his lips. At this moment, he didn't care.

A heart is on the chase!

"Set off!"


Talha waved his hand and immediately started the hunting journey!

Fang Fan and others continued to fly towards Yuanshi God City.

For a time, the demon wind rustled!



"Sure enough, you are back!"

Insidious laughter came, and then the surrounding space trembled crazily.

There was a burst of intense heat in the air, which made people feel a sense of panic from the bottom of their hearts.

"I'm Cao!"

"problem occurs!"

"I feel that my right eyelid keeps jumping!"

"Boy Fang Fan, are the people from God Race Tianlin City chasing you?"

"Why are they so fast?"

"We can't delay either!"

"Go on... Keep going forward!"

"I'll rub it, wait any longer, we'll get cold."

"Boy Fang Fan, what's the matter with you? Why don't you speak."

Bai Piao's eyes widened, while talking, his brows couldn't help but frowned, and a strange expression gradually appeared on his face.

All this is far from what I expected it to look like.

The rhythm also seemed chaotic.

It's not strong, it's really not strong.

"How could the chase of the Protoss chase us in front of us?"

"Use your mind to think about it."

"This is a person from Yuanshi God City."

"Sage Ouyang? Come out."

Fang Fan stepped forward, and then said indifferently, followed by a sharp gaze sweeping around, as if he wanted to completely suppress everything around him.

In the words, there is an indescribable momentum and pressure, which makes people feel tremor and anxiety from the bottom of their hearts.


"Your kid is not stupid!"

"If it weren't for your kid to provoke this saint again and again, this saint really doesn't want to kill you."

"Anyway, you are also the proud son of my bright camp!"

"As long as you train well, there will be someone in the bright camp!"

"It's a pity...it's a pity, you have to embark on such a path of no return!"

"This saint did not fail to give you a chance at the beginning."

"But you don't use it at all."

"In that case, there is nothing to say, please go and die!"

The voice of emotion was fully in place, and the killing intent in his eyes increased, as if to completely extinguish everything in front of him.

With such feelings, I will tell who else.

For a while, I didn't know what to say at all, many words, and there was total silence.

The figure of Ouyangtu, the first-class saint of the Temple of Light Alliance, appeared in front of everyone, and for a while, the battle was already on the line.


"Really this bastard!"

"Oh shit!"

"We fought hard in the Protoss city, and got rid of the chasing of those **** of the Protoss2. Didn't expect that the door of our house was still blocked?"

"Day! What kind of thing is this special?"

"How can it be done like this?"

"Aren't you afraid of chilling our hearts?"

"There are wolves before and tigers behind! This also has the meaning of a hammer!"

"Everything comes to an end, nothing!"


"The Temple of the Bright Alliance is destined to be lonely!"

"That's how they treat heroes?"

"Thmit up! I threw up!"

Bai Piao grumbled, and couldn't help but be on the sidelines with a comprehensive art.

In this matter, it is necessary to show an attitude.

"Oh, Bai Piao, don't talk about it."

"If this guy can hear the truth, he won't be here today."

"Since the adventure is here, obviously I want to kill us without knowing it."

Fang Fan stretched his waist, with a calm expression on his face, without fear at all.

"Fang Fan, I will kill him!"

Cathy squinted her eyes, and her fighting spirit gradually burst out.

"My lord, I'll go with Mrs. Cathy!"

Shen Qiu took a deep breath and nodded frequently while talking.

At this moment, the combat power is gradually bursting into place, and the whole person flutters as he speaks. When the combat power is booming, everything is silent!

war! war! war!

Both Shenqiu and Cathy are weak demigods of the Protoss, and their combat power is naturally much stronger than the weak demigods of the light camp, but in general, they are still not as good as the strong demigods of the light camp.

But in general, the gap is not very big.

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