Seeing Tai Shujie's reckless and impulsive appearance, Xue Wanren couldn't help but feel a headache.

Oh shit!

This master and apprentice are really a character!

Wouldn't it be better to stop for a while?

Who do you keep doing these things?

Don't you feel a splitting headache?

This rhythm slackens in an instant, okay?

The more I think about it, the more chaotic it becomes.


"You can shut up!"

"It's all talking about business!"

"What are you messing around here?"

"What's the matter with you here!"

"You can stop!"

"Can you stay a little more stable?"

"Don't toss that some of these are gone."

"I saw you, I really took it!"

"who do you think You Are?"

"Yes, you are now considered to have succeeded in enlightenment, and your combat effectiveness has greatly increased, but what about it?"

"Have you beaten the Pope of Light or the Pope of Darkness?"


"Can't beat anyone, what are you doing here yelling about those who have not?"

"What's the point of making it buzzing and trembling here?"

"Stop it! Stop it well!"

"Please, stop making trouble!"

Xue Wanren, the deputy chief of Guangming Academy, clutched his head, and immediately looked like he was unlovable.

It's too hip.

This crazy rhythm, what do you want to say!

Chichi and crooked, endless?

Just want to follow the bullshit?

Isn't it good to be safe?

There is no point in having to do it around.

Xue Wanren, the deputy chief of the Guangming Academy, now sees Tai Shujie that his brains have swelled to the extreme.

It's nothing.


"Master, Deputy Palace Master, stop arguing."

"No matter what, I am definitely going."

"Of course, I didn't rush to the **** ladder."

"I rushed to the sacred stone."

"They have taken their **** ladder, I don't care at all."

"I plan to demolish the palace built by the sacred stone."

"At that time, it will be fine to recover the sacred stone directly."

"Isn't there another phantom of the **** stone that appeared with the phantom of the **** ladder?"

"Just that thing, just put it together at that time."

Fang Fan shrugged and said frankly, as he spoke, his eyes couldn't help but sparkle with a different kind of brilliance.

At this time, there is always a little willpower of his own.

Overall, the problem is not big!

The various rhythms gradually become extremely sharp.

Consciousness also gradually expanded into place.

This effect gradually spread.


"Boy Fang Fan!"

"I knew you were heading for the sacred stone palace!"

"Tsk! It turns out that we all have the same vision!"

"Not bad, not bad, really good!"

"Speaking of it, I actually came for that thing too!"

"Haha! Let's take off together then!"

"Boy Fang Fan, this time we can cooperate again."

"When the **** stone palace is demolished, you said that the one million **** stone fragments you owed me will also be made up!"

"Hey! Interest or something, I won't charge you, who made us brothers!"

"But...but you have to give me the principal!"

"Plus there is a little harvest in this wave, let me divide it a little!"

"This time, I have millions of sacred stone fragments in my hand."

"Get rich, get rich instantly."

Bai Piao blinked, and as he spoke, his breathing could not help but become rapid, so that his heart surging in an all-round way, he couldn't help swallowing his saliva frantically, his thoughts were in place, everything was silent.

Exciting... Exciting indeed!

The ideal is very beautiful, the wish is very hip!

The brains are still buzzing and trembling at the moment!


"For the time being, daydreaming is no longer necessary!"

"I don't know what's going on yet, just yell here!"

"Yelling, yelling, is it exciting?"

"Stop it! Give me a stop!"

"What it looks like now!"

"It's all right, have you all gotten into the eyes of money?"

"It's as if my Guangming Academy is owed to you, how can every land be more hungry than beggars!"

Xue Wanren, the deputy host of the Guangming Academy, had a black face and couldn't help but spit out.

I felt my brain trembled inexplicably while speaking, all kinds of thoughts were condensed in my heart, and all kinds of thoughts gradually became confused.

The more I think about it, the more I feel the headache! "

The rhythm of all aspects has never been controlled in place!

There are still ten days to go before the imprisonment where this so-called treasure is located!

For these ten days, it is destined to not be peaceful.

Even more people will fly towards that place.

Every eyeball is permeated with infinite spirits!

Who doesn't want to be the lucky one? Can successfully seize the treasures and even...the supreme treasure **** ladder in this god's ruins?

Of course, there are too many people paying attention to the existence of God's ladder, and under normal circumstances, there is a high probability that it will not be captured.

But are these problems? Basically, the problem is not big, everything is still in a restless stage! The overall situation can be followed by full stability!

If the **** ladder can appear in that place, what about the other treasures? Are the other babies gone?

How can there be any fools in this society now?

At this moment, the eyeballs popped out, deep in the mind, this kind of feeling was fully oppressed!

Excited, surging, and looking hot again!

Thousands of thoughts, thoughts tumbling, everything is silent.

At this time, it feels extremely exciting!

Feeling this kind of excitement will make people feel endless joy!

With such thoughts, who should I talk to!

The place where the ladder is located must be the place where the true **** once stayed. Then in the general sense of this place, isn’t it the relic of the god?

Among the relics of the gods, perhaps the ladder of the gods is just one of the more precious treasures.

There may be many more...many treasures like this!

Of course, there may not be such a precious treasure as God's Ladder, but for the practitioners of the Light Alliance Temple, the Dark Temple, and even the neutral camp, their eyes are scattered with a different kind of brilliance at this moment.

Excited heart, trembling hands, only if you have experienced it personally, can you know the endless fun!


For a while, I felt the excitement to the extreme!

Immediately began to attack swiftly toward the front!

After such an idea burst out, it naturally rushed forward regardless of it!

Such a treasure, if you can seize one, you will have no regrets in this life!

At that time, got infinite insight, and then broke into the semi-god state? Or even appreciate the essence of the pseudo-god realm?

Even if you can't enter the realm of God by then, you can crush all dissatisfaction in this big world!

Everyone is going crazy!

"Where are the Protoss?"

"They have no reason not to follow up!"

"In fact, what we need to pay attention to is the crisis brought by the Protoss."

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