What Fang Fan said was actually the truth.

As soon as this statement came out, the basalt giant beast naturally listened to it.

For a time, he was also thinking, and seemed to be weighing the pros and cons.

There are many things in here if you can't grasp it, it is easy to have problems.

Once the rhythm is chaotic, the problems will be big in all aspects.

Ideology must be completely collapsed, and there must be no slack at all!

Is that just for today?


Absolutely not!

The giant beast Xuanwu's gaze followed, and that's it, he couldn't get through it in his heart!

"Who just pulled the hair off my head!"

"Hand over that person to me!"

"This matter is over!"

"If not, fight to the death!"

"You don't even want to leave!"


The giant beast Xuanwu gritted his teeth, and then continued to roar.

In the end, his requirements have been reduced a lot.

Relatively speaking, it does feel a little bit.

Ideologically, it can also collapse completely.

Sounds like that.

It's just that when I feel a bit, it's not very good.

There is a problem, a big problem!

Who is this guy?

"See what I do?"

"Dont look at me!"

"Good guy! It has nothing to do with me!"

"What do you mean?"

"Good guy! Don't frame me for anything!"

"Ah! I'm very wronged, okay?"

"You... do you still have any heart?"

"It can't be done like this!"

"You don't want to send me out to keep me safe, right?"

"Boy Fang Fan!"

"You guys have something to say!"


"Don't say a word, okay?"

"Why do you have to be mysterious?"

"I can't take it anymore!"

"We can't do this! Really can't do this!"

Bai Piao gritted her teeth, and the corners of her mouth kept twitching. As she spoke, the black lines on her forehead continued to grow.

That giant beast, Xuanwu, is not a fool either.

Soon, he glanced at Bai Piao!

"It's you!"

"It's you!"

"The first **** I saw when I woke up was you!"

"This seat's hair is already sparse! You bastard, Ben, has pulled off so much!"

"Damn! Damn!"

"This seat and you are inseparable!"

"This seat must torture you well!"

The giant beast Xuanwu became mad again, and then madly charged towards where Fang Fan was, and the eyes flashed madly, as if to slaughter everything in front of him.

Such a crazy heart is suddenly bursting into place! It makes everyone tremble!


There is indeed a vague sense of excitement swept over at the moment.

Then I didn't know what to say.

The giant beast Xuanwu came towards Bai Piao.

"Can you hold up your defense?"

Fang Fan glanced at Bai Piao, in Fang Fan's impression, Bai Piao's defense has always been a bug.

To put it bluntly, Yuqiang Hengqiang!

Anyway, after fighting so many times, it is still alive and kicking.

Seeing Fang Fan's eyes, Bai Piao's heart suddenly trembled.

good guy.

Not right! It's really not right!

This kid... this kid has... a strange idea in his heart!

This kid definitely wants to do something!

You bastard!

Steady the rhythm!

Don't make all these bells and whistles.

What the heck, who can resist this?

"Boy Fang Fan, you... you don't really want to hand me over for business, right?"

"Boy Fang Fan, I can't defend myself! I can't stand it!"

"No matter how strong my defense is, it's useless!"

"Boy Fang Fan, can you still see the situation clearly now?"

"If this giant beast tortoise presses me under my body, how can I turn over!"


"At that time... I can't stand it at that time!"

"It will be killed in minutes!"

"Accurately speaking, it will be a relief to die then!"

"Boy Fang Fan, you should throw me into the small world of Chutian Pavilion!"


"Let me find my Yaya!"

"It's too dangerous outside!"

Bai Piao's nonsense is always the most! !

Muttering, endless.

It sounds like it is very useful, in fact, after a careful taste, I found that it is basically nonsense.


Word after word.

The whole brain was buzzing with tremors.

Consciousness is completely confused!


"I didn't say I'd send you out!"

"What a hurry!"

"It's not that last minute yet!"

"There's still a lot of power!"

"In the end, if you really can't stand it any longer, talk about it."

Fang Fan nodded while talking.

Bai Piao was stunned for a moment and then nodded subconsciously.

But soon, he also discovered some of these differences.

This rhythm... is not right!

"What... what do you mean?"

"Boy Fang Fan, I... I don't quite understand it!"


"Boy Fang Fan, don't scare me, okay?"

"We... we can still follow along properly, right?"

"Whirring whirring!"

"You... what do you mean, if you can't hold it any longer, you will hand me over?"

"Boy Fang Fan, we have been brothers for so many years!"

"Boy Fang Fan, you can't do this kind of thing that hurts your loved ones!"

"Boy Fang Fan, brothers are like siblings!"

"Boy Fang Fan!"


Fang Fan felt inexplicably trembling in his head.

At the moment, it was immediately followed by dizziness.

Guys, can you still do it?

But if... if you keep your rhythm steady, it won't be like this!

What a mess, why is this!

Fang Fan was just talking casually.

Forget it if you are serious, who can you show that excited look!

Not so!

Fang Fan rubbed his swollen head, now it's really a headache!

It's a mess, I don't know what it means!

chaos! chaos! chaos!


"Let the God-destroying Artillery Corps act!"

"Set up the cannon!"

"Give me a direct bombardment at this guy's glans!"

"At the same time, all the Gothic Gatling Gunners also assist in the attack!"

"Lina, Shenqiu, Cathy! You three weak demigods are attacking!"

"The rest of the legion, press me up!"

"No matter how hard this turtle shell is, it has to be broken!"

"Humph! I still don't believe it! How hard can it be!"

Fang Fan narrowed his eyes, his eyes flashing with infinite fighting intent!

Once the 2000mm caliber cannon is set up, the scene is in full swing!

The giant beast Xuanwu blinked his slightly ignorant eyes. Looking at the attacking posture around him, he became vigilant for a while.

In this case, if the weakness is really caught, it may really be defeated directly!

too dangerous.

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