Fang Fan looked at Bai Piao, then couldn't help but vomit.

He always feels that all messy things can be confirmed and encountered on him.

All kinds of messy feelings swept across, and this brain was about to split directly.

This rhythm is also loosening up a little bit.

All kinds of words, I don't want to say more.

It's numb.

It really feels numb right now.

Who do you tell Messy Heart?


"What's the meaning?"

"How come the responsibility is on me?"

"Boy Fang Fan, don't talk nonsense, boy."

"Good fellow, this matter has a hammer relationship with me!"

"It's all Tai Shujie that old fellow insists on tearing up my clothes!"

"What a nice dress I am!"

"Look at this quality..."

Bai Piao was talking, and then he put his hands on his shirt.


Torn it directly.

For a time, it was completely silent.

This scene is very surprising.

The whole person was directly numb.

Boy, what else can I say?

Thoughts, is it not good to be disordered directly?

The more I think about it, the more relevant I feel, and everything goes without saying.

The quality of the clothes is actually pretty clear at a glance.

Facts speak louder than words!

There is a hammer for those nonsense.


"Then what...then what...maybe...probably...maybe something went wrong."


"This... who knows this!"

"Just... that's it."

"It has nothing to do with me!"

"Yes! I don't want to be a fool!"

"It must be the old fellow Tai Uncle Jie!"


"That old guy has no other abilities, but no one can really outperform him in terms of eccentricity!"

"I'm definitely convinced in this regard anyway!"

"Well! That's it! That's it!"

"If this wave comes down, it's basically safe!"

"I said, all these messy things are coming over."

"Co-author, this is actually the case!"

Bai Piao's mouth has never been persuaded.

Anything, this guy can tell you the truth!

The more I talked now, the more excited I was, and the more I talked, the brilliance in the eyes became more and more surging.

Suddenly, a kind of destructive aura emerged, as if to completely wipe out everything in front of you!

So in my heart, who should I tell you more!

Immediately follow the full burst!

The rhythm is gradually calming down, and the consciousness is fully exploding!

Stable as Mount Tai! Right now!


"never mind."

"It's already like this."

"It's no use blaming anyone."

"Now, we are separated from the main force."

"Fortunately, the people under my command are still together. The six heroes of the Ten Legion, Nie Yanlina and Shenqiu Cathy..."

"In addition, there are dozens of tutor students from Guangming Academy."

Fang Fan's eyes swept across the surrounding area, followed by two familiar voices.

"Brother Fang Fan!"

"Brother Fang Fan!"

Gui Sha and Zuo Qiu Yao rushed over together.

"Brother Fang Fan, I don't think something is right here."

"I always feel a gloomy feeling."

"The surrounding atmosphere seems very problematic."

"Brother Fang Fan, there won't be any real problems, right?"

"'s quite cold."

Zuo Qiu Yao was talking, and then he shuddered subconsciously.

Generally speaking, as a cultivator, you basically don't care about things like this kind of cold environment.

It can be said that it doesn't matter at all.

Now Zuo Qiuyao not only felt the cold, but even shivered, which was enough to show that the situation here was indeed a bit strange and inexplicable.

Fang Fan squinted his eyes, his thoughts flickered silently, his brows furrowed, and his lips trembled slightly.

With the thoughts in place, the consciousness spurred more and more, and everything was silent.

Among them, there are big problems!

"The ruins of the gods...the phantom of the **** ladder...the exquisite palace built by the **** stone."

"All these show that it is not simple here, and it will never be simple."

Fang Fan licked his lips, thinking to himself, his thoughts suddenly exploded in his mind!

Fang Fan's gaze swept across the surrounding area, and the surrounding mountains were so high that it didn't look much like the real world.

"Are there restrictions on cultivation?"

"Limits on combat power."

Fang Fan seemed to have thought of something suddenly, and then his eyes swept across the surrounding area, followed by a sudden question.


"what do you mean?"

Lina and the others froze for a moment, a little bit at a loss.

"Can your weak demigod realm cultivation base be displayed?"

Fang Fan's breathing gradually became rapid, his eyes flashed in an instant, and he felt a sense of surprise inexplicably.

Interesting, it does feel very interesting.

Just follow the established path and develop in an all-round way.

"Um... okay!"

"There is no hindrance."

"Master, is there any problem?"

"Master, did you find something wrong?"

Lina asked carefully.


"That's okay."

"Let's go!"

"Explore and explore around to see if there is any special place."

"Look carefully."

Fang Fan squinted his eyes, and then continued to speak aside, his face couldn't help showing a different look as he spoke.

This seems to be quite interesting.

They come, the security.

The purpose of coming here from the beginning was very simple, that is, to find the exquisite palace built by the **** stone.

But the exquisite palace built by the sacred stone was demolished, and the sacred stone was obtained.

The legions under Fang Fan are all waiting to be fed!

Waiting for the **** stone to come all the time, so that all the legions can be promoted to the semi-god state!

The current situation, the Supreme Lord, or something, is already difficult to confuse!

To upgrade a supreme saint realm legion to a quasi-semi-divine realm, it is easy to start with tens of thousands of sacred stone fragments, which is actually a thousand yuan when converted into a normal sacred stone!

Fang Fan had gotten a sacred stone before, but that sacred stone was relatively incomplete, so he could only exchange for a hundred pieces of sacred stone.

Like that kind of complete sacred stone, one piece can be exchanged for 10,000 sacred stone fragments!

The exquisite palaces Fang Fan saw before were all made of this kind of sacred stone.

If it were all demolished, how many complete sacred stones could be demolished?

If he could gather tens of thousands of divine stones, the remaining eight sacred and noble legions under his command would be able to follow them to the semi-divine state!

With such a belief, in fact, many of the following things will be completely crushed and crushed in place.

The endless light flashes in the eyes, and his thoughts are flying in all directions, and everything is silent.

Unnecessarily exciting feeling swept through the whole body, and all kinds of rhythms naturally followed in full swing for a while.


What I want right now may be this kind of excitement.

If there is no such temptation, what is the meaning of this search journey?

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