Divine System of the Strongest Card Supplier in the End Times

Chapter 3938: You are the young master of the Protoss

At this moment, a strong murderous intent had been produced in his mind.

Fang Fan is like a peerless treasure.

Whoever owns it can own everything.

Since I can't own it, it's better to let this evil and enchanting treasure completely disappear at the origin.

In this way, everything will return to the original track.

The first-class saint Motian of the Dark Temple silently clenched his fist and fell into deep thought.

Since the win is not in place, kill?

Such thoughts revolved wildly in my mind.

Only for a while, Mo Tian couldn't make a determination.

Because these things are too messy.

There is not even a sense of order in the chaos.

Whenever there is an accident, the rhythm must be followed by a complete collapse.

At that time, it will be impossible to pull it over completely.

In the end, he could only follow in silence.

"Look again."

"Look at the situation again."

"The more you are at this critical juncture, the less you can be nervous."

"Rhythm... Pull back a little bit."

"This is the top priority!"


"That's it!"

The first-class saint Motian of the Dark Temple licked his chapped lips, and then walked a few steps back, slowly stabilizing his anxious heart, for fear of another accident.


The battle is kicking off at this moment!

"Fang Fan bastard, this is the dead end of your own choice! Ha! It eventually collapsed, so I can't blame it."

"That's the end of the matter, it's useless to say more!"

"If you choose to join the Temple of Darkness, and if there is a **** like Mo Tian in the middle, you may still have a chance to live!"

"But now this only silver lining has been cut off.

"So, there is nothing to say."

"This is the end of the matter, tear everything in front of you completely!"

"There are many dreams in the night, this saint is going to be the first to start!"

"This time, this saint will completely end all this!"

There was a secret shout, and Ouyangtu, the first-class saint of the Temple of the Light Alliance, showed all the strong demi-god aura, and immediately rushed over.

"Shen Qiu, Cathy, stop him."

"If there is a chance, directly obliterate it."

Fang Fan gave an indifferent sneer, and at this moment he didn't make any concealment anymore.

This is the end of the matter, and it is useless to say more.

The current situation is completely collapsed, and proceeding bit by bit in accordance with the established rhythm, this is justified!

Shen Qiu and Cathy didn't talk nonsense, and jumped directly into the air, attacking Ouyang Tui from left to right.

Ouyang Tui didn’t put Shenqiu and Cathy in his eyes at the beginning. Although he felt that Cathy and Cathy were both demigods of the Protoss, he assumed that they should all exist in the ordinary quasi-semi-god of the Protoss. , Fearless.

Although the demigods of the Protoss and the demigods of the allies have a huge advantage between the same rank.

But what are two quasi-demigods?

The three collide...

There was a tie for a while.

Even because of underestimating the enemy, Ouyang Tuo couldn't help taking a few steps back in the air at this moment.

"Weak demigod?"

"Two protoss weak demigods?"

"Are you crazy?"


"why is that?"

"The weak demigods of the Protoss, according to intelligence, are all second-class gods in the Protoss, and there are not many people above who can restrain you."

"Why don't you stay in a high position in the Protoss? Why do you have to run here to fix all these?"


"In my heart, what do you think?"

"How come all these messy rhythms are in my mind?"

"No...it's not right."

"There is a problem! There is definitely a problem!"

"Fang Fan! Who are you on earth?"

"You have a high status in the Protoss?"

"Otherwise, why do the two weak demigods of the Protoss obey your instructions?"

"Are you the young master of the Protoss?"

"Are you an illegitimate child of the Lord of Tianlin City?"

"Are you the real master of Tianlin City?"

Ouyangtu, the first-class saint of the Temple of the Light Alliance, stared wide-eyed, and couldn't help thinking about it as he spoke.

During the speech, his lips trembled, and the sound of breathing slowly became rapid.

Excited, who is more to talk to at this moment.

The messy rhythm, I can't wait to tear everything in front of me completely.

After feeling a bit, the whole person also fell into numbness gradually.

Who do you talk to when your mentality collapses?

In the chaos, there is not even the least sense of order!

Fang Fan raised his eyebrows, he had to admit that Ouyang Tuo's Lenovo ability was really good.

What is the connection? Can this be associated?

What is this IQ?

Just follow Invincible, okay?

Fang Fan's mouth twitched, and he almost couldn't help laughing at this moment.

Interesting, this thing is really interesting.

There was a lot of fun, and Fang Fan didn't know what to say.

The bells and whistles, the chaos!

Ouyang Tu continued to talk nonsense there, Cathy and Shen Qiu will not be idle, and continue to attack.

The weak demigod of the Protoss is said to be comparable to the strong demigod of the allies, but if it is really confronted, it will still be much worse.

However, the weak demigods of the two protoss can completely resist the strong demigods of the Allies.

Just like now, the two weak demigods of Cathy and Shenqiu directly fought against Ouyang Tu, the strong demigod of the Temple of the Light Alliance!

The situation is better than people.

The situation is being fully developed.

The sky is dim, the sea is dry and the rocks are rotten!

Ouyang disciple wanted to sprint out and punish Fang Fan several times, but they were all blocked fiercely!

He wants to implement his plan, obviously not that simple.

In other words, this road was completely blocked.

It seems hopeless.

The chaotic rhythm fluttered wildly in my mind, and I didn't know what to feel for a while.

He whispered his lips, then curled his body, looking extremely numb.

How can a **** heart heal?

"Cao Ji!"

"Cao Ji!"

"You bastard!"

"What are you waiting for?"


"I will block these two weak demigods of the Protoss!"

"Go... Go kill Fang Fan that little bastard!"

"Aren't you preaching revenge in front of me all day?"

"Your castration revenge will be avenged right away!"

"Go! Go!"

"There is a saint to support you, what are you afraid of?"

"As long as Fang Fan dies, you are the absolute confidant of this saint!"

"No! You will be my brother then! We will be the brothers with their heads on the ground!"

"War! War! War!"


The crazy roar was about to completely crush everything in front of him.

The intensified rhythm makes people feel physically and mentally exhausted.

Gradually felt the position, and his eyes trembled to the extreme.

At the moment, Ouyang disciple has reached the point of exhaustion.

He had no choice but to ask for help.

Cao Ji, who had been watching the play well, was suddenly named, and suddenly his body couldn't help but twitched.

what's going on?

Staring at me again?


Why is this?

Every day, nothing is going on?

Fluttering on me all day?


As for?

Is this thing interesting?

At this moment, a heart is completely messy to the extreme.

The more I think about it, the more irritable I feel.

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