Divine System of the Strongest Card Supplier in the End Times

Chapter 3948: I'm the commander in chief

The second-class **** general of Tianlin City, Qued, gritted his teeth, and couldn't help but roar at the moment.

He was originally a hot temper, his lips were trembling at the moment, and his thoughts followed in full swing.

The more you talk, the more excited you are, the more you talk, the more surging, and you can’t wait to implement such a strategy right away.

As for the others, there is no need to care!

"I always feel that something is wrong."

"This guy is very cunning."

"If he has enough power to overwhelm us, how can he talk nonsense with us?"

"If he really has two strong demigods as help, he doesn't need to negotiate with us at all."

"Is there anything wrong with these two strong demigods?"

The third-class **** general of Tianlin City, Talha, frowned, his eyes gradually became falcons while talking.

The Lord of the City has put such an important treasure hunting task in his hands, he must not slack in the slightest, this is the top priority!

If you are not careful, the whole situation will collapse!

The temper of Lord City Lord Talha knows that if you are useful and meritorious, he will definitely treat you as a brother.

If you cheat him, he will slap at you without hesitation.

There is a dead end if you can't chase the treasure.

The treasure thief has been found right now, but how to proceed is the most important thing!

If you are not sure about this, 1 will also cause problems.

And the problem will be serious.

"Talha, you trash."

"The fearful, are you afraid?"

"I've seen it a long time ago, you useless thing!"

"At a glance, I know that I haven't seen any big scenes, and I can't stand it at all!"

"What a big deal!"

"If we burst out, I don't believe that this foreigner's strong demigod dares to fight us hard?"

"And didn't you just say it? If this kid really has two strong demigods to help him, he won't talk nonsense with us at all."

"What does this show? It shows that everything about this kid is bluffing!"

"Huh! These two strong demigods are also silver gun candle heads, which are clearly the same."

"What's to be afraid of."

"It's true to take back the treasures, and everything else can be ignored for the time being."

"I have told you so much, do you understand?"

"It's really anxious."

"You tell me what the Lord City Lord thought? Why did you let this trash serve as our commander in chief? Isn't this a delay?"

"The warplane was delayed, this little **** was let go, and the treasure of Lord City Lord slipped away, you just wait to die!"

"The Lord of the City said before he left, the most precious of these treasures is that section of God's Ladder..."

"I don't need to say more about the meaning of God's Ladder? You should all understand."

"If the **** ladder is gone, Lord City Lord will personally tell us that we will tear it apart."

"In other words, as long as the ladder of the gods can keep it, even if the other treasures are gone, Lord City Lord will keep us alive, and maybe he will reward us."

"I don't need to say more about how important the ladder is to Lord City Lord?"


"This **** will say so much, did you hear it?"

"Waste things! Get stuck when it's critical!"

"I'll go first!"

"When I regained the treasure, regained the **** ladder, the credit is mine."

"If anyone wants to **** at that time, I will abolish him!"

The second-class **** general of Tianlin City, Qued, seemed very impatient, and now he couldn't wait to attack immediately, the kind that couldn't wait for a moment.

An impatience burst out in his mind, and at this moment he was completely unable to control himself.

This rhythm is bursting out little by little.

"Quide God General!"

"It's enough!"

"Do you still know that Lord City Lord asked me to lead the team?"

"Then what are you still talking about here?"

"Don't you even want to ignore the Lord City Lord's order?"

"Everything obeys orders!"

"Don't be reckless!"

"Before the matter has been investigated, please give me peace and stability."

"What is the impatience?"

"What's so impatient!"

The cold snort swept across, and while talking at this moment, the killing intent in his eyes grew more and more.

At the moment, what is needed is this effect.

In accordance with the established rhythm, full progress!

The third-class **** of Tianlin City, Talha clenched his teeth, his eyes trembled, and his impatient heart was very real.

At this time, there can be no deviation in the slightest.

Once there is a deviation, it is completely over!

Stability is the essence and principle of everything!

On the other side, Ouyang Disciple and Motianjian Fang Fan had been talking with the group of gods, and they seemed even more panicked for a while.

"I said it."

"Even if this kid is not the young master of the Protoss, he is absolutely inseparable from the Protoss!"

"Damn it!"

"I didn't expect such a traitor to appear in my bright camp!"


"Now that the support of the Protoss comes, it is even more difficult to kill him!"

"With this little brat as an internal response, Yuanshi God City is not safe anymore."

"After I go back, I must report to the Pope's crown and redeploy the defense of Yuanshi God City."

"If you are not careful, you may be ransacked by this little bastard."

"It seems that this saint is still very foresight."

"I wanted to kill him at the beginning. It turns out that my judgment was correct."

"It's just a pity, I missed the opportunity every time!"


"This time I was even more prepared, but you were delayed by the devil's saint!"

"If you had made up your mind to do it earlier, it wouldn't be what you are now."

"Want to draw this little **** to your dark temple?"

"Now it's alright, he can stand on the opposite side of our Light Alliance Temple and the Dark Temple."

"This matter is already like this, there is nothing left to say."

The cold snort gradually increased, and he yelled, his expression extremely gloomy.

Ouyangtu, the first-class saint of the Temple of the Light Alliance, has endless contempt and resentment in his heart at this moment.

But at this time, there is something that can't be expressed.

So this heart seemed extremely entangled.

The more you talk, the more annoying you are, and the more irritable you are, the less you don't want to talk.

Anyway, the whole person is like that.

It's real and clear.

The rhythm is very sharp.

"It's already like this, what's the use of complaining?"

"In fact, if we attack suddenly, we may not be able to sprint to this Fang Fan and then take it down."

"We are both weak demigods, as long as the speed is fast enough."

"Surprise is the key."


"Dare to play?"

The first-class saint Motian of the Dark Temple squinted his eyes, and while talking, the killing intent had completely gathered, and he couldn't wait to directly oppress it at this moment.

Anxious heart is fully blooming.

According to this rhythm, everything in front of him will be completely annihilated.

So inwardly, it seems very real and clear.

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