"Prisoner God!"

"Prisoner God!"

"Heaven and earth use everything as a dog!"

"Why can't you be imprisoned this day?"

"This day! This place! All should be imprisoned!"

"Prisoner! Keep prisoner!"

"That's it! That's it!"

"Whirring whirring!"

"Heaven and earth are always changing! Things are changing!"

"I want to seal the sky!"

Suddenly, Uncle Jie began to mutter some words.

Although I don't know what he is talking about, one thing is worthy of affirmation, and that is that Tai Shujie has a deeper level of consciousness at this moment.

There is a reaction.

At this moment, the reaction became bigger and bigger.

In those eyes, the infinite essence shuddered and flickered with craziness.

it is more than words.

Such a posture, who is more to say.

For a time, his thoughts were directly invincible.

Tremors, clear rhythm, clear consciousness, surging mentality!



"Holy thief!"


Suddenly, the world changed, and dark clouds enveloped the entire Yuanshi God City!

Invisibly, there seems to be a dragon roar resounding thousands of miles away!

The feeling of excitement is locked in place, and this mentality is more to say to anyone.

"what's the situation?"

"Fang Fan!"

"What's going on inside?"

"Are you OK?"

"What is your master's name?"

"Everything yells at me to conquer the sky!"


"He's not going to be enchanted!"

"It doesn't matter if you are promoted or not, but...but don't...don't get into the mood."

"It's not that important."

The emotions gradually increased, and Xue Wanren, the deputy head of the Guangming Academy, frowned, and the worry on his face was beyond words.

The key is to see how to develop next.

This round seemed a bit wrong.

If something really goes wrong, it will be over.

Hold steady, hold steady, hold steady!

Taken together, this is the top priority!

Slight deviation, overall coolness!

This is no small matter!

Needless to say, Wu Meiling, another deputy chief of the Guangming Academy, was nervously aphasic at this moment, only knowing that she had been looking at her blankly, her heart trembled extremely.

If you are not careful, you will lose the game.

This is not a small problem.

This is a big problem! Great problem.

Break your mentality, break your consciousness! The rhythm must not be chaotic! The consciousness must be extremely clear!


At this time, Tai Shujie's body suddenly broke through the roof, and immediately there seemed to be a ball of flames surrounding and burning crazily.

Tai Shu Jie's body broke through the sky!

Immediately afterwards, the clouds in the surrounding area of ​​thousands of miles focused on the top of his head.

Immediately afterwards, a powerful pressure swept across, focusing on the top of Tai Shujie's head, as if he wanted to directly crush him to death!

But it doesn't seem to have changed at all at the moment.

From start to finish, it's still the same.

Tai Shujie's body pierced crazily in the clouds, and then left traces of the outline of the body.

Amazingly, there are two big characters: Prisoner Tian!



The thunder group suddenly gathered, and the half-god Thunder Tribulation was about to start!


"He wouldn't be because he couldn't provoke the demigod Thunder Tribulation, so...so he used this method to convict the Heavenly Dao and the True God, and then the Heavenly Dao and the shock and rage sent Thunder Tribulation to him."


"The key... the key... this Thunder Tribulation is not necessarily the half-god Thunder Tribulation, it may be the Heavenly Scourge used by the Heavenly Dao and the True God to punish you!"

"Too reckless!"

"Damn it! Damn it!"

The muttering sound followed, and the gnashing posture followed in full display. At this moment, his face turned black to the bottom of the pot while he was talking.

With many thoughts, consciousness gradually messed up in his mind.

The more I think about it, the more painful my brain becomes.

I don't want to say more about these chaotic rhythms.

How irritable one is.

After all, I don't know what it is like to be tossed.

It's nothing.

Play, just play!

On the whole, isn't it like this?


"Why is he so stupid!"

"Isn't it good to practice well?"

"I have to make such a big noise."

"Prisoner Heaven?"

"Who wants him to be imprisoned!"

"I don't know at all to avoid danger."

"What should I do if something goes wrong."

"It's all like this now, and I don't know how to restrain it anymore."

"Come back! Come back!"

"Don't be foolish, okay!"

Wu Meiling looked at Tai Uncle Jie in the sky, with a worrisome expression on her face.

Tai Shujie's body gradually moved outside the city.

There are too many people in the city, it is not suitable for crossing the catastrophe.

This time, the catastrophe is very ornamental.

It is more majestic than the previous Heavenly Tribulation of Cao Man and Lina.

At least the rhythm at the beginning is definitely okay, so the eye-catching ability is extremely strong.

"What's the moth? There is another half-god Thunder Tribulation? What's wrong recently? There are people crossing the half-god Thunder Tribulation in three days or two? Ah? It used to be difficult to produce one in a hundred years! If this trend continues, Wouldn't the demigods be ruining the streets in the future?"

"Grass! I just saw others cultivating by leaps and bounds, and it's really like a ghost when it comes to me!"

"Fuck me, I can't stand it anymore, my mentality collapsed, what should I do next? The rhythm is chaotic, and my consciousness collapsed!"

"Sand sculpture! This is the territory of the gods, and geniuses can only catch fish in the water. If we ordinary people, we can't understand anything, it's still a hard life."

"Let me see, who is crossing the catastrophe again this time! Is it from the light camp or the dark camp, or... the neutral camp"?"

"Huh? Then... Isn't that the famous undead teacher Taishu Jie of the Guangming Academy?"

"Wipe! Is it him? Is there anyone from the bright camp?"

"This should be the third person of the Bright camp to cross the Demi-God Thunder Tribulation, right? Are these people in the Bright camp taking drugs? Special, one of them counts as one, so why are they so fierce? Not anymore!"

"People are so strong, this kind of thing, there is no way, maybe it is the home of the bright camp now!"

"So it seems that the luck of the dark camp is a little bad! Everyone has to prepare early, and at the right moment, let's choose to run away."

"Run? Where do I go? I can't see the road at all, okay?"

"There is nothing around here, and my mentality collapsed."

"Hey, stop talking nonsense, go to the theater."

"I don't know if this half-god Thunder Tribulation can break the ceiling of the previous one."

"Haha! What are you dreaming about? It's time to wake up! Do you know what happened in the last half-god thunder tribulation? What happened here?"

"When the fourth demigod thunder came down, it was at the level of a false god!"

"It's really terrifying!"

"The reason why it is called the ceiling is that no one can surpass it."

"Let's watch, the future, who knows?"

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