The attitude of Cao Teng, the lord of Guangming God City, seemed very soft. At this moment, his body shuddered slightly, and his breathing slowly became rapid.

Such a mentality seems very real.

Now he has only one purpose, and that is to get on the big ship Shangfan.

This is the star of tomorrow!

The future temple of the Bright Alliance must be his world!

In the past, he had offended Fang Fan, and even thought about killing Fang Fan.

At that time, it was mainly because of his son's relationship, so I had these thoughts in my heart.

But now, these are completely eliminated.

The situation has also loosened a little bit to the extreme.

There are many thoughts, and the consciousness is all messed up in the mind.

The more I think about it, the more real my feelings become.

Thoughts fluttered to the extreme, and then began to move forward little by little.

Such a rhythm, such a mentality, is so real!

Fang Fan already knew about the thoughts of Cao Teng, the Lord of the God of Light City.

Come to work.

He even beat his own son at the expense of being fat to express his loyalty.

Of course, for people like Cao Teng, it has always been profitable.

If you continue to be strong and have the meaning and value of continuing to follow, then he will naturally choose to follow it as hard as possible. This is undoubtedly, and even spends all his energy in order to make contributions.

But if you see that your momentum is not good enough, you will definitely choose to change the door immediately.

Not much else to say, I can only say that the experience in this aspect is incisive and vivid!

Taken together, this is actually the case.

Really, but clear.

As for the others, there is no need to think too much.

The rhythm is steady, the mind is steady, and the consciousness is even more collapsed.

"City Lord Cao Teng, if you really want to reconcile with our Guangming Academy, I naturally welcome you."

"After all, we all belong to the Temple of the Light Alliance."

"I hope that in the future our Guangming Academy and your Guangming Shencheng can cooperate sincerely!"

"It is unnecessary to waste all these energy on internal fighting."

"This... really unnecessary."

"Too much talk, it doesn't make any sense."

"This truth, I believe you should be clear."

On the side, the deputy master of Guangming Academy couldn't help but nodded.

The meaning is very simple, unity and cooperation between each other is fine, and you want to get on the ship.

But now that you have chosen to invest and cooperate, if you dare to do anything rebellious in the future, it will be no small matter.

Every minute, I have to go up and beat to the end.

Not much else to say, this mood and mood is vividly and vividly displayed!

Cao Teng was so witty that he immediately understood what Xue Wanren meant.

Although it was Fang Fan that he wanted to follow, the relationship between Fang Fan and Xue Wanren was there, so in this respect, naturally, it was not a big problem.

For a while, the whole heart couldn't help but relax, and the sound of breathing slowly became rapid.

There are thousands of thoughts, and all kinds of consciousnesses in my mind follow in a comprehensive way. The more I think, the more profound my feelings become.

it is more than words.

"Of course!"

"Deputy Palace Master Xue Wanren!"

"Little friend Fang Fan!"

"Don't worry!"

"I, Cao Teng, may have had problems like this before."

"But those are in the past tense."

"From this moment on, I naturally want to get serious in an all-round way, and there will never be any slack!"

"I also hope that Deputy Palace Master Xue Wanren can understand this point."

"Thank you, Deputy Palace Master Xue Wanren, for understanding!"

"It is a great honor for me to fight to the end with little friend Fang Fan and Deputy Palace Master Xue Wanfu in the future!"

Cao Teng, the lord of Guangming God City, patted his chest, and then assured him from the side.

Not much else to say, you must show your attitude at this time.

As for the rest, there is absolutely no need to follow along.

For the Guangming Academy, it actually needs an ally who can watch and help each other at this moment.

This time, Ou Yantu, the first-class saint of the Temple of the Light Alliance, was completely offended.

This Ouyang disciple is still the president of the Guangming camp stationed in the city of Yuanshi God.

Speaking of which, they are still fully constrained.

A little carelessness, the problem encountered is very serious.

The rhythm in all aspects must be steady!

This is the top priority!

Absolutely... Absolutely can't slack in the slightest!

The more I think, the more surging my thoughts follow.

The rhythm is gradually in place, and the consciousness is slowly taking off in an all-round way!

it is more than words.

The sound of breathing slowly became a lot quicker.

The young city lord of Guangming God City, Cao Man, who was beaten up violently, just woke up from his ignorance, and immediately saw his father Cao Teng nodding and bowing in front of Fang Fan.

Is this... effective?

He had seen his father's flattering and humble appearance before, and it was his father who was so flattering when facing the pope's crown.

How can this Fang Fan He De?


What kind of thing is he?

What happened to his father?

Silly? Still crazy? Still crazy?

Why... Why do I feel a little bit incomprehensible.

All kinds of messy rhythms trembled crazily in my mind, and for a while, I didn't know what to say.

Just walking forward like this, his eyes drifted, and his consciousness slowly became unconscious.

Play... It looks like it's just playing.

The thoughts are endless, and it is trembling.

All assholes!




Cao Man hobbled up, wanting to come forward to argue about something, Cao Teng, the lord of the God City of Light, kicked out immediately, and directly kicked Cao Man into the air.

From beginning to end, this posture was extremely swift and violent.

The rhythm is also very fast.

It was such a posture that was shown.

For a while, he was directly invincible.

This great situation has been negotiated.

For Cao Teng, he finally got on Fang Fan's boat, and he would look at Feihuang Tengda when he watched. How could he be disturbed by his own trash son at this time?

Strike first to be strong, then start to suffer.

Before the unlucky son speaks, kick him first so that he has no chance to speak.

In this way, the overall situation is still under his control of Cao Teng.

Cao Teng lowered his head and bowed to Fang Fan.

"Little friend Fang Fan..."


"I call it that...isn't it a bit inappropriate?"

"Should I call the crown of the true **** in advance, or the crown of the god?"

Cao Teng smiled as usual, and immediately began to show his posture.


This guy is definitely a talent.

The ability to slap a horse is extraordinary.

Dignity or anything is worth nothing in Cao Teng's eyes.

He controls his position very well, and he also knows what he should do at the moment.

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