When seeing the Pope Demon in the Dark Temple coming, everyone in the Temple of the Light Alliance seemed quite nervous.

At this moment, each of them looked at each other, and then their eyes trembled slightly, followed by many actions.

If you are not careful, you will lose the game.

Once the rhythm cannot be stabilized, the consciousness will collapse completely.

Immediately, everyone in the Temple of the Light Alliance raised their weapons and aimed directly at the Dark Pope.


"What does this mean?"

"Pope Yuwen, is this the way of hospitality in your Shrine of the Light Alliance?"

"It's not very polite!"

"As far as I am concerned, you'd better put away all your weapons."

"Otherwise, if one hand is itchy, it will kill them all."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The Dark Pope Demon laughed wildly, and then a strong momentum swept into place, knocking everything in front of him directly behind him.

He followed and walked forward on his own, his eyes flickering from time to time, and his thoughts gathered here, and everyone said everything to whom.

The mood is subtle, the thoughts are real, and the rhythm is very calm.

"All back!"

The Pope Yuwen Hanlin of the light spoke, everyone in the light camp looked at each other, and then began to quietly retreat.

"Pope Motu, what's the matter with me?"


"For this time against the Protoss, although my Light Alliance Temple is temporarily allied with your Dark Temple, the relationship between us seems not to the point where we can talk and laugh, right?"

"If there is nothing wrong with Pope Demon Tu, let's retreat too!"

Guangming Pope Yuwen Hanlin's face was cold and his eyes trembled slightly. At this moment, while talking, his eyes flashed with a special kind of light, as if he wanted to completely clean everything in front of him!

If you are in such a mood, let me tell you more.

It's real and clear.

Rhythmization gradually became clear.

Consciousness has gradually become more clear.


"Pope Yuwen is really a nobleman, how forgetful!"

"Didn't I just say it?"

"I'm here to watch the ceremony."

"This faith competition can't be seen everywhere!"

"Especially such a proud man of heaven competing with the first-class saint of your Shrine of the Light Alliance."

"This scene is more conscious!"

"Just follow the established rhythm."

"Interesting! Really interesting!"

"Not bad! Very good!"

Loud laughter came, as if to sweep everything around him completely.

The Dark Pope Demon Tu did not consider himself an outsider at all, and he walked straight over, appearing very casual.

Pope Bright: "..."

This wave is really speechless.

I feel a headache when I look at it.

What's all this stuff?

Fancy, still entangled?


What do you want to make?

Rhythm, can you stop a little bit?

The face of Guangming Pope Yuwen Hanlin looked ugly.

But at this point, he couldn't say anything, he just stood indifferently and said nothing.

The rhythm is on the spot.

I don't want to say more about the rest.

That's basically it.

It's messy! Extremely chaotic!

I don't know what is going on!

"Pope Demon Tu likes to watch, just watch it."

"After all, in terms of faith, our Bright Alliance Temple has always been better!"

"Your belief in the Dark Temple is too scattered."

Guangming Pope Yuwen Hanlin couldn't help but sneered.

This is the truth.

Generally speaking, there are not many people who defected to the Temple of the Illumination Alliance, and the clergy of the Temple of the Illumination Alliance are all respectable outside, appearing extremely pious.

To put it bluntly, this thing is actually a hypocrite.

As for the priests of the Dark Temple, they are more inclined to the type of gratitude and enmity.

What they think and do in their hearts is generally more straightforward, that is, they don't bother to involve you with what they have.

In this case, they felt a little uncomfortable, and they might have rebelled directly out of the Dark Temple.

This is determined by the special interest between the Dark Temple and the Light Alliance Temple.

Facing the ridicule of the Pope Yuwen Hanlin of the Light, the Dark Demon Emperor Motu yawned, not taking it seriously.


"What's so bad about this?"

"Kill all those who are unfaithful to the dark temple first, and what is left will be more pure?"

"Is it impossible to be like your Shrine of the Light Alliance, all hypocritical."

"Then what if something happens, and the catastrophe is imminent?"


"What's the use of such waste?"

"The trash we don't want from the Dark Temple, seems to like to run towards your Light Alliance Temple?"

"This is very interesting, is it possible that your Bright Alliance Temple is still a garbage acquisition station?"

The dark pope's word bead ji.

Every sentence sounds like that, but it's all unkind to appreciate it carefully.

At least this sounded in my ears, and I felt extremely harsh inexplicably.

This time, the brows frowned, and the sound of breathing slowly became quicker. All kinds of thoughts were messed up in his heart, and his complexion looked extremely ugly.

Such a state of mind, who is more to say.


"The advantage of tongue!"

"Speaking of which, when did Pope Demon Tu become interested in the affairs of my Shrine of the Alliance of Light?"

"Is it because there is no one in the dark temple? Now that the Pope of the Demon Slaughter needs to come out to inquire about the information himself?"

Guangming Pope Yuwen Hanlin continued to confront tit-for-tat.

Master fights, blood is everywhere!

As it is now, the more they talk to each other, the more excited they are, and the more they talk, the more surging.

Gradually, all kinds of consciousness followed the full-scale hip pull, and the brain buzzed.

Naturally, there is no need to say more about the others, and all those who understand.

The rhythm is extremely vivid!

Have a safe mind, and who else will you talk to!

"I'm not interested in the trash of your Light Alliance Temple."

"The only thing I'm interested in is little friend Fang Fan!"


"I've all heard, Fang Fan is the true pride!"

"It is invincible to be able to enter and exit three times in the Protoss main city unscathed, and even to win the treasure!"

"Such a proud man of heaven, is he still suffering from stigma and suspicion in the Temple of the Bright Alliance? A joke! What a joke!"

"Little friend Fang Fan, my Demon Tu gives you a promise, as long as you are willing to join our dark temple, you will be the young emperor of my dark temple!"

The Pope Demon of the Dark Temple was horrified when he spoke!

Young Emperor? The young emperor of the dark temple?

Is this position too high?

And this is what the Pope of the Dark Temple personally said, so he won't break his promise!

Does a Fang Fan really have such a big temptation?

This time, not only the people who ate melons were shocked, but even the Pope Yuwen Hanlin of Guangming frowned, and he felt like riding a tiger.

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