"Sage of the Devil, do you find it interesting to do these useless work?"

"That Ouyang disciple is so precious to that **** ladder, he regards this thing as more important than his own life, do you think he will give this **** ladder out to you?"

"Think too much."

"Hehe, this guy is going to be buried for his **** ladder."

The first **** child of the dark temple madness curled his lips, his face was boring.

In this matter, he seemed very casual and calm.

From start to finish, I didn't think much about it.

These are completely indifferent, and the problem is not big.

Be clear-headed and feel more serious, so that you are stable.



"Think too much."

"If there is no way out, he might fight to the death."

"But I just paved a way for him to survive!"

"When suffering between life and death, maybe even those gods have to weigh it up, right?"

"If there is a chance to live, who is willing to die?"

"There is a silver lining to be alive."

"Dead, but there is nothing left."

"Ouyang is not stupid, he knows how to choose."

"We just wait slowly."

"As long as the God's Ladder is in hand, we have to think of a way out."

The Dark Temple first-class saint Motian groaned, and then looked around, as if looking for the most appropriate escape direction.

At this moment, this mind naturally needs to be more rigorous.

At least you can't let yourself be completely stumbled in it.

The current rhythm must be more secure.

These are the top priorities!

Extremely clear consciousness!

The battle continued for more than ten minutes.

The blood flowing from the corner of Ouyang Tu's mouth appeared more.

It's true that it can't be stabilized now, and it can't be sustained anymore.

When things have developed to this point, there is no need to say anything.

If this stalemate continues, the mentality will collapse again.

The rhythm is cool, and I play a chicken.


"Come here and help me get rid of these bastards! God's ladder is yours!"


"What are you waiting for!"

"You have to wait until this saint is dead before you want to make a move, right?"


"If this saint is really dead, you will have nothing to end!"

"At that time I will blew my storage ring, you will get nothing!"

Ouyang gritted his teeth, and immediately launched a counter threat.


"Sage Ouyang calm down."

"Why are you so worried?"


"It's not a matter of great importance."

"Just keep your mind steady."

"It's not impossible for me to shoot."

"I am ready to fight side by side with Saint Ouyang."

"It's just that Saint Ouyang has to show some sincerity, right?"

"Can't you do nothing?"

"Haha, this is not good."

"Sage Ouyang first hand over the sacred ladder to me, and I will take action immediately."

The body of the first-class saint Motian of the Dark Temple hung directly on the top of Ouyangtu's head, and at this moment, the eyes flashed violently.

While talking, his eyes gradually turned red.

At this moment, this anxious mood seemed very appropriate.

Anxious thoughts, surging thoughts, isn't this kind of feeling what you want?

Thoughts followed Invincible directly.

The feelings are also fully superimposed!

"You come here first to help me kill these bastards!"

"The ladder of the gods will not be without you!"

"Can you still believe in the character of my Ouyang disciple?"

Ouyang Du's complexion sank, his expression unhappy.


"Sorry, Saint Ouyang, I always have one thing to say."

"I think there should be a way to deal with this matter."

"Just do what you should do now!"

"According to this situation and plan, isn't it good to just follow this step by step?"


"If Saint Ouyang is not in a hurry, I can wait."

"It's okay to wait and make a move."

Motian, the first-class saint of the Dark Temple, shrugged, then put his hands around his chest and his face was calm.

Ouyang Tu: "???"

Wang Ba Lao Zi!

Just know to force me!

Everyone is a fox for thousands of years. What's the point of calculating each other!

The pressure on Ouyang Tuo's body seemed even greater.

Because Motian is here, for these Protoss cultivators, they feel that Motian is here to assist Ouyang disciples, and they need a quick fight.

In just a few breaths, Ouyang Tui had a few more gaps in his body.

"If this continues, I really want to die with these protoss lunatics."

"What should I do!"

"Damn it!"

"I was completely grasped by the **** Motian!"

"I can only promise him."

"Let him also experience the feeling of being besieged by these protoss lunatics."

"When these protoss lunatics have exhausted his spiritual power, I will take another shot and kill them all at once!"

"At that time, the **** ladder will still be mine."

Ouyang Tui could only comfort himself in this way now.

The more you think about it, the more turbulent the thoughts in your mind.

For a time, the rhythm gradually became sharper, and the consciousness gradually became sober.

Slowly, there will be everything.

In accordance with the established rhythm, start full blooming!

Invincible posture, stabs forward in an all-round way!

What is necessary is this effect.

Thoughts, gradually restless!

"God ladder for you!"

"Hold it well!"


"Today, I Ouyang is a student!"

With a big wave of his hand, Ouyang immediately took out the so-called **** ladder from the storage ring, and threw it towards the magic sky high in the sky.

Hearing Ouyang Tu's words, Motian looked excited.

His plan was successful!

He is the biggest winner!

It's done! Everything is done!

Everything in front of him will be fully grasped by him.

At this moment, the more I think about it, the more excited I am!

The rhythm is fully spurred to the extreme!

The smile on Motian's face didn't last long, and then suddenly became gloomy.

Even so, he didn't reach out to pick up the so-called **** ladder at all, just let the **** ladder slide down from the sky.

The ladder fell back into Ouyang's hands again.

"Motian! What do you mean?"

"I will give you all the ladders, why don't you continue?"

"What tricks do you want to play?"

"Ah? You really have to force me to death, so that you can be happy in your heart?"

"Why didn't I see that you still have such wolfish ambitions!"

"Damn it! Dog stuff!"

Ouyang Tu couldn't help cursing.

"You can shut up!"

"Is it interesting to come and fool me with a false **** ladder?"

"If you don't want to hand over the ladder of God, I won't force you."

"Why come up with this kind of deception?"

"At any rate, it's also a giant, and you still do this kind of thing that is not ashamed or irritable?"

"I feel ridiculous looking at it!"


"It's not a thing!"

"I've seen it thoroughly!"

Motian looked indignant and couldn't help but curse a few more words.

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